
6 de junio de 2017

¿Nuclear Threat or Militarization of US-Korean Peninsula?

¿Nuclear threat or militarized Korean peninsula by the US?

By Rasoul Goudarzi - HispanTV 

The Korean Peninsula has always been regarded as one of the epicentres of the crisis in the world.
Currently the escalation of tension between Pyongyang and Washington, which has led therefore constant ballistic missile launches by North Korea, especially in the waters of Japan, has left the region about to be exploited.
In this article we analyze the root of the growing tension between the US and North Korea, in addition to analyzing the consequences of a military confrontation.
US militarized Korean peninsula  for 
decades, the mislísticas tests  and North Korea 's nuclear program have worried the US and its allies like  Japan and South Korea. 
Washington says Pyongyang  through each of the test advances more in the missile field, therefore, along with its partners in the Security Council of the UN they are imposing more and more sanctions against  Pyongyang. 
So, now,  North Korea  has faced the tougher sanctions, which has even joined its closest, ie, an ally  China.
Even the arrival of  Donald Trump  for president of the United States, worsened the circumstances so that the possibility of a military confrontation on the Korean Peninsula deck. Something that is due to the change of White House policy regarding  North Korea. 
In fact, before  Washington  sought only measures of economic pressure to curb North Korea 's nuclear program, however, under the mandate of  Trump  it is resorting to the military option. Something that can be seen in the sending of the most advanced ships and warships to the region, along with holding a large military maneuvers with South Korea.
As part of the  military option by the US against North Korea,  US Secretary of State , Rex W. Tillerson, on his trip to Japan, South Korea and China , said it is ending the patience of  Washington  and two decades diplomacy has not worked, so if  Pyongyang  continues its nuclear activities, Washington is forced to resort to the military option.
Notably, the fact show  North Korea  as an extraterritorial threat, has given the opportunity for Americans to tighten their measures and strengthen its military presence in the region. 
In this context, and  the US, despite opposition from China and North Korea,  he activated its famous  missile shield, THAAD deployed in  South Korea .
Given these mobilizations US  military and economic sanctions,  Pyongyang frequently performed and the missile tests. 
In short,  North Korea considers its nuclear power as a deterrent tool  against existing threats that  weigh against  him and has even announced that it  is ready to engage in any kind of war  that the US launched.
China has improved its ballistic missiles so effectively has expanded its reach. 
Several think tanks Americans  recently calculated that their weapons probably are already able to reach up to the Mexican territory.
Militarization of the Korean peninsula tension perspective
Not everything is limited to a confrontation between Pyongyang and Washington.  In fact, US under an alleged nuclear threat from Pyongyang is militarizing the Korean peninsula, where it is considered as the strategic space or "Backyard" of China. Reason why, Beijing aware of what is happening in the region and following the steps that  Washington , made it clear that bet  for full denuclearization of the Korean peninsula  to not only reduce the US military presence, but his own territory is safe from a possible nuclear war.
In this context,  the other rival US, ie, Russia  , which  is opposed  to such a presence in Washington in this part of the world, called on the parties concerned to return to the negotiating table and resolve the issue through dialogue.
However, the dialogue has not worked to reduce the tension. In fact , North Korea  no longer trusts  the US  to continue dialogue over its nuclear program and this is rooted in that  in 1994, Washington  signed  a framework agreement with North Korea,  which included the  lifting of the embargo  in exchange for the suspension of its nuclear activities. 
Orea North fulfilled its part,  ie ceased its nuclear program,  but Washington did not remove the sanctions  and as a result, in 2003 the pact failed.
Also in  2015 , North Korea  was very willing to halt its nuclear military career and remove any threat. The US President Barack Obama rejected the pact. 
Do you know why he refused? 
Because in return, USA I had to do a simple thing, stop doing military exercises, stop bragging their weapons and stop their military ships wander across the border of North Korea, which  rejected Obama.
In this context, we can say that  if the US really looking to clear the nuclear threat from North Korea , welcomed  welcome both times Pyongyang  agreed  to voluntarily dismantle its nuclear program,  something that did not. 
So the pace of the developments between the two sides and the last US military mobilizations on the Korean peninsula could assume that what  Washington  seeks through the approach to North Korea 's nuclear threat, is to expand its presence in this region and limit Chinese influence in this part of the world. 
As for a single small miscalculation could result in a total catastrophe for the Asian region. 
Something that would be very likely, if Pyongyang intends to respond to the threats with a nuclear bomb because this country has nothing to lose. 

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