
1 de enero de 2019

Reincarnations records. The Law of One in France - Part 3 - Metatron

The Law of One in France - Part 3 - Metatron -There is an aspect of "hologramic" insertion into your reality at the University of Earth.Reencarnaciones records. by James Tyberonn

Part 3 of a 3 part message

 Part 1 and 2 the   end of this                              
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelico de Luz, with Tyberonn the Cristalino Service,  and greet each and every one  Dear hearts, we perceive each of you when they read these words in your present moment.

We continue with the third and final part of this interesting message about the Law of One in France.
As briefly mentioned in the first part of this message into 3 parts, the  " Groups soulish "  tend to embody together, en masse, in repetitive cycles and patterns. This is a very effective and rational practice, since the relations in both loving as karmic, soul group are the logical format and required for growth and development.
However, certain mass influxes occur purpose, a planning and an intention to make changes for the better. This was certainly the reason for the influx of souls in Europe and France in the  " Renaissance "  and the Golden Age of France.

The Dark Ages towards a Social Renaissance
Remember that this era of history, the Renaissance occurred in an intense time when Europe was emerging from its primitive and feudal Dark Ages.
Consequently, advanced souls  " guild " specialized in the  " Law of One "  were required to embody in  " families "  influential with authority and power to bring about change. This was a very effective way, in those days and in that specific demographics, to produce a change. Required incarnate in noble families, with double - edged sword of the aristocracy, power and wealth.
By the way lives in the aristocracy and wealth are rife with temptations to indulgence, excessive opulence, control, and arrogance. When viewed from the other side of the veil, the wealth stays are usually much more risky and certainly more dangerous than the lives less  " material possessions " ... even for advanced souls. If a soul develops characteristics of arrogance, superiority, self-indulgence, excessive control, etc. You can turn that life not only in a loss, a setback, but may require many additional lives to make adjustments and corrections karmic.

Although Richelieu and Mazarin came from the  " noble class " , they were educated in monasteries and therefore disciplined, developed intellectually, and comparatively much more virtuous and men of principle, in contrast to most aristocratic upper class, royalty and top - level nobility of that time in Europe.

preparation Complex
So there was a great preparation for this influx in the  " Renaissance " , of course.
You all during its phases  " between the two 3D life " , carefully and thoroughly reviewed their actions, and deeply consider the gain, losses and mistakes made in the most recent period in duality. This involves an intricate planning, preparation for the next  " test "  at the University of Earth. By the way the planning phase involves the massive telepathic communication with all parties involved, including those who are alive on earth in 3D. Thus, the actual planning itself is as essential as the planned target; It is an intricate part of mental experience and development  " spiritual "  soul.

This planning becomes exponentially important when a Soul Guild chooses to make a massive influx group with high purpose, action plans, goals and roles. Within the Guild exist that could really be called counselors and councils, which offer great help in the process. Most of them have completed their cycle of rebirths and offer this help to bring other groups to the  " graduation "  at the University of Duality.

All souls are part of a major group of soul family, and more often choose to work in specialized guilds. This, very interesting, is done from both sides of the  " veil " . Highly advanced ingrown Guild members do this in your sleep state and subconsciously.

In the  " missions "  important all embodied a soul group members are subconsciously aware of the intent and purpose ... but few, very few, can be truly consciously aware once incarnated in the intense polarity 3D. Certainly humans have  " blinders " when they are in physical biology. However, everyone will receive telepathic communications and communications in your dream state with respect to their previously planned purpose, even if their specific role is simply silent support and ideal projection.
In the case of the Law of One in the Renaissance, literally hundreds of thousands were involved in the organization and fine-tuning of intent, accepting the challenge given, and assign various subgroups and members different roles to play. Then the physical existence the roles they encounter the obstacles of duality, which must be overcome in a realm of free will often be tough and difficult.

The Cathars and Intervention Process

Previously, many of the Law of One were embodied in France as the Gnostics, called Cathars. They were brutally massacred in the beginning of the Inquisition, the militant wing of the Roman Catholic Church to prevail. Many of them certainly returned in their effort to block the Inquisition and separating church and state ... and certainly in times of British Tudor and the French Sun King this was achieved with time.

