
6 de junio de 2017

The looming in the duel vs Spain Catalonia - Without Catalonia, sovereign debt in Greece would make Spain

The looming in the duel Catalonia vs Spain

On the issue of confrontation between Catalonia and Spain as treatment for cottons because I'm chastened since the late 90's when it occurred to me to publish the goings in the back room of the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia and his large family. 

They have had to spend a few years to oust Jordi Pujol  and family  by those who did business with him. 

Beyond the democratic facade, beyond the scenery and staging is the backroom where economic power is eaten with potatoes this political power and the judiciary. 

The predatory monster, economic power