
2 de junio de 2017

your game is over: elimination of multinationals and banks is close to being reality

Montague Keen in Spanish - ... the game is over .. will be destroyed and eliminated forever.



Your game is over ...... ... ..The Kabbalah insists that  all infants be vaccinated immediately after birth. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT soul can enter BABY ......  be destroyed and eliminated forever.

This is an important message for you, my friends.

The table has turned and the Kabbalah now in difficulties.

Two groups of ETs prevented the recent missile attack.

This operation will be repeated again and again, no matter who fire the missile.

Control has been removed from the hands of the Cabal.

Soon they are realizing that your game is over.

They are exposed for all to see.

It has taken some time to accomplish this, because its claws were everywhere, so we had to be careful.

Sunday April 16, 2017, the event began in Asia.

It was necessary to begin the process there. On Tuesday 18, the event spread throughout the world.

Be alert to see all the evidence about this, because the Cabal will do everything in its power to prevent Menor- Every time you observe it.

Two leaders of the Zionists will be captured.

They are responsible for the death and destruction that is happening everywhere.

The head of the snake must be removed first, then all will continue to fall, as it should be.

Work together to salvage what they can from the carnage left  by the Kabbalah.

We, on this side of life, we had to work very hard to achieve this.

There were only a few on Earth who could know what we were working.

In 2017 and 2018 they will be shown clearly what were our plans and what will remain for the future.

Fear is being pushed by the Kabbalah through his television and newspapers.

They are lying. Do not believe his lies.

They will not have to wait long. My wife knows what to do and when to do it.

She has strictly followed our instructions, but was heavily criticized for doing so.

His confidence in me is absolute. Many do not have the strength of character to stand firm in their beliefs.

That's why blackmail has thrived in his world.

Kabbalah has operations organized on which displease them know.

The notorious attracted people to situations where they were drugged, controlled mentally, and filmed with children, in order to blackmail them to obey their commands, the Kabbalah.

You are seeing this in action now: those in which you had entrusted have been manipulated to serve the Cabala.

It can be instilled fear in most people.

Why fear was the weapon used against humanity Kabbalah.

Religion has also been used. Fear is a means to exert control over the lives of many and are experts in their use.

Religion has prevented the man to experience life on earth as we should have been experienced.

It's like a cancer, spreading its poison to the four corners of the earth, which have controlled the mind of humanity.

Kabbalah insists that  all infants be vaccinated immediately after birth. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT BABY soul can enter .

These people soulless destroy the lives of everyone with whom they come into contact.

They kill without conscience, men, women and children. War is exciting for them.

They were manufactured for the purpose of living in war.

They proudly display their medals because war is all for them.

These are the people who make bombs, bullets and weapons.

All fall into this category. Death is a big deal for them.

Now, my friends, it's up to you to plan for the future of their choice.

A future without war, poverty or need any kind, where all are respected.

Many were used by the Kabbalah to fulfill their plans for the destruction of the human race.

They were hungry and homeless, so they agreed to work on plans Kabbalah, especially for the destruction of Europe.

Europe is the only place that Kabbalah feared. Elsewhere it was always easy to handle.

They have much to learn about the world in which they live.

When all obstructions are removed life, you get out of your prison into a world of wonder that has been hidden you.

Banks will go as it will become a thing of the past, with all its corruption.

Banks were the Kabbalah in action. Massive changes will have to occur in everyday life.

Monsanto and the like will be destroyed and eliminated forever.

Nature provides everything that man needs to survive.

We're almost there. Only a few more hurdles to cross. Together we can do it.

Your future, your destiny is in your own hands, so they should handle it with care.

My dear, I shared your excitement yesterday when your old friend came to help again.

Your lungs need help to move forward. The plans are coming to fruition.

Always he adores.  Monty


Tradución:  The Light Journalist


Website: montague-keen-on-Spanish-your-game-HA
completed-will-destroyed - 

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