However; although intervention, or  " supernatural intervention " , as you called Edgar Cayce, can and does occur in the realm of  " free will "  only truly allows, usually at certain junctures of the timeline ... in  " crossroads on the way to the timeline. "
Perhaps a better analogy would be that, in the river of terrestrial linear time, parts go through dangerous rapids. In these perilous flows, specialized guilds offer oars and carrying through the eddies and dangers. But it is not  " God " itself who intervenes; is the superior collective mind, the divine aspect of humanity in gestalt. Such interventions are intended and only met for the improvement of the human condition, and to enable the path leading to Ascension more adequately.

Torsion Time
So keep in mind that the experience of the Earth is an illusion with purpose. Nothing, including its  " future and past "  is fixed. Everything is really happening in the time now in the Bull of space and time. So we tell them that space and time do not behave, do not exist in the solid format that you humans believe in his physical system. Certainly from their limited perception, time flows and space it seems fixed, stationary, but in truth both are dynamic and each flows through the other. This means that both can bend in ways that humanity still does not capture or dominate, but both really are mental constructs.   

Mankind today perceived material existence / physical only what comes in three dimensions. Its broader real picture occurs simultaneously in many other dimensions. Incidentally, other versions of space-time, in what can be considered probable realities, are juxtaposed as parallel versions of the Omni Earth.

Guilds Soul, specialized advanced souls, may therefore appear, participate, or temporarily interfere sometimes with purpose in the three-dimensional system from other dimensions, including directing a probability to another dimensional reality. The life force, the flow of vital energy of a soul group, or guild as a spiritual family unit with unified purpose, moves throughout the entire unit with a plan.

The Law of One in France

Primordial purpose:

 stop the forces of the Inquisition  Belial  meeting at the Austrian Habsburgs and the Spanish Royal Courts, consolidating in France.

 Lobbying for the separation of church and state.

It started with the highly unlikely event  ( which was actually an intervention ) , the destruction of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

It was completed with the final defeat of the Spanish forces and the Habsburgs by France, through the consolidation of power orchestrated by Richelieu, and the completion of the destruction by Mazarin and Louis XIV. But note that there were a large number of  " Guild members "  playing roles, duties and tasks in a massive psychic collaboration to accomplish this task. This had been achieved essentially to half the remarkable 72 - year reign of Louis XIV.

Both Richelieu and Mazarin were highly involved in the difficult task of consolidating power and separate church and state. The consolidation of power in the King of France was absolutely necessary to remove and remove the feudal aristocracy. This resulted in a huge hatred for these two brave men. For these two, Richelieu and Mazarin, faced the impact of anger and resistance. It was difficult, but they were assisted by thousands, openly and subconsciously.
Both faced constant death threats, conspiracies to murder, and sinister machinations of the court to discredit them and present them as traitors, seeking his beheading for disloyalty to the king. However both were supported and remained in power.

Both were poisoned on several occasions, but miraculously survived. Both paid a fee for their hard and honorable achievements, they met great odds against them, with the support of the Guild.

Interestingly, both men, Richelieu and Mazarin, died, made their transition during their 2nd. Return of Saturn, which is very significant, although not recognized as a mark of a leader of a mission Guild, Guild planning missions in your life with the clever use of astronomical gravities patterns.

Reencarnaciones records.
 J. Tyberonn - Insertion Editor. There are few references to the French phases Louis XIII to XV given to people who asked E. Cayce readings. Many are directly and deeply asociadlas with the  " Royalty "   and  " Cardinals "  Prime Ministers  (Richelieu and Mazarin ) .

Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI all reincarnated  ( according to the Cayce readings )  in America in the early twentieth century. It is interesting that 2 of the 3 readings had life, but the reincarnated soul that had been Louis XIV had a reading health  ( very different from a reading of life ) . The  " health lecture " given by Edgar Cayce in 1933 therefore concentrated on specific physical issues, according to the order, and very few details were added about past lives, except to mention that he had been Louis XIV. 2 life readings gave more details about past lives, losses and gains and personality characteristics, advantages and shortcomings.

