
24 de abril de 2017

Israel armed dictatorships in Latin America

Buenos Aires (ANSA). The Government of Israel armed Latin American dictatorships in the 70s and 80s, in many cases at the request of the US, which needed a reliable way to sustain military regimes ally in the region, according to an essay recently published.

The essay entitled "The State of Israel armed dictatorships in Latin America" ​​belongs to Israel Shahak, chairman of the Commission for Human and Civil Rights in Israel and professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who died in 2001.
The research, published for the first time in Castilian and was censured in Israel, including sweeping statements of American Noam Chomsky, stating that "alliances of Israel with Latin American dictatorships, with South Africa and other states of torture and terror in general they have served American interests. "
"In light of the unprecedented dependence of Israel from the United States and the close ties between Israeli and American arms industries, it is hard to believe that the flow of arms had not been able to stop if the American government had decided that outcome" says the American writer.
Just as "you can not believe the government or the major US media were unable to detect the supply of arms to Israel to Latin American dictatorships," adds Chomsky.
The trial provides documentation on Israeli weapons used by the military in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua to suppress guerrilla movements and opposition student demonstrations during the 70s.
In the case of the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua "during the last year of existence of this regime, Israel provided him 98 percent of its arms imports," says the trial.
"The agent who negotiated the sale of arms to Somoza was David Marcos Katz, representing approximately seventeen Israeli companies, the most important aerospace and armaments (Ta'as) says the trial.
Shahak said Katz investigated that maintained links with Gush Emunim the ultrareligious party "and some people close to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon" as supplied arms to Somoza.
The essay explores the details of the official tour that made the Israeli generals Hayim Laskov and Motta Gur in 1978 by Argentina and Chile, where they were received with honors by both military dictatorships.
Research also shows that in 1982, US President Ronald Reagan, Israel received $ 806 million in military aid, of which 21 million was for "triangular" with the Guatemalan dictatorship, as confirmed later general of the Central American country.
The publication in Castilian for Latin America and Spain assay Shahak was undertaken by the philosopher and historian Saad Chedid, through the publishing Canaan Buenos Aires, Argentina, who told ANSA noted that most Latin American countries received help military government of Israel, "except Brazil".

The Savior: 
"El Salvador, as is known, is now attracting the attention of the whole world. Murders committed by the junta ruling the country, have been in charge of the military or criminal organizations financed by the authorities, have recently received some diffusion even in the Israeli press after having long been denounced by the world press.
According to information of the Institute for Peace Research, Stockholm, the State of Israel in 1980 was the source of 83% of arms imports that government of murderers. The whole world (except Israel, of course) could see on television the Galil rifles and Uzi submachine guns in the hands of the murderers.
In many countries, among which several Western Europe, sometimes even the United States, commentators include:  
These people (women, children, religious, priests) fell under the bullets of the Uzi, the Galil; This village was bombed by the Arava aircraft built in Israel.
Western press advertising, specialized in the promotion of such stores, describes Arava as rapidly transformed in military "commercial" devices, and lists in detail the number of soldiers, bombs and guns that are capable of carrying. Only our media ignored the publication of these facts.
And then we wonder: "Why will not like us?" And invoke the "anti-Semitism" or "Arab money" rather than ask what is our responsibility for what happens in the world. "
- Israel Shahak

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