
3 de junio de 2017

Trump hits the Rostchild, pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement against Climate Change

Within the covert war between the Zionist elite that dominates the world, this measure, apart from trying to find a more beneficial for the US agreement is a blow to the Rostchild, as they are they are the ones who manage the carbon market It is reporting many thousands of millions of dollars from the sale / purchase of emissions from rich to poor countries.

Armak of Odelot

Trump result image shows the 6.3 million kilos of emissions Paris USA agreement on climate change

Trump takes the 6.3 million kilos of emissions Paris USA agreement on climate change

After  a week of rumors and cross statements ,  Donald Trump is announcing that the United States willabandon the Paris agreement . 
Thus fulfilling one of its election promises and destroys the hopes of all those who hoped  that, as with NAFTA ,  did not dare.
Bill Nye Has A Great Response To Trumps Outrageous Statements About Climate Change
"This treaty is not about the weather, but goes on how other countries are using it to outdo the United States"

The climate story of the year

To North Korea it joined the great international agreement on climate change. 
Only two countries had not signed the Paris Agreement : 
Syria , a state in civil war, and  Nicaragua , with  more than 90% renewable energy thought it was unambitious. 
Today,  Donald Trump  joins the United States  to that list.
"We will start negotiations to re-enter Paris or a new agreement that is favorable to the US economy," he explained in a press conference at the White House. 
"This treaty is not about the weather, but it  is about how other countries are using it to outdo the United States ".
Trump  has focused on explaining the issues under its discretion, he presented the  Paris Agreement:  basically discrimination in its judgment suffers United States. 
"No responsible leader could put your workers and your country in these disadvantages" , he said.
But  it 's hard to know what might be treated more lax than Paris  (who was able to agree to big polluters of the world). 
Trump has used the same (relative) "little ambition" rules of the Treaty as a weapon to justify his departure.
"A decision that puts Americans first" , even before the scientific evidence. 
In this way,  Donald Trump  strikes a major blow  to the  fight against climate change and put in trouble the rest of the international community.

In a different political era - just 13 months ago - John Kerry Went to the UN, held tight His granddaughter, and signed the Paris agreement.

What will happen now?

Trump administration  could have decided not to implement the Agreement. Paris  is a complete change of concept in international treaties against climate change and, in its structure, all national commitments are voluntary. 
This means that  Trump could have chosen to dismantle the American environmental policy without incurring any penalty. It has not been that its decision
Apparently,  the US government invoked Article 28 of the Agreement. 
The problem is that that article provides that the parties may only initiate the checkout process  (lasting one year) three years after signing:  United States takes just 13 months  and, for the output became effective,  Trump should  retain his presidency  in the next elections.
The other option was to get out of thewhole  Framework Convention on Climate Change United Nations  of the Paris Agreement is only a part. 
This  could do with only one year's notice.
But, for all we know, the American tycoon team seems to have ruled this way.
" It is time to leave the Paris agreement" , he said without giving further technical details. 
We must be aware of the following steps of Trump Management,  Response rest of the international community  and the reaction within their own country (personalities  like Elon Musk  or  the president of General Electric  have already expressed their disagreement with the decision ). 
Just when we could be optimistic in the fight against climate change,  the game has completely changed .

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