
19 de febrero de 2016

Known analyst warns that the global financial system goes bankrupt

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William White, renowned Canadian economist and president of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2009, warns that the global financial system goes into bankruptcy because it has sufficient resources to deal with another crisis.

According to White:  "The world is overcome by a dangerous avalanche of defaults and bankruptcies that will test the global political and social stability."
He adds that  "the current situation is worse than in 2007, since the necessary ammunition to fight macroeconomic crises are almost exhausted."
William White
William White
This warning has particular resonance because White was one of the few voices that held between 2005 and 2008, that Western finances were heading towards decline, and that the global economy was likely to suffer a violent crisis.
"The stimulus of quantitative easing and zero interest rates by central banks after the crisis of Lehman Brothers, filtered throughout East Asia and emerging markets, causing the storage of speculative bubbles and rising loans in US dollars, which is difficult to control in a world of free capital flows. "
The combined public and private debt has soared to record highs of 185% of GDP in emerging markets and to 265% of GDP in the OECD club, both above 35% from the peak of the last cycle credit in 2007.
"Emerging markets were part of the solution after the Lehman crisis. Now they are part of the problem, too "
White was also the lead author of a recent report by the G30 on the future after the crisis of the central bank, which says it is impossible to know what might be a trigger for the next crisis, as the global system has lost its anchor and it is inherently prone to rupture.
The economist said that the debts have been increasing over the past eight years, to such an extent that may become the main cause of the problem that lies ahead.
White says that the creditors of Europe will have to face the biggest problems. European banks have already admitted to one trillion euros in arrears: they are heavily exposed to emerging markets, and almost certainly are subject to many more bad debts which have never revealed.
The European banking system may have to recapitalize in a still unimaginable scale, and new rules "rescue" means any holder of deposits above € 100,000 guarantee will have to help pay for these bailouts.
"During the next recession it will be evident that many of these debts can never be repaid, a fact that greatly annoy those people who think they own the assets have some value," White said.
"The only question is whether we are able to look reality in the eye and face what lies ahead in an orderly manner, or whether it will be in a disorderly way"
The next task that awaits the world authorities is how to manage debt cancellation and therefore, will face a massive reorganization of winners and losers in society, without triggering a political storm.

If we read between the lines, White not only warns of looming financial disaster, but warns of political, economic and social turmoil that will occur as necessary to re-organize the whole system again.
How many debts you are paid? How many will be forgiven?
How you will compensate those who have not taken?
What effect will the collapse of the global economy on the neediest social classes?
What influence will the advent of new technologies (such as robotics, 3D printing or Artificial Intelligence), that will leave many people out of work worldwide?
How all this mass of people will remain without the possibility of development?
As White says, which is the most significant sentence in his speech: how massive rearrangement of winners and losers will face in society, without triggering a storm?
As we see, we are talking about a global reset at all levels, a total reboot of the entire economic, political and social system.
And then restart worldwide seek to occupy the best position, the most advantageous;everyone will want to collect debts or seek compensation and many will not want to pay.
And above all, there will be a large part of the population who suffer.
And that will create the danger of social unrest that threaten to take the system down occurs; to control the situation, the ruling elites need to appear partners to negotiate on behalf of the people and "social justice"; producers to be spokesmen for the masses and whose function is to prevent the outbreak widespread and uncontrollable rebellion of the oppressed classes. Its role will be to lead the people like sheep during this transition, to prevent out of control and jeopardize the interests of the most powerful.
These partners paid by elites already exist in many parts of the world, and have been properly promoted and have already begun to occupy positions. Do you not yet know who they are? Hint: go shirt or sleeveless shirt, do not wear ties and suits, of "equality and social justice" speak of "end the privileges of the most powerful", to establish "basic income of citizenship" and to end with "tax fraud".
Its function is to lay the groundwork for this new order, making the population believe they are social achievements thanks to its "democratic rebellion."
And again, they are the first to support the introduction of electronic money under the pretext of controlling fraud, so we can all be under tight control.
And so it looks like these changes are real, many who are now considered rich (and they really are middle class over-vitaminada), end up paying the price. Yes are those with "accounts more than 100,000 euros that will have to endorse their deposits bailouts" and to be slaughtered. They have two or three houses, a couple of nice cars and are believed to be of "high-class", the idiots.
Needless to say that in that potential social unrest looming, will require the establishment of a police state to control it.
And the excuse to start implementing it already exists: it is called "jihadist terrorism" and given its characteristics, is the perfect excuse to establish a system of mass surveillance, but we realize that, in fact, is directed against us.
It will also be a great tool for creating fear among the population and submit it to immobility so you can not respond to what lies ahead and bought delegated to representatives.
Yes, apparently, most of the pieces are already in place ...
And yes, we are talking about a New World Order.
Yes, we are talking about a post-oil era in which new technologies, new materials and new energy sources will be developed.
Yes, we are talking about a potential large-scale war in which everyone will make a final advantageous position for the New Order; New Order in which all contenders agree, although they differ in the weight and position everyone wants to play in it. (Yes, Putin agrees with this new order, all claims is a major piece of cake, which he believed to correspond to their nation and not some initially wanted him to).
Hopefully we are wrong and Middlesbrough as a crazed paranoid, but apparently, this is what's coming ... wait for it coming curves ...
time bomb b_00000

by el robot pescador 

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