
24 de abril de 2019

Life Tapestry Creations: Our New Universal Reports by EraOfLight

life tapestry creations eraoflightdotcom
Dear Ones,
Your need to be part of a community is designed to help you find your universal relatives – those with whom you have traveled through eons of locations and times.
Many of you are shifting those of your community acknowledging that some will remain, while others are no longer of interest. Such is so because you have completed those interactions or karma.
Some might find such actions mean or cold as those beings have traveled with and loved you for eons. Yet, now that your karmic ties are complete you no longer wish to have them in your life.
Your being is a never-ending gatherer of Universal information. But because you have completed pieces with this or that individual, it is time for both of you to perform new information gathering activities.
You created contracts with one another so you could explore certain emotions, physical activities, or dimensions. Now that you have finished exploring those pieces, new entities experimenting with different aspects of totality interest you.
In a sense, all entities write their interests on a large whiteboard and those who have similar interests sign up to explore that activity with those beings. To explore those emotions or actions, the two must coordinate dimensions, locations, age, racial identities, gender, etc. So that even though several entities wish to explore similar activities or emotions, such cannot happen without acceptance from both of many similar layers.
Such fine-tuning might seem extremely difficult, but it is a relatively easy flow. So it is many interact in the same location, time, activity, etc. creating a flow in which entities find one another with limited difficulty.
Many of those blended lives are ending – perhaps after eons of interacting – only to create new interactions with different goals. For the interactions, you completed in this earth lifetime, were fear-based. Your new interactions are based on love.
Those who do not understand this shift might speak harshly of those who have “outgrown” them. You merely need to remember others were once the center of your world for they were instrumental in teaching you how to fear. The same will now happen in learning to love.
You might want to think of those who interacted with you in fear as important as the Dick and Jane books from which you learned to read. Even though those Dick and Jane books offered you reading skills that you will treasure for the remainder of your earth life, you did not pursue that level of reading material once you mastered the written word.
So it is now. You have mastered fear. Even though those fear lessons will guide you to love, fear is no longer required as a counter-point. For you could not have fully understood an earth life of love without the counter-point of fear you mastered throughout the past eons.
You are setting the stage for eons of earth love you will likely visit in other earth lives. But if and when you do, you will only interact with those who wish to experience love in the earth plane.
So it is you have set the stage for love – something you are just beginning to experience through new thoughts, actions, and interactions.
Even though you may mourn those you left behind in fear, know that they can join you if they so wish in this life or other lives. For Universal dimensions – of which the earth is now part – are bathed in love. It was only earth and a few other places that you and those as adventuresome as you were able to explore fear and other emotions not bathed in love.
The result of your nonlove experiments became reports for those of the Universes to study, review, learn from, and shift. So it is you are a teacher of the most significant and bravest magnitude. Allowing you to explore emotions and actions others of the Universes did not wish to because of the heavy burden such explorations incurred.
Now that you have evolved beyond your fear explorations, you are encouraged to explore and reward yourself with joy. The joy explored and expressed by the majority of Universal entities.
Granted, there will be times when you miss the sharpness, if you will, of fear or emotional pain. Not because you have to, but because such was your program for so many eons. But gradually, you will adjust to the ease of living your new truth.
Even if you wish to return to pain, your attempts will turn out as you once wished they would have. You are a different person in a different world. Pain and fear are yet available on the earth, but there is no reason for you to explore either as your new class, your new learning pieces are of love, joy, and ease.
Learning new class experiences will seem uncomfortable initially, but oh so wonderful once you accept you no longer need to report pain and fear. Your new reports are about shifting your emotions from fear to love. So be it. Amen.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel:  Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

