
1 de diciembre de 2023



Your creative power and empowerment is greater than you can imagine!


Hello my dear living lights.

If you learn to direct your consciousness, at least once an hour throughout the day, by setting an intention or communicating with the field of light energy, putting out there a 'blueprint', a program, a shaping of an idea, because it is the shaping of an idea, ideas shape and build reality.

The more you practice this, but quickly and quietly, the stronger you will become. 

And you will be fulfilling a plan that you have agreed to set into motion.


Ideally, you will be planting seeds with your mind. 

And You will reclaim your right. 

And you will assist in restoring to normalcy the concept that humans create their reality with their mind, with their imagination. 

Imagine what you can do if you set your intentions based on consciousness and the flowering of that consciousness to empower all people.

Do not think that the forces of shadow and darkness that they can overcome you,  that you are a puny little nothing and that what can you do compared to these powerful Giants and Reptiles and Global Elites and Anunnakis Elites, whoever, and all the ones that you imagine are so big out there.

Once you are grounded, you cannot fry out.

So, stay grounded. 

Have a nice strong aura. 

The stronger the aura, the stronger the protection.

And what are you protecting yourself from?

From anything that's out there that might want to smack you around a bit and throw energy at you. 

Its all going to bounce off of you.

Your job is to prove to yourself and to set a legacy for humankind, of a new way of being, a simple way of being. 

A way that lifts off the fear. 

A way that creates a new blessing for a new era.

And that is where you are at now. 

You are helping to build this new era. 

And we are helping shape the ideas along with you.

So, that gives you a general idea of what we want you to know and to start with.

Make an intention that you will use the energy that We are transmitting - it brings you vitality, health, it uplifts your energy field and that you are able to create whatever it is that you wanted.

The "New Era" predicated on a flowering of consciousness. 

Let's say the "New Era" began right after the 'nano' ended. 

So, December 22, 2012 you entered in the 'New Era'.

Yes, it take a while to shape itself.

What is it going to be now?

Its going to be  basically a clash between the technology of the mind and consciousness, and the ability of people  not in a military fashion, they are very interested in developing human psychic warriors to have you be able to move objects with your mind and this kind of thing.

Oh, there's lots of organizations that train young children to attempt to do this. And they're looking for those who have these rare talents.

But, as adults you will see that this development of the mind over a dependence upon technology. 

That technology, this is what's going to be weighed in the next months to a year. And, of course, the technology is growing ever more lethal in its usage, and how its being applied.

And so too, understand, that as this technology develops, so too, are the inner technologies developing in various people.

You have not reached critical mass. 

Critical mass is basically when a certain number of beings operate at a certain frequency, or a certain number of people have built a thought form. 

And the thought form has so much energy it transmits the idea.

And then suddenly people its in the air, they get and then they have it.

These next number of years from 2012-2024, we call that the "Changeover Time". 

And this phase of 2022-2024 has been very intense.

These are the real deceleration slowdown. 

There is going to be big stuff economically and you are in the window of complete Earth changes during this particular time, because of the Uranus-Pluto squares with Aquarius lines.

You have this radical element and you have the very solid Earth element. 

There was fire and earth slides. 

Already had all the  volcanic release, earth changes release. 

These this were the highedt from now 2013 through 2019.

How did we dealt with all this? 

How did we dealt with weather wars, weather control, earth naturally releasing, the astrological influences dismantling everything?

By Grounding.

You ground yourself, you strengthen your auric field, you use the chakras to bring energy in and out. 

You use intentions, and you do it more and more consciously throughout the day. 

Its not something that you just do once and a while, its not something that you hear about on the social media platforms. 

It becomes your mode of operation. 

You begin to operate on a bunch of different levels.

That is what the 'New Era' end of cycle will require to anchor it in.

The "Changeover Years"  begun the first 4 years was very, very intense. 

Then from 2017-2025 about 9 years there. 

This phase will be a re-examining of what consciousness is and who has consciousness. 

And really, in the United States rewriting a Declaration of Independence. 

And then working on what would be called a 'New Constitution for Humanity'.

Granted, your papers, your democracies  all these things, they are noble. 

But you're dealing with forces that are using machines to take you over, to wipeout democracy, to create a belittling of you, a limiting of you.

Don't fight the system and you can't argue with entities it does you no good. 

But what does do you good is you have the power. 

You have the choice of how you feel and how you think and no one can take your imagination away from you unless they tie you to a television, and they force you to look at pictures, and they force your eyeballs open with toothpicks and programe you.

(And that's what they do in psychic driving, on social media networking).

