
13 de junio de 2017

The GAIA (EARTH) project is the most ambitious project of the universe

By: Záblon Erguth

The spectrum field of view of our sense of sight only reaches a small percentage of vision of the subject.Everything we see is but a fraction of our true reality in the environment we live in.

There are parallel realities, but these realities are nonexistent for our conscience because we say that "we do not see, does not exist", but if there far beyond human vision.

The GAIA (EARTH) project is the most ambitious project of the universe. So it has been supervised by millions of years until today. You have to ask "because it is the most ambitious?", "That there will be other, more important than this?". 

This is because the human is the culmination of the genetic / divine design which houses within itself (DNA) a mixture of genes from several races (light and dark) and Divinos genes, through which said mixture allows souls take a body perfectly prepared for experiencing duality / polarity within this planet / school called Earth (GAIA, DOGUE, Dubko, ETC).

They exist in all evolving universes, organizations monitoring the evolution of worlds and sus.humanidades. 

At the level of our local universe (NEBADON) there is CONFEDERATION OF LIGHT (Commanded by MIKAEL of Nebadon, also known as Miguel Arcangel) and the Confederation of THE DARK (commanded by the archangel Lucifer, known as Lucifer). Both confederations have its own mission that is applied in the en.evolución y.humanidades worlds of this universe and both are subject to fulfill the Divine Will.

At the level of. our galaxy exists the Galactic Federation of Light and the Galactic Federation of darkness. Both with Galactica / planetary mission.

The dark races had a contract for 5000 years to master our planet Earth and the contract ended 12/21/12 . So they asked the dominant force authorities to stop el.planeta as soonpossible.

Millions of ships invisible to our eyes, our sky and surrounding environments, all perfectly organized, synchronized positioned. The vast majority are brothers of light coming from distant places (Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda, etc) to support el.proceso of Dimensional Change (ascension) both of our planet and of humanity and the other kingdoms (mineral, vegetal , elfico, animal, devico, elemental). However they continue tocirculate ships of the dark side, although they are already las.menos.

Feel Unprotected @ !! We've never been alone. But our Interstellar and Intraterrestrial brothers never do a job massive rescue to free us from the darkness, they just come to support the lifting process for those souls that free will so desire and they have the technology to know who if and who do not want up .

The decision is every soul that coexists in this beautiful Confederate planet. 

Namaste, Namaskar, Shalom, Aho Amen.

I share with love ....,  Zablon Erguth

You can share you too, provided you do not modify anything in writing, from the beginning to this note.Blessings

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