
12 de junio de 2017

EU studies ALL PRIVATIZATION PUBLIC HEALTH - Why reject the infiltration of public health by private companies and tycoons

Why we reject the infiltration of public health by private companies and tycoons

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Why we reject the infiltration of public health by private companies and tycoons

Image result for public health and quality education for all,
Companies are not interested in primary care, health promotion, and improving lifestyle habits to reduce the incidence of cancer, but the diagnosis with high-tech equipment and treatment with expensive drugs
Networks and media have burned down because of the  rejection of Professional Associations (FADSP)  of various CCAA donationAmancio Ortega , to purchase high - tech equipment.
I've been practicing my profession as a radiologist in public health, and try to explain my opinion on what is happening over 30 years, focusing the subject in my community, Galicia, the more I know, and he received the first donation of Amancio Ortega also Galician.
At that time (October 2015) I published an  article in Nuevatribunarequesting clarification as possible that Amancio Ortega donate 17 million euros to buy radiotherapy equipment and mammograph that had been previously purchased by Philips and US multinational Varian Medical and by the Sergas paid a rent (11 million euros per year for 8 years), but even that rent is reduced: Where have gone those 17 million?
Professionals who defend the public health system are very concerned about their privatization drift, particularly in Galicia, where its R + D + i is privatized and in the hands of an oligopoly of companies, some charged for corruption and all strategies to avoid taxes . 
Would you like to Amancio Ortega professionals Sergas gestionáramos R & D + i of Inditex? What would? 
Of course not.
Xunta Feijoo with Inditex, Abanca and other Galician companies have formed a venture capital fund. 
These companies access data Administration, and public researchers are working to generate its patents.
In Galicia, Indra manages clinical history, with all the health data of patients, who soon social data (abuse, economic resources of the population etc) will join. Indra gives that data to private, subsidized or not subsidized hospitals, while Sergas professionals can not access health information private hospitals, or have tools to exploit data and audit our patients and our results. If we do things badly made, badly they left.
In Galicia, the Cancer Center of A Coruña, registration of patients with cancer and clinical trials, is held by the AECC, which is presented as the great valedora defense of cancer patients, but is actually run by  Inés Entrecanales  (Acciona), Banca March and Garrigues Foundation.
Technology companies manage Sergas high technology and quality control equipment, devices that provide high doses of radiation, and used 30% -50% more than necessary according to many studies. 
However, radiologists can do little to adapt scans, as companies will deteriorate benefits if the studies are reduced room from a percentage, according to the contract signed with the Xunta Feijoo. 
Therefore studies grow and grow more and more, including those made for children, and especially in the private health sector, where there isno transparency or control, in violation of the  international principle ALARA "scans applying ionizing radiation should bereduced to minimum. "
¿290 new computers are needed in the NHS? Probably not, at least not many. Many existing can be updated only by modifying its software, which also allows lower doses of radiation applied. Of course, corporate profits would decline drastically.
They are best with tomosynthesis mammography devices donated by Amancio Ortega? 
First not diminish the applied radiation, but on the contrary the increase discretely. 
Moreover, the companies 42% more injuries, so small that they are "almost invisible to the human eye" and many with unknown significance are identified. 
In many cases cancer is discarded in new controls, after months of anguish, in other cases will be treated aggressively (with side effects included), questionable lesions in 20% of cases do not really represent cancer.
According to the WHO in Spain the incidence of breast cancer by 68% increase in a decade, partly because of this overdiagnosis and partly because of the worsening living conditions of the people, and although it is true that improves the ratio survival, not absolute mortality of women.So it is very important to act against the determinants of cancer.
However, the government refuses to make unhealthy foods and fraudulent cars that pollute up to 70 times continue to circulate on our roads what will happen in the future with the lungs of our children?
Moreover, companies are not interested in primary care, health promotion, and improving lifestyle habits to reduce the incidence of cancer, but the diagnosis with high-tech equipment and treatment with expensive drugs. 
These companies are tycoons, they try to increase their profits. I do not blame them, but I do not share your goals and your lifestyle, and we are not interested in our public health. 
Engaged in manufacturing clothing or building bridges. "Zapatero your shoes."
Moreover, it is not lack of equipment AT but lack of staff to use such equipment which increases the waiting lists for patients with cancer or other diseases in Sergas, a team without adequate provision of professionals is like an airplane without pilots.
Most of our diagnostic equipment Saturdays and of course on Sundays do not work , and some not even evenings daily, except for emergencies, while studies derived private schools with their machinery to 100%. 
Madrid already noted in 2014 that MRI equipment in public schools only worked 64%, the end result is not that we will have more devices without using ?, ie business for manufacturers no benefit for patients.
For public health and quality education for all, tax-funded 100% through a free estate tax amnesties, without donations, patrons, magnates and multinationals within it, with professionals dedicated to the public system and control of their I + D + i like any company worth its salt is not it, Mrs. and Mr. Amancio Ortega Entrecanales?

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