
13 de junio de 2017

Earth's future is already present and available for all to see and experience

Channeled by Natalie Glasson - June 9, 2017 - Source Original: Sacred School of Omna

Earth's future is already present and available for all to see and experience;It is now available for everyone on Earth. Instead of moving your physical body, or even its light body, to access the dimension that shows the future of the Earth, this is simply a frequency of energy that the mind absorbs, reflects and then turns.

Your mind creates reality that you experience through your collection of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, past experiences, fears and desires. The most prominent energy within your being, whether positive or negative, support the creation of your reality because your mind uses them to attract similar energies to your reality so that you experience them. Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, past experiences, fears and desires create frequencies of light, energy, sound and information within you, creating a dreamlike state born of his own product. You are also influenced by the collective consciousness of humanity and by perceptions of past generations. The basic information that has been taught as fact create a tunnel through which you see your reality. Including information and ideas you perceive as normal and right about how they should live human on Earth and how it should be Earth they are all born from the perspectives of others. Indeed they are like walls blocking your ability to see the Earth and themselves from their own inner truth, their own natural perspective and view. Its natural perspective is the perception of his being, the view of your being that allows them to see beyond the limitations and illusions, recognizing what is already present rather than what humanity has believed is present for many years.Indeed they are like walls blocking your ability to see the Earth and themselves from their own inner truth, their own natural perspective and view. Its natural perspective is the perception of his being, the view of your being that allows them to see beyond the limitations and illusions, recognizing what is already present rather than what humanity has believed is present for many years.Indeed they are like walls blocking your ability to see the Earth and themselves from their own inner truth, their own natural perspective and view. Its natural perspective is the perception of his being, the view of your being that allows them to see beyond the limitations and illusions, recognizing what is already present rather than what humanity has believed is present for many years.

When they access the future dimension of Earth allow themselves to it, and his humanity from new inner perceptions. These new insights brought by his being are unlimited, loving, creative, pure and true, created by thoughts, emotions, beliefs and positive goals. More than 80% of the fears will be healed and erased, limiting and releasing past experiences and perceptions, which allows to have more space for love and truth of the Creator and the Universe fill your Beings.Consequently, the frequency of your Being is to be altered, and therefore, your mind will use the frequencies of love, expansion and satisfaction to attract them, and even more to your reality so that you experience them.Really, you will be aligned more than 80% with the Creator, allowing all that is the Creator to flow through you in abundance. It is important to know that when they begin to afford to see through the eyes of his being, and are experiencing a 40% alignment with the Creator, which means that they are now able to attract successful and loving your life and glimpses of the future experiences from the earth.

What dimension is known as the Future of Earth?

The dimensions are simply energy frequencies, which are experienced when embodied and feel like a world full of creations and encounters. Each dimension has a different frequency, and therefore, an intention different experience. The dimension known as the Future of the Earth is truly beautiful; she proves to Earth and humanity living in harmony and in more than 80% alignment with the Creator on a physical level. Love, truth, happiness, contentment, peace, perfect health and abundance are available to all for the experience. The great blessing of this dimension is that it has a deep and powerful presence of creative vibrations of the Creator. This is because the Creator is present within each and also because Mother Earth is existing in its purest vibration and is a source of immense creativity that is beyond the limitations and boundaries. When humanity exists in alignment with the Creator, recognize the profound creative energies and abilities of Mother Earth. Mankind and Mother Earth will begin a deep and meaningful career together, fusing the energy of creation with the pure intention of the Creator. This will be so powerful that the Creator will fill the universe with such beauty born of the essence of the Creator never before experienced by many. It fills the Universe beauty of the Creator and inspire a great and powerful cosmic change that will impact positively to all.

Preparing for the future of the Earth

Anyone on earth can access the dimension of the future of the Earth right now. No need to wait for all mankind change. The dimension is already present, there is no need to believe mankind on Earth. Instead, humanity needs to create appropriate conditions within your being so that they can fully access and experience the dimension of happiness on earth.Appropriate conditions are thoughts, emotions, beliefs and positive and fulfilling goals. More than 80% of the healed and erased fears, along with the experiences and perceptions past limiting released, allowing more room for love and truth of the Creator. As each person acting within his Self to achieve the right conditions so it will seem as if the Earth was transformed around. Earth reflect what is happening within their beings and transitions happening within the collective consciousness of humanity.Many of the old energies and perceptions of limitation, fear and illusion will rise to the surface to be recognized and released. Some illusions might be so ingrained in the perceptions of humanity that this could feel like a tremendous loss, and even create mourning processes that are healers, allowing truth to emerge.Many of the old energies and perceptions of limitation, fear and illusion will rise to the surface to be recognized and released. Some illusions might be so ingrained in the perceptions of humanity that this could feel like a tremendous loss, and even create mourning processes that are healers, allowing truth to emerge.Many of the old energies and perceptions of limitation, fear and illusion will rise to the surface to be recognized and released. Some illusions might be so ingrained in the perceptions of humanity that this could feel like a tremendous loss, and even create mourning processes that are healers, allowing truth to emerge.

It is important to realize that truth is not always information or knowledge;it is often a feeling of liberation or an expression that manifests expansion, truth is an expansion of their perceptions of themselves and their surroundings.

Changes and movements in how you perceive yourself and reality could be just internal; however you could see, to sense and recognize them as situations or solid experiences in their local reality and the world. The need for solid outside world change to align with your inner world will take time.Exercising patience and compassion to the world around them not only will support handle changes in the world created by the inner changes of all mankind, but also allow them to have a glimpse of the dimension of the future of the Earth, yet during the darkest times in her. When you do perceive everything as the perfection of the Creator, either if it appears to be positive or negative for you.

Important remind themselves

Any situation in your reality or the world, either alarming or inspiring, is a product of perceptions of humanity and themselves advancing limitations on the release and alignment with the Creator. It is a process of creating freedom for everyone, but sometimes is also a product of the limiting perception resisting transformation.Many situations perceived by you as negatives are manifested to create a reaction in humanity which brings an inner transformation that leads to new insights inspired by the Self and the release of the old limiting perceptions.

Accessing the dimension of the future of the Earth

Accessing the dimension of the future of the Earth you align themselves, the Earth and humanity with the Creator and with the most inspirational and creative experience of Earth.Remember that this is not something created on Earth, but an internal perception of the Earth and of themselves which will gradually account, and will feel as if Earth was transformed around him. Really it is just your perspective on Earth that will be changing. An example of this is if you experience internal chaos, then chaos will be present at their local reality and the world, and see it in others and in their actions. If you heal and release the frequency of inner chaos, then they will no longer see your reality or your world. As humanity gradually released chaos the presence and creating chaos in the world will dissolve completely. Its internal transformation is a catalyst supporting everyone to access the truth of the Creator.

'Archangel Metatron, surround me with your angelic light to raise my vibration and ready to connect to the dimension of the future of the Earth. Let me bathe and soak in all aspects of my being the sacred frequency of the dimension of the future of the Earth.Supports my body to vibrate in harmony with this dimension and align my mind with frequency. Help me to have a look, presentiment and embody the dimension of the future of the Earth. Now let me see, presentiment and recognize the truth of the Earth and the Creator. Thank you.'

You are an integral part of the present and the future of the Earth and its ascension process.

archangel Metatron


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