And so all of this will assist in, this is what you must do, you must utilize your physical body each of you. 

And you must come to the understanding, and accept yourself for what and who you are and know that the loving acceptance of yourself makes yourself fertilize and grow.

And so you can't look to someone else to say to you,

"Oh, you are so great! Come on, come on."

Support and encouragement are wonderful, but part of the way the body works, and what clicks the body on is that you as a spirit love the body that you have created and nurtured all this time.

And that you work with that body on an energetic level to bring it to its highest frequency. 

This is your path. 

This is your destiny. 

This is your inevitable challenge. 

And this is the legacy of the New Era.

And the machines, the toxicities the more people wake up, the more psychic they get, you will have to deal with these beings and diminish them. 

You will not destroy them. 

Higher consciousness understands that these are lost beings. 

And they are lost from the truth, but they push you to awaken to the truth because of their shadow that wants to overtake you.

So, without them, you would be lazy. 

In the end you will thank them. 😁

Because it is part of the dynamic force of the multiverse. 

And if you forget everything else, remember this: you are powerful beings in the multi-verse.

"Its prime quality is goodness".

Its goodness is so good that it allows darkness and evil and these things to work themselves out to discover that they, too, can find goodness.


That technology, this is what's going to be weighed in the next months to a year.

And, of course, the technology is growing ever more lethal in its usage, and how its being applied. 

And so too, understand, that as this technology develops, so too, are the inner technologies developing in various people.

You have not reached critical mass. 

Critical mass is basically when a certain number of beings operate at a certain frequency, or a certain number of people have built a thought form. 

And the thought form has so much energy it transmits the idea. And then suddenly people  its in the air, they get and then they have it.

Understand that extending your auras out as a collective will serve as a broadcast device.

To contribute your wonderings, your realizations, the pieces of the puzzle you're putting together, and even though they're personal and private, your discoveries about things are very important to the people of the planet. 

And all of this goes out quietly by energy.

And right now on the planet, there are no technologies that have any capability of reading the specifics of what you are thinking and sending other than the Quantum field energy light system.

But know this: 

There's diligent work being done to attempt to create machines to be able to completely read your thoughts, your minds and energy fields. 

And of course, this is the necessity of activating the "Human Technology" [psychic abilities] verses what we call the "Riders of Machines" those who came here to build a world that machines will eventually dominate. 

This is you.

Remember in the Galactic & Universe classes we have talked about the reason we have come to Earth. And one of those reasons involves a "tyranny" that grew out of the nano-second in another line of time.

We started to tell this story back in 1988-1989, and those early years. And we said that we've come from the future and we've come back in time because from this 36=9 years of accelerated energy, a tyranny grew and eventually reached us in the Pleiades.

And the tyranny was based on humans abdicating their humanity, and becoming basically almost cyborgs  a branch, a faction.

We are related in the universe, as the Anunnaki are related to us as genetically the Anunnaki s related to earthlings humans. 

The Anunnakis were those who came to rearrange earthlings DNA. The Annunakis are not all, let's say, on the same team with us. They are of the same bloodline. 

They come from what you would call a cosmic royal family. Empireilisim. 

But are they anymore royal than Obama would claim to be American royalty? 

Or, the Brits the so called new king would claim to be British royalty? 

They're all roles that these beings playd. 

And these beings the Annunaki claim to be these great gods.

But, let's say, they are part of other empires.

And we, as Pleiadians, Andromedan and other visitors from other star systems have interceded throughout time into the Living Library. 

Right now, at night you can see the Pleiates in the skies and always look and say hello, and the energy will come back to you.

So, they have also come onto our planet and there are many, many cultures around the globe that consider them to be our ancestors. 

That is why they are welcomed. 

That, is why they are revered. 

Pleiadians are considered the sweet daughters of Atlas. 

They are considered to be the hens, the chicks, we are the original chicks - if there are chicks.

They are, let's say, "the eight sisters",  they had many names throughout time, and even we can claim to be mentioned them as the "seven doves", and they are in the Bible, as well.

They are known to be mystical and to produce, let's say, an energy that is very "Earthy". 

They have taught us many, many things. 

And they have interspersed in and out of, let's say, and around the infiltration of the Anunnakis.

We love you all so much!


Keep your mind open and especially your vibration high.

It will be a great surprise of freedom!

May all beings in all worlds be free!

Captain Fernando M. Gonçalves - FLW – Free Light Warriors💎🤍💚

Ambassador of Light – Diplomacy of the Universe

Galactic Council 💙🤍💛

Universe Council 💙🤍✨

Multiverse Council 💙🤍

Omniverse Council 💚🤍



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