
2 de junio de 2017

It's happening a change in Humanity ∞ The Arcturian Council 9a. Dimension

"Regards. We are the Arcturian Council.  We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is a great pride for us inform them about our private latest assessment of humanity.

You just go around the corner and started to shake and break free from the idea of ​​oppression and persecution in their world.

There has been a spiritual uplift in enough of you to recognize that no one outside himself can make them a victim, and realize that inside each of which has raised is enough to tip the balance in favor of humanity.

When you are able to see each other as acting for their benefit when they are able to see each other as a co-creator, that's when they know they have left the need to co-create an experience of oppression.

They lift the veil and are reflected in the mirror, returning his gaze.

They see that the game they've been playing is not about the Reptilians and the Anunnaki, not even the illuminati.

Not about corporations, banks and politicians.

The game they've been playing it themselves.

And when they wake up to this knowledge, when they understand that there is no one out there who can control their destiny, that's when enough to allow entering all the energy you have been calling while playing the game of being the victim are released.

Now it's time that they get everything they've been asking, and it is as simple as removing your attention from the idea of ​​an oppressor and the idea that there is someone in your life that can stop everything they've been asking.

It's happening a change for all humanity thanks to people like you, and when most people on the planet is ready also to receive what they have been asking for, will have a monumental shift in the way they treat each other economically.

no longer experience hierarchies, authority figures, or a massive power.

They will experience equality and harmony and freedom.

All that is directed toward what having twisted around the corner, and now, as we mentioned, is the only thing that is open to receive it.

We are the Arcturian Council  and we have enjoyed connecting with you. "

And are welcome to share this quote if it is dded🙂

Listen to the audio here

Translator:  Gloria Mühlebach

Website: Message-de-la-light-this

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