In reading E. Cayce 2508-1,  ( Alma Louis XIV )  Channeling of Edgar Cayce he stated that the man had been the Sun King of France, Louis XIV, and announced  "Much could be said of the latent capabilities. "  The readings do not publish the real names of people who have readings, however the information is recorded and stored in the Cayce archives at the Headquarters of the ARE in Virginia Beach. Louis XIV was reincarnated as a car salesman,  leading a life of the working class !
Note here, the transfer from the wealth and aristocracy to a more difficult life in the material, but a life in which the unfortunate aspects of arrogance, superiority and control over others are not  " supported "  by the fact the lifetime.

 Louis XV and Louis XVI
 According to his reading of life, Louis XV reincarnated as a man of the working class, middle class, and suffered from extreme attacks that Cayce readings informed him that it was a karmic result of sexual excesses and opulent indulgences.

Louis XVI reincarnated in the Americas in the twentieth century and was a quiet but respected doctor. Reading stated that his wife  ( now )  in the twentieth century was reincarnated Marie Antoinette. Reading also established that Luis XVI, although it was a careful soul, was a fairly indecisive leader, a defect ... and that if he had heeded the warnings of his advisers and acted quickly, he, his queen and her children they could have escaped beheading refuge in Austria. Unfortunately he waited too long .

Egyptian Connection
Louis XIV, according to the Metatronic readings, had been a pharaoh in the 18th dynasty, and many members whether  " Corte Real French "  were present in Egypt during his reign. Interestingly , the Pharoahs of that phase of Egypt considered themselves descendants of the sun god, Amun-Ra, and of course, Louis XIV called himself the  " Sun King " .

Amenhotep III was also a prolific builder of temples, had many wives, and he reigned 40 years in a phase of Egypt   " Golden Age "  in the 18th Dynasty. His son, Amenhotep IV  ( also known as Akhenaten )  was absolutely the  " Law of One " .

Of these  " threads "  of reincarnations you can clearly see that the lives of  "power and authority " usually followed by periods scenarios  " common "  or working class.

All individuals on earth have already been kings, queens, peasants, celebrities or criminals, all cross towards life after death, individually and equally. When entities complement each experience in Earth's duality, they transition and are accepted in the spirit realm with absolute parity. Because his superior I realize that the lessons of the Earth's duality, in both demanding and very real sensuously, are an illusion with purpose ... an apprenticeship program.

What few know, outside the ARE, is that Edgar Cayce incarnate, in his readings, as a grandson  " hidden "  Louis XIV. His father was the future King of England, James V. He died in his childhood, before age seven; It was a brief karmic life.

Without complying with what happened in the time of Louis XIII and XIV, the Forces of Belial, dark energy, which infiltrated the Church of Rome would have conquered all of Europe and established an aristocracy of feudal system in the  "New World " . This was a critical juncture in time. North America had been colonized by the method of  " cutting "  that took place in the conquest and colonization of South America.

Imagine, if you can, if South America was one united country. Imagine if America had been divided into a dozen smaller countries. The world would have been very different from that currently inhabit, especially in Europe and the Americas. Europe in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth would have been controlled by the Spanish hierarchy / Habsburg. In the twentieth century, both Europe and Britain have fallen under Nazi control of the 3rd. Reich, as the United States would not exist.
It was a fascinating time, and played a key role in the advancement of humanity in ways not often seen or truly understood, because there is certainly an aspect of insertion  " hologramic "  in your reality at the University of Earth.

But everything is an illusion, an illusion with a higher purpose. Before you there is a great future.

Do not hesitate, because goodness is the destiny of humanity,  the only result   Because Love, complexity and divinity of love is the greatest force.
I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of Cristalino Service, and we share with you these truths. You are beloved !
And that's ... And so ...

All Rights Reserved duly 2018
Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

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