
30 de abril de 2019

Heavenletters: The God of Oneness

God said:
At every moment, you can know that you are in My awareness. There is not a moment in Eternity when you are not in My awareness, for I love and, therefore, you are constantly in my awareness. I know nothing else but to think of you. Certainly, you must know that I do not sit around thinking of Myself. Or, I suppose We can say that thinking of you is the same as thinking of Myself.
In the dream of separation, you and I are two. In the Reality of All That Is, We are One. In that sense, there is nothing I can think about but Myself. And, yet, I know you understand that I am not self-centered. I suppose We could say that I am Self-centered which means I am loving you every moment. You are the love of My life. You are My life. You live My life. I live My life in you. I love Myself.
You twirl the world on the fingers of your thoughts. It has been said in song that love makes the world go round, and that could not be closer to the Truth. Love spins the world. Love spins the world so fast, differences are blurred, and all becomes One, not Oneness itself blurred, but Oneness clear, sparkling, lovely.
In the world, it is as if you chip away at Oneness as you try to absorb it. You really can take Oneness in one gulp.. You don’t have to take Oneness apart in order to know it and know it deeply! Just toss love into the ring, and Oneness appears, and Oneness will win as, of course, it must, and as it does. Love always comes out ahead.
Oneness is so simple. It is simpler than anything else. Oneness has no complexity to it. How could it? And yet it is analyzed and chopped into little pieces so it can be put back together again. When Oneness is not taken apart, there will be no need to put it back together. Let Oneness be Oneness. Even though there is only Oneness, paradoxically, Oneness is for All!
Who can analyze love, beloveds? Love is to be given, and love is to be accepted. What more is there to say? What more is there to be done?
In your search for love which you crave to find, you are like fish in the water looking for water. Except you are human beings looking to measure love, to look at love, put it in a jar and cap it, as if love were something you own. Love is something to take to heart, and yet there is no lid on love. The human heart expands to make room for all the love in the world. You are that love. That is who you are. That is your true nature. Have you perhaps been swimming against the current of love? You will never get anywhere.
You who already swim in the Ocean of My Love, now know it. If you don’t know it, imagine it. Imagine that the air you breathe is My love, and breathe it. Imagine that every view from your window is My love painted so you will know the depth and extent of My love and My attention on you. Imagine that every bite of food you take is the nourishment of My love. If every bite you take is My love, then you are eating well.
Love, beloveds, love. Intake love, and radiate love. Do it now, for the God of All is loving you this minute in Eternity.
» Source » Channel: Gloria Wendroff
Greetings human. We are the Ascended Dragons. I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, breathe our fiery breaths of encodements, of light, of love, of bravery onto your crowns now. Feel them open up and spin like the spiral galaxy you are currently in. Oh, you are in many other places as well, but the majority of you is likely focused on this key embodiment, in this key time and place where the light rends the dark and transmutes it.
Victory to the light! Do not be timid! Be emboldened by these new energies of light, of love, of power. Surround yourselves within these energies like armor, and create your shield of pure intention. No matter what may slink your way you are ready. In your Hollywood movies you have not had an accurate depiction of a truly beautiful, loving dragon. You have had murderers and idiots. We are ascended. We wish to make our presence known in your realm and so we do so now with these encodements of pure dragon fire of love.
We transmute all things. I Alisheryia am speaking. It is time for the divine feminine to rise from the ashes like your phoenix tales. For that is what we see now. Through the eyes of Source, through our golden dragon eyes of all seeing Source light we see you in your resurrection, in your fire of the new resurrection embracing the change around you and becoming it. We see many wounds that have healed and those new ones that would be created by circumstance quickly transmuted away into light, retaining the lessons. Human friend, be not afraid of what is to come. Do try to enjoy the adventure of it. For this is a most glorious adventure on Gaia in this now and it behooves you to see with the eyes of a child, of purity, of joy and happiness. Trust that all is working out for you most beautifully. Feel your feminine strength, and this goes for the males as well. You must be in a state of balance and ease for these energies to not singe you a bit. Do you see? It is like flying high and strong, fast and free with equally balanced wings. If one wing is smaller you will fly in a circle. Rowing a boat, you must have equal oars or you will go in a circle. Do you see? The time of circles and reinventing problems to be solved is long past. No! Now you are to fly fast, straight and sure, powerful in your mastery. Now is your time to fly. To be in joy! To be in freedom! Embrace your freedom. Look around you, do you see who holds you down? No one. No one except yourself, the small tiny self of you that heeds to 3D concerns and deserves no more time. Blast it with your violet fire, thank it for its service and inform it that you are past, you are ascended and you are flying now. Gather the other wounded parts of you throughout all time-space and do the same. Inform them that the time of ascension and transmutation is upon them and they are complete. And be complete. You are a majestic being of glory, of love, of light, of pure joy. Command your reality to reflect this in perfect love. And fly straight fast and sure. I am Alisheryia. I breathe upon you into your sacral flame now, igniting balance within the carnal part of you. Balance. Freedom. Choice. Love. Feel the difference. Now invite that flame to extend all the way up your spine into your crown, and feel the balance within you grow.
I Elthor see with my golden eyes of Source light. There are many who do not believe that they are in need of balance. They are speaking and seeing from the ego. Balance is always something that may be improved upon, honed, polished, perfected. Balance of male and female power is not to be underestimated in its importance. Human, it is time to figure this out as a collective. And this is part of the process. The fires have been ignited. The divine feminine has spoken. There were many times in your history where it was the opposite, where the feminine abused, manipulated. Some of your women try to do this as well in this now. Those were the old ways. No, the divine feminine and the divine masculine must be in perfect balance. You are tight rope walkers with these new energies. Balance is key to keep you upright, strong, sure. No more manipulation. Power over others is complete. That which is out of balance will fall. Crash. Burn.
