
19 de febrero de 2016

he Foreign Ministry distorts the history of Spain and the Holocaust

It was between 1938 and 1939 when it enacted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the cruel rules of crossing borders to May 11, 1939, and its editor, Franco diplomatic Semitic, José Rojas Moreno, Earl of red houses, and great-grandfather of former minister justice, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, of PP

The 10th of February by the minister, was presented García Margallo 's book, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, José Antonio Lisbona , "above and beyond".   

I hoped the book (version on the website of the ministry), to correct the serious errors that were detected and reported to the Ministry in the exhibition and catalog that was presented in December 2014, bearing the same title.

I wrote last year at the same Minister of Foreign Affairs a letter and diplomatic staff of the exhibition, saying he had to include Franco's anti-Semitic regulations, the border crossing, the May 11, 1939, signed by the Minister Gómez Jordana , and the October 6, 1939 (BOE of 7 October), debugging of doctors who signed the government minister, Ramon Serrano Suner .     

Later, in 2015, I got these regulations are recognized, by the Memorial Democratic, Generalitat de Catalunya ( video of Hoenigsfeld, Camins and pedagogical course ) and in the books of historians, Josep Calvet , ÁngelViñas and Paul Preston.     

At the end of the year, also they reported to me from the European Parliament, that my request No. 89/2015 on that law which were not included in three Spanish projects on the Holocaust and financed by the EU, had been declared admissible, yes after one year, and constant I misplaced documents.

They were, from the Committee on Petitions, to convey my request to the European agency in charge of these projects, the EACEA. So far there has been no notification.
The book is now presented in the Ministry, is basically to do homage to Franco's 18 diplomats who during the II War World , saved Jews from the Holocaust. Some now have the honor of "Righteous Among the Nations".   

Many of them had been removed during the War Civil Spanish , by the legitimate government of the Second Republic, for supporting the coup of 18 July 1936 and siding with the rebels.   

Apart from the omission of such anti-Semitic policy, the book presents, in graphic appendix photo of the four foreign ministers during the Second World War, but commit a grave error, as in the case of General Gomez Jordana, They exclude his first term, between January 1938 and August 1939, prior to Juan Beigbeder .  

This is very important because it was at that period, when it was enacted by the Foreign Ministry, the cruel rules of crossing borders to May 11, 1939, and its editor, Franco diplomatic Semitic, José Rojas Moreno , Count Houses Rojas, and great-grandfather of the former Minister of justice, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón , of PP.        

My Polish Jewish grandparents,  Stef  and  Rosa  Hoenigsfeld , could successfully overcome these regulations, because they converted to Catholicism in April 1939 and have a Franco endorsement, which gave them access to coveted visa.

But many Jews not having those requirements, remained without crossing the French-Spanish border and eventually exterminated in the Holocaust? This is a research, it seems that nobody is interested in advancing.

Perhaps, a project that is bringing the American University of Oregon, on Spain and the Holocaust, get some progress on this issue, and on time, when the Museum "House of European History" was inaugurated at the European Parliament in Brussels. 
Also, I've missed you, that on the day of Remembrance of the Holocaust, which took place on January 27 in the Senate, no reference was made to such anti-Semitic regulations Franco.

I long, no longer attend this exciting ceremony, as in this Senate, the bust of antisemitism former minister, is ManuelFragaIribarne , of which I complain, for years, without success. And not without reason why I, having 18 Polish Jewish ancestry, Holocaust victims.  

It is urgent to recognize that Franco, promulgated and implemented anti-Jewish racial laws, in line with the other Axis countries and the occupied countries. It was a widespread anti-Semitism that led to the extinction of two-thirds of European Jewry, and theft their property and jobs.
For his bad conscience, the European Parliament, January 27, 2005 passed a resolution on remembrance of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism (T60018 / 2005), to go against those who denied the Holocaust and promoted anti-Semitic attitudes.

 Failure to recognize these racial laws, then "annul", is to go against that own European regulations, and against the penal code itself and the book of  José  Antonio  Lisbona , commissioned and published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, could commit the offense, and go against the Spanish and Community legislation itself .

Also, do tributes to Franco diplomats who participated in the military coup of July 1936, is somehow continue to give legitimacy and legality of the Franco regime, when in the website of the Congress of Deputies, in their meeting minutes, we say was the republican legality until April 1939.

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