The Elohim: Preparing for the Leap into New Earth

elohim beings eraoflightdotcom
We are the Elohim.
Today marks an important day in the inner life of Earth’s humanity. As people come to realize what has been achieved on this day, they will view it as a great victory: a triumph of light over darkness. Today marks the end of a long period of confinement, ignorance and suffering of humans on this planet, and the beginning of something entirely new and better.
Humanity’s liberation is a process that has long been in the works, and will unfold to completion over the coming years. By our reckoning, today is the day it begins in earnest.
What’s so special about today? Today is the day that humanity as a collective being has unanimously resolved – in its collective heart and mind – upon its own liberation. Your liberation has begun because together you have dared to choose and enter a shared reality that is open, free and aligned with cosmic life.
This possibility has been on the table for awhile! But the inspired messages of prophets and visionaries, and the whisperings of angels, have been ignored by the apathetic, the pessimistic and the chronically distracted. And the best possible outcome has been disparaged and feared by humanity’s tyrants, whose identity pivots on the domination of others. But somehow – and not a moment too soon – everyone has agreed on getting to the best possible outcomes for humanity on Earth.
This represents a dramatic leap. It is especially important to note that this profound transformation could not have happened without your collective resolution. All the help in the universe amounts to nothing without your wholehearted choice.
Now we are the first to admit that this is not an event of your outer world. It is rather an event of your inner life. Your inner life is personal, but also collective. The inner lives of individuals are interconnected, and form a larger whole: the inner life of humanity. This principle is something that many people have forgotten, but begin to recover now. And this recovery is vital, because together you must reconstitute everything about your awareness, identities and life. You must do this together. Success is only possible if you can feel, think and act upon the foundation of your common being. Although that common being has been forgotten, it is real, and fully recoverable.
You cannot enter your new reality merely through plans and actions among your discrete individual selves. On New Earth you will be conscious of your oneness with one another, your planet, and the whole of universal life. This joining in consciousness is a fundamental feature of your liberation process. This is a mass migration from separation to oneness.
What will New Earth look like? How will your inspired collective choice manifest in your lives? We don’t entirely know, because it is largely up to you.
Now we come to the more challenging part of our message. Many people reading this will be familiar with its content, which has been introduced in various forms over recent years. But today’s collective advance creates an opening for an emphatic reminder.
As humanity gradually recovers its awareness, it has begun to recognize that the Earth – Gaia – is a conscious living being that sponsors and provides for humanity and other forms of life. Perhaps less advanced is humanity’s appreciation that Earth’s sun – Sol – is a conscious living being that sponsors all the planets in orbit around it, and intelligently oversees the evolution of life upon them. Forgetting these things doesn’t make them any less true or real: only harder to benefit from.
The hierarchy of suns, branching out from a Great Central Sun, forms an important part of the universal architecture. Recalibrations of solar systems and planets are periodically administered through the hierarchy of suns. A local sun will receive, interpret and deliver information channelled through the hierarchy from the Great Central Sun. A recalibration typically occurs when a long celestial cycle ends and a new one begins.
This takes the form of a rapid and intense increase in solar activity and output – a burst of energy – which significantly affects orbiting planets and their life forms. These watershed events encode solar pulses with transformative information, which planets and species receive and respond to by changing.
In a few years, Earth will undergo a major recalibration as the result of a major solar burst or flash that will mark the start of a new epoch. At that time, the modal frequency of life on Earth will be significantly and permanently elevated. Geophysical changes may also be expected.
Some proportion of humanity will die instantaneously during this event. Nervous systems that are not sufficiently prepared for the volume and frequency of energy from the solar flash will simply burn out. This is not a matter of heavenly judgement about who is worthy and unworthy to remain on the Earth, but rather an acid test of who is biologically and energetically prepared to survive the shift.
A version of Earth that supports life in unity rather than separation will run at a much higher frequency. The gradual frequency increase that you’ve all experienced in recent years will culminate in a large and rapid frequency jump during the solar flash. Your personal history of frequency adjustment will determine if you can retain your current physical form through this powerful event.
Some of those who die during the solar flash will be able to reincarnate on New Earth, while others will reincarnate on other planets for experiences that are more appropriate to their accumulated choices. Today’s collective choice by humanity on Earth accommodates all these diverse scenarios. Even those whose passion and vision directs them away from New Earth now agree that it should become real for those who want it. The implications of this change in humanity’s inner life for humanity’s outer prospects are positive and deep.
Two questions quickly arise among those who hear this information for the first time. One question is ‘How many people will die?’. The other question is ‘What is the nature of geophysical change, and how disruptive will it be?’. And the answer to both questions is the same: It depends mainly on what humanity does with its consciousness between now and the solar recalibration.
The more that humanity rises to this opportunity and deliberately grows its consciousness, the higher the number of persons who will survive the solar flash, and the broader the biological base for reincarnation. Similarly, the more that human consciousness grows to embrace Gaia and respect other forms of life – graduates from using and abusing them – the less severe the geophysical response to the solar flash will be.
In general terms, the more that humanity comes to honour Gaia and Cosmic Intelligence, the more they will be able to protect and assist humanity through this powerful transition. This general answer can be interpreted in light of contemporary physics, religion, philosophy or everyday social intelligence. Take your pick.
It may be daunting to think that humanity has only a few years to reverse millennia of negative conditioning. On the other hand, at this time humanity is also given vastly expanded freedom and opportunity to change its consciousness according to its heartfelt intention. The stakes are raised, but so are your powers.
If the solar flash were to come today, more people would die than survive, and cataclysmic events would be likely to occur. However, within a few short years, a majority of people can survive, and geophysical consequences are likely to be much more manageable.
Practical preparations are advisable but insufficient. Humanity must prepare itself within. And today marks an important beginning.
Two weeks ago, the channel for this message prepared an affirmation for his daily practice. He includes it below at our suggestion, to illustrate the shift in awareness that we encourage you all to pursue:
We humanity of Earth resolve with Gaia upon unity.
We proclaim the liberation of our planet and our species. 
We initiate the full restoration of our human form and purpose.

