
10 de junio de 2017

Decodes the Earth Families

Synchronotron challenge: Cubica Your Destiny - Decodes the Earth Families

Intergalactic Bulletin No. 17
Challenge Synchronotron: Cubica Your Destiny
"The template 441 and the hub intelligence constructs are compiled by the Boards of Sirius and the Assembly of the Galactic Federation of Universal Systems Various according to the supreme universal system and the central plan of universal unification.
Unified field "and the plan of unity for the mind needed and looking for such evidence" By offering the hub system at this time clear evidence and demonstration is provided "; this system at the same time is a system and field high consistency and multidimensional knowledge . "
   -Valum Votan
The Synchronotron system, including Perceptor Holomind, is among intelligence More High currently available on this planet.It contains doors on entrance gates to the many levels of knowledge that are unfolding from a meditation without beginning. But who can see it? They have given all the basic tools, but who is practicing? These codes have hardly been activated on this planet. How can we understand the enormous opportunity and the gift we have received? The only way to know is introducing you in this meditation.
For this reason this is a  CALL TO REVIVE (or start) OUR PRACTICE . HOW? Cubicar TO OUR DESTINY CASTLE IN 20 DAYS .  In these 20 days, culminating in Kin 168: Yellow Crystal Star (1 January 2015), also commit to daily codes and watch your consciousness changes at this time. Record the feelings experienced in your body / mind / heart. Do not hesitate to  send us  a brief note if you are involved with your name, bioregion, birthdays and galactic signature.In this way we can all tune together with the Cube.
This exercise is designed to train your mind in the matrix cube and a lot of concentration will be revealed. The purity of the cube is the purity of consciousness of the divine essence. This is your consciousness, the cube is a reflection of its intrinsic purity.
Step 1:  Please have your castle destination for 52 years. If you have not yet done please  click here  for instructions.
Step 2:  decodes each year of your life. For now just go through them. You can study after weaving the pattern. The key information you need to for each year is:
1) Your key UMB: * Time, Space, Synchronicity and Master
2) Your Telepathic Frequency Index Master: IFT
3) Your Kin Equivalent Master.
* Remember that the UMB Time remains the same during the 52 years since it corresponds to a space-time point fixed (date of birth).
Just start with a "record sheet" Basic and after you gather these key data then you can study and can be applied to other facets.This is your key personal study can deploy a huge information guide. templates are provided, then so that you can print.
If you're new to this, or just need a refresher course, the instructions can be obtained  Almanac Sncronicidad 13 Moon Star Traveler  or  access to your Multi -Dimensional ,  or  click here  for a review.
Step 3:  Once the 52 years have been decoded, studied patterns.
  • What year of your life has the greatest IFT? The younger? ¿UMB?
  • Play with numbers. Find the multiples of your IFT.
  • Consider the UMB and its location within the 9 dimensions of time.
  • Scores where UMB is within 10 circuits.
  • Remember that each circuit corresponds to a planet from Mercury (first circuit), Pluto (10th Circuit).
  • Remember the key memories in these different years of your life. Find your UMB in the index Perceptor Holomind for deeper contemplation. Record your feelings. Do you feel the deepest levels of all? Are you experiencing a deeper sensitivity to the subtle realms? Does it give you chills activation in your body?Meditate on this and contemplates what has been revealed to you.
Remember that the Telepathic Frequency Index (IFT) is the composite number based on a superposition of the three primary templates (Time, Space, Synchronicity) for the same unit in the base matrix. All numbers are several IFT values ​​and may refer, depending on the natural kingdoms and / or imaginary, ranging from elements of nature to statements or numbers in Holy Scripture and codes 13:20 kin.
However, these are only external meanings.The true meaning and value of the number IFT is in its intrinsic coding synchronous creates an increased intensity of internal changes, perception and memory activation through pattern recognition. These changes correspond to the evocation of an innate template knowledge. This template knowledge is made aware 441 as the formulation of transition intelligence directing the neurocerebral performance from a stage of mental functioning to one supermental (VV).
This is the opportunity of the new ray. Feel free to share with us your results!
Decodes the Earth Families
Also study your Earth Family and numbers and location on the base matrix, according to Hunab Ku 21.
For example the Polar Kin consists of Snake, Dog, Eagle, Sun
288 = Snake / Started Snake
303 = Dog / Compassionate
282 = Eagle / Seer
414 = Sol / Illuminated
IFT = 1287. sum UMB = 405. Kin Eq. = 247 (19x13)
Calculate your Earth Family, or better yet, all the Earth Families and find the IFT Total for the five. Then look for the UMB and Kin equivalent. It may surprise you!
All IFT have 7 multiplications itself
As a function of the holographic cube, any code Telepathic Frequency Index base has a total of seven multiplications of himself. These relate to the increased frequency of the base of the IFT for each of the seven days of Creation.
In this example we will use the IFT 672
1x672 = 672 (32x21)
2x672 = 1344 (64x21)
3x672 = 2016 (96x21)
4x672 = 2688 (128x21)
5x672 = 3360 (140x24)
6x672 = 4032 (192x21)
7x672 = 4704 (224x21)
The cumulative sum of these seven powers is 18,816 (672x28) (64x294) (49x384).
These are some of the instructions given by Valum Votan ... for example GOD (GOD in English, Galactic Order Dynamic). Time is Holy Orders.
  1. Study the bucket until your heart is unlocked.
  2. If you have faith in God's Word, then you have faith in all creation.
  3. Do your best, but the reward is from another dimension.
  4. Nothing really depends on you or your own desire. We are not the ones who do it, but God does.
  5. Emana you trust your closest kin and serves all.
  6. Everything is a matrix, driven by countless invisible forces.
  7. If you have doubts or fear, then you are closing the door to the transcendent guide.
  8. What you need God, but your purified mind and open heart?
  9. When the above is applied may construct single thought upon you.
Stephanie South / Red Queen Kin 185 Yellow Overtone Star, Kin 148
Station Command Arturo / Venus GK
Signal Family decodes the mystery
wavespell Seed: the flowering of consciousness
Day 120/812 days cycle
Day Magic Turtle complete Overtone Moon peacock Radiance
Heptad Amarilla (week 4) power ripe fruit: Vision transmits the Intelligence
completes the fifth master molecule of time in the center of the Earth
Púlsar time cuatridimensional
Blue Castle west Burn: Magic cut
Heptad gate 7: UMB 441, Magician of Infinity
Sirius B-52 Lighting hyperplasmic: Activates the seventh mind-PHM sphere
Silio: My role is to fulfill the actions of the Buddha
Mantra Chakra Heart: Hraim
Magus of the Infinite (441) opens the Puerta del Cubo. The Artist (148) enters; driven Discoverer (96), with the support of Ilusionista (31) and challenged by Yoguini (18). The artist receives the hidden support of the Prophet Solar (113). Kin 113 = Day Out of Time 2015.
Psi Crono: Kin 197, Red Lunar Earth
Harmonic 37, Overtone Warehouse: Remember Elegance Radiance
Biphasic Codon 30: Vision / Sun Crystal: The Radiance Cosmic Space Attention defined.
Harmonica UR 108: The Infinite Mind Wave becomes awakened consciousness
UMB Time 3: 4th dimension of time: Cosmic Cube
UMB Space 313: 8th dimension of time.Arcturus forcefield
UMB Sincrónica 401 9th time dimension.Time interior core
IFT 1794 Master =
UMB Master = 30: 7th dimension of time.Forcefield GM108X
KE 234 Master, Cosmic Wizard (signature of Carl Jung / Synchronicity)
Frequency Harmonica accumulated: 11183
UMB cumulative = 158: 6th dimension of time. Forcefield Antares
KE. 3 Night Electric Blue
Hunab Ku 21 oracle IFT: 2049
Hunab Ku 21 UMB: 285
Hunab Ku 21 KE. Galactic Moon 229-
I-Ching Galactic: 20/32

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