
10 de junio de 2017

The Earth Wizards

We are evolving to become a new type evolved known as Earth Wizard. According to the Law of Time, the formula that governs everything is T (E) = Art: Energy factored by Time equals Art. The Earth Wizards are involved in the process of transforming Earth into a work of art conscious.
The Earth Wizards live in harmony with the Earth and have the ability to practice celestial harmonics and higher levels of fourth - dimensional order of time.
View:  The 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time.
The Earth Wizards practice different levels of the synchronic order or "crononaútica" browsing time. Note: Entering the Era Psychozoic matches our entry cuatridimensional Central Green Castle (2013), when we learn how to travel through time and space travel (without machines). Crononaútica practices are carried out through four-dimensional tools.
The Earth Wizard emerges in the multidimensional cosmic consciousness. When the Earth Wizards practice time dynamics and science of time based on the Law of Time they are practicing crononaútica.
The Earth Wizard is a driver of time  biosolar telepathically . Life (bio) in tune with the star (solar) and resonant vibrations of the star (telepathically). The Earth Wizard is in tune with the electromagnetic field and always receives and records keystrokes of the local star.
As biosolar telepath, the Wizard Earth awakens his telepathic ability. Every Earth Wizard serves as a driver chip time to create a Galactic biosolares microcolonies of telepaths who will replace Internet. This is just a step toward instant communication.
The Earth Wizard consume all the archetypes as one in their multidimensional being. These archetypes include: Primordial Force, Spirit Essence, Dreamy, Inocente, Originally Snake, Hierofante Planetarium, Avatar, Artist, Healer, Compassionate, Illusionist / Shaman, Sage, Prophet, Magician, Seer, Discoverer, Navigator, Yogi / Yogini, Changer Worlds, Illuminated, finally, Hunab Ku: Magician of Infinity ( See Galactic Manual, Part 7 ).
Love Earth: Practical Actions
The money from the industrialized countries is useless when the earth begins to shake. The children become world leaders when faced with the power of nature, and technology is nothing more than a trickle of straw does not even serve to build bridges over large rivers.
Faced with the fury of nature, nothing can save, or save. To calm all this and bring balance to the global nature of the Earth, there is only one way to stop cutting trees not get more oil or minerals from the earth, and stop eating too much.
Without forgetting that the change is not in government but in every human being. Every human being is responsible for everything that can happen on Earth.
Declaration of the Heads of the Nation Amazonian Shuar, Ecuador
To start thinking about the noosphere  -  the mental sphere of the planet   you have to consider the reality from the point of view of the Earth.
José Argüelles,  Manifesto for the Noosphere
To create the Galactic Culture on Earth we must continue to strive to live our lives according to the laws of nature always thinking about what will benefit Mother Earth and all living beings.

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