We thank all those who have taught us on our journeys.
We apologize to all those whom we’ve harmed.
We forgive all those who’ve exploited and abused us, and we release them.

We thank Gaia for sustaining us. 
We gratefully receive the blessings of all who support our growth in love. 
We release our past selves of separation and become our new selves of Oneness.
Unlimited help is available to you upon request. We are confident of your success.
We are the Elohim.
» Shared per request via email » Channel: Tarashtan

Karena of the Sirian High Council: You Are Being Prepared For First Contact
star family eraoflightdotcom
I am one that is new to this group. My name is Karena.
I am of the high council, Sirian high council, Sirian High Command. Just as there is the Ashtar Command, just as there is the Jupiter Command, just as there is the Pleiadian High Council, I, Karena, of the Sirian High Command, am now able to be with you, with this group.
And it is purposeful that many, many more of us are, and will become introduced to you because as KaRa had said several times, you are being prepared for first contact. It is important that you become aware of so many more of us, because we are all your brothers and sisters.
There are those of you, those in this group, as well as those who resonate to these words, some of you are Sirian background, some of you are Pleiadian background, some Arcturian, and so on, and so on. So many different civilizations are here beckoning to you, reaching out to you to assist and guide in any way that we can.
Now it is all about preparation. Yes, you have been acclimating to these energies for some time. That is all purposeful. You are also being prepared for what has been called, and is being called, first contact. You will come to understand what first contact means. It is not simply that you will be up on our ships, although that can be a part of it. This is first contact, as we are doing now, and I am doing now, as KaRa has been doing, as Ashtar has been doing with you. Many, many more will become introduced to you.
Because the vibrations have increased enough across the planet with your collective consciousness, we can now move into this phase of our planning of the Great Plan of the Universal Source. For it is the Universal Source that is directing all of this. We are but those that are being directed, those that are implementing The Plan. Those of you on the ground, the “boots on the ground,” are also implementing The Plan. Even if you don’t know what The Plan is, you are implementing this. You are putting it into motion just simply by your understanding that you affect the entire matrix. You affect the universal consciousness all around you.  It is all a part of the whole. You as individuals are also part of the whole. You are both individual and whole at once.
And it is time now, more and more, as these vibrations continue to increase, it is time that you come to understand what your missions are, how you came to be here, and all that has led up to this particular moment in your lives.
For as many have said, the moments that are ahead are going to greatly change your lives, for it won’t be business as usual for much longer. Everything is going to go somewhat (your terminology) “topsy-turvy.” Because the vibrations, as they continue to rise, cannot be in the lower vibrations, cannot mix the two. There cannot be a three-dimensional place as the vibrations of the planet continue to rise and rise. She will not hold that three-dimensional space forever.
I, as Karena, leave you now in peace and love, and to ask each and every one of you to share whatever you can of these words to those who are ready for it.  It is time more and more now to reach out to your brothers and your sisters to help to prepare them for all that is ahead.
Peace and love be with all of you.
» Source » Channel: James McConnell

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