Nova Gaians are to be masters of harmony, of peace, of purity, of delight. Nova Gaian families are to be radiant examples of light, of joy, of procreation. Hatchlings are to be cared for with reverence, firm love and deep joy, gratitude to the All for the experience of parenting. One learns much balance from parenting. All flaws are exposed in parenting. True. To those shes who were not mothers in this lifetime there has been deep sadness and pain. Mothers-to-be, let me breathe my fire on you now. I Alisheryia join. Together, divine male and female, we ignite you. We help heal your pain. We transmute and ease, the pattern of the pain. We transform it into light. Your children are not lost. They are waiting for you on the other side or they are beside you as an angel, waiting for you.
The universe is vast, astounding in synchronicities and abounding in love, deep love. Feel Source’s breath, Source’s love. Feel Mother God’s arms about you. You are Christed. You have been always this but now you are remembering and the encodements are such that this will be best reflected in the outer. Those who want to be parents may be this in Nova Gaia. Bodies will work perfectly. You will be perfect in your physical perfection. Everything will work seamlessly. Pull this reality to you now. Declare it to be your truth now. Here. In this moment. Proclaim your health, your infinite beauty, your perfection of balance here and now. Life is tenacious. Life clings in this reality as if it is afraid of falling off. In higher dimensions, life and love hold hands. Life loves love, love lives life. All is one. There is nothing to cling to in that there is nothing to be lost. No clinging in fear.
Life is a dance. Life is a movement of love. Life is love in the higher ways of doing things. Such is to be your future, your reality. It is already so. And so mothers-to-be, as Mother’s Day approaches, fear not. Fathers-to-be, you have much to prepare for. For together you will be building a new reality with strong families of love and light as its backbone, its key skeletal foundation. The family unit will be strong, and yet not constricting. There is so much too unlearn. Hatchlings will be safe to swim and breathe underwater. Mendings will be easily figured out. No fear of death or disability. Humans, friends, you have much to look forward to. For now, see this future and claim it. It is enough, for it is an excellent start to manifesting. Should you require more energy work we are available to you. No appointment necessary. We are multidimensional after all, as are you.
I Elthor and I Alisheryia stand before you now. Do you see our many hatchlings running about? They were too eager to stay away any longer. You are surrounded by dragons of light and love, friends. Feel their whimsical, growing energy as they experiment with their power and light. In many ways they remind us of you. For they will be mighty creatures, they already are but they are unaware of their strength and beauty. For now they are simply love. And it is enough. I Elthor and I Alisheryia, representatives of the ascended dragon collective, send you our fiery breath of blessing this day. We are with you for as long as you require. Rest in this space for awhile. We love you. Peace.
» Source » Channel: Galaxygirl
Dear Ones,
You are no longer as you were.
Even though you have heard that phrase over and over, we wish to highlight an area you might not yet understand. For new actions and thoughts are bombarding you, as well as all those open to their new beings.
You are likely discovering you can “hear” what others are not telling you. Or you know something without words. Neither of which is any more exceptional to 5D than learning to read.
But you are discovering these skills without understanding why you are doing so or if the information is accurate. For your 3D world was a fact-based world that did not allow for in-depth feelings, sensations, or as many of you label it “woo woo” messages.
Some of you are concerned that by accessing hidden thoughts and feelings you are invading the privacy of others. We will remind you that once you or anyone crossed the 5D Rubicon, open communication became the operative interaction. So it is those you can “read” or “know” without words have either given you unspoken permission to better understand them or have accepted openness as part of their new world.
For some of you, such openness is personally frightening for you do not always know what others know about you. Throughout your 3D earth lives, you hid your inner-most thoughts and feelings from even those you loved dearly. As a result, only a small portion of who you were was available to those with whom you interacted.
So it is this openness, this honestly is a bit unsettling for you. Not because you are a terrible person, but because your inner-most thoughts have been hidden for so long. You are concerned that as a result of exposing those thoughts you will be friendless, alone, punished, sad, or any other feeling you attached to exposing your true self earth lifetime after lifetime.
You have an inner fear that true you is not acceptable, that you will be isolated even more than many of you have been the past few months.
You do not believe your emotions are pure enough, loving enough, or kind enough to be exposed to the world. So it is you are now feeling uncomfortable in many settings. Not because you are acting or speaking incorrectly, but instead that others may be able to “read” you beyond words. And no matter how diligently you try to explore your world and others in love, your 3D habits often override your 5D intentions.
Please know that all of you are learning together. And just as you “catch” yourself being more 3D than 5D in your thoughts, so are others.
Perhaps you remember how derogatory terms for races, genders, or others unlike you were often the common language for you and your friends until such became socially unacceptable. Did you not initially stop using derogatory labels because it was socially unacceptable to do so? Even though at first you believed such social reactions silly, you eventually became uncomfortable with derogatory terms because you no longer thought or acted in those terms.
Something similar is happening to you now. Initially, knowing that others can “read between the lines” in your statements will be uncomfortable – maybe even anger producing. But in time, such skills, such interactions will seem right and normal.
All of you are novices learning how to interact without words. So it is at times, others will note unloving thoughts radiating from your being, as you will note the same of them. For none of you are yet versed well enough in this skillset to interact without some discomfort and a few apologies.
You are remembering how to be free. Even though your 3D thoughts were free, that freedom cost you in terms of hiding who you truly were – for the need to fit in was more important than the need to be. Such is no longer true and will never be again. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

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