
3 de junio de 2017

Lies upon lies about other lies to benefit various corporations Rothschild

Global Warming:  Evidence of a business of the Rothschilds and the carbon market / international CO2

The scam warmed no longer strains, winters getting colder snowfall in April and hottest summers are the effects of glaciation caused by natural cycles of the earth by action of the sun mainly, never the CO2 that has served as an excuse to implement a tax and renewable energies that are another scam.
Niagara falls FROZEN !!! Al gore is neither expected him DDD
So Al gore this year he stayed with GLACIAL temeraturas -50 °
Why Rothschild Australia and E3 International  (Environment, Economics, Ethics = Environment, Economy and Ethics)  lead marketing in the global carbon market?
With the complicity of  Al Gore and Donald Rumsfeld,  former sellers of AZT in Africa  for laboratory Gilead  (owned by the Rothschilds), along with  Greenpeace , funded by the clan  Rockefeller and Rothschild  (by  Shell ), the  WWF, the UN and  all media    controlled by the  Rothschild , proceeded to a global terror operation -read  "global Warming" , which  led to the destruction of the carbon industry.
As a result of  the massive lies and taxes  by  "emission of greenhouse gases" , based on bogus studies of NASA and the United Nations s, the carbon companies  were on the verge of bankruptcy and were bought at a bargain price Rothschild banking mafia.
Earth gases  act as  a blanket in the atmosphere. 
Sunlight  bounce skyward and retained. 
The largest gas "greenhouse effect" is water vapor,  which represents  96%. 
The influence of C02 emissions (carbon) in history represents  only 0.00022% of the total gases . 
No greenhouse would live permanent ice.
Exposing the lies about carbon: 
Although  E3 hides its shareholders on Nasdaq BWN Argentina  could determine  which entities  are commercially relate to this organization and of course those who control it : 
Number 1  The Rothschild , number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc. 
Rothschild: APPLE INC -Rothschilds, EXXON MOBIL CORP -Rothschilds, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO -Rothschilds, CHEVRON CORP -Rothschilds, MICROSOFT CORP -Rothschilds, JOHNSON & JOHNSON -Rothschilds, GOOGLE INC -Rothschilds, Wells Fargo & CO NEW -Rothschilds, PROCTER & GAMBLE CO -Rothschilds, PFIZER INC -Rothschilds, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS -Rothschilds, JPMORGAN CHASE & CO. What if! 
Bill Gates Planetarium murderer, "pass", I use the lie Climate Change to promote vaccines "would solve the problem" by depopulation!
An incomprehensible mix of information and conveniently confusing this report announces progress of the Rothschild on the global carbon industry.
Rothschild Australia and E3 International to take the lead in the overall carbon trading market " - Source PR Newswire UK (a company of UBM plc  of the Rothschild family)
BWN since Argentina began publishing the list of shareholders of major corporations Rothschild 3 things occurred, punctually.
 1 - deleted from Google a page German finance made known the owners of certain commercial entities, the Rothschilds. 
2 - erased the blog of an independent investigator who reproduced the information exposing the Rothschilds . 
3 - "Data Not Available" = "Data not available",  eg , Example 2 , Nasdaq erased data on various corporations . 
BWN Argentina Is that important?Argentina BWN investigations are.And they serve as a source for thousands of investigative journalists worldwide.
Sydney, Australia - Rothschild Australia and E3 International will become the main protagonists of credit trading international carbon market. 
A market that analysts estimate: "(...) the sum could reach up to US $ S 150 billion in 2012 (...)". 
"In a move that will reshape the emerging commercial market".
Rothschild Australia and E3 International  announced its intention to promote the Consortium carbon ring  (an investment vehicle that will provide companies in the region  Asia-Pacific  through an innovative way to learn and understand their risks with regard to the new carbon market ).
Consortium carbon ring  is the first of its kind in the region  Asia-Pacific and the first of a series of private investment ring  Carbon Pty Ltd will promote in the coming years.
Richard Martin , executive director of  Rotschild Australia  said: 
"With the recent development in international climate change policy, the question is no longer whether it will come, but when will" , referring  to "this new form of marketing." 
"Rotschild Australia,  through carbon rings, try to be at the forefront of these markets, providing forms of private investment companies seeking to offset their liabilities greenhouse gas emissions".
And the article continues:
"The consortium carbon rings allow companies with a passive carbon future, buy a wide range of credit and get a practical view of the operation of this new market. 
These loans were obtained from national and international projects that achieve emissions reductions of greenhouse gas will be distributed proportionally among investors.
"The Consortium carbon ring is an important first step to Rotschild and its customers , " says Mr. Martin. 
"It should appeal to companies that face a risk of greenhouse and are important users or producers of energy, such as electricity generators, heavy industries, oil companies, large manufacturers or airlines, among many others." 
It provides investors the opportunity to learn about the market through a low-risk investment, investment vehicle inexpensive, created specifically to acquire a wide range of carbon credits. 
Participants will also share significant knowledge and intellectual property,  says Martin. 
During his lifetime , the consortium carbon ring ,  intends to acquire a wide range of loans, in the most varied jurisdictions and sources. 
During the process, it exposes investors to many of the most pressing problems which corporations must address by the mere fact of participating in the emerging carbon market. 
Also it gives investors a practical knowledge of buying and selling carbon credits on the market today, without investing in or taking unnecessary risks significant commercial infrastructure. 
Mr.  Martin  believes there are many reasons for an organization to invest in the Consortium:
 the acquisition of practical experience in an emerging market, offsetting their emissions of greenhouse gases and coverage of their investments in new infrastructure, or in response to public expectations, customers or shareholders. 
Craig Windram , director of E3 International and a partner in the carbon ring  say: 
"A passive carbon carries a considerable financial risk for organizations and appropriate initial planning to address this risk will give an organization advantages in terms of competitiveness.  That's where carbon enters the ring. 
"A few companies have developed practical experience of this new emerging market. 
For companies located on both sides of the equation, such as  buyers and sellers of carbon,  the  consortium will provide an opportunity to learn by doing. 
This experience will be vital to help companies develop policies that allow understand and identify risks and demonstrate leadership in an area of growing public concern ,"says Mr.  Windram. 
The consortium carbon ring  is an investment scheme administered, not yet registered. 
Designed  to be as a vehicle of limited duration,  will document the legal and accounting process involved  in the  purchase, sale and distribution of various carbon credit assets. 
It requires an investment of $ 100,000,  with return to investors in the  form of carbon credits
About Rothschild: 
NM Rothschild & and Sons;  It has been the focus of financial markets around the world for over 200 years. 
Today  is a global investment bank, which provides independent quality advice to governments, corporations and individuals worldwide through a network of professionals located in 40 offices in over 30 countries.
About E3 - E3 Group  is a  hybrid organization dedicated to creating business for sustainable development. 
It is partly strategic consulting, environmental issues, project development and investment manager. 
The  E3 Group  encompasses a number of companies that have been developed based on business sustainability. 
It includes a conventional business consulting, environmental software company, a promoter dedicated to renewable energy and carbon ring consortium. 
The main operating company in the group is  E3 International Pty Limited , headquartered in Australia.
SOURCE NM  Rothschild and Sons
End of article.

Lies upon lies about other lies to benefit various corporations Rothschild
Climate Change lies not only benefited the Rothschilds in their dealings with industry CO2 or carbon. 
It was also a boost for the market launch infanticide vaccines and to create the lie of "world hunger", which can only satisfy "Monsanto". 
60 years around the globe fed with organic food and tons wasted. 
NO population growth was significant in the last 60 years and yet, without providing any scientific evidence, tell us now that GMOs are the only possible solution to feed the planet. 
Transgenic or GMO are a product to depopulate. 
In addition, the lie of climate change served tax collection and to generate a false guilt, pointing to the underdeveloped countries are the only ones, for example, to use lamps "low consumption". 
Do your own research and discover the endless chain of fallacies built on lies. 
You'll be surprised.
BWN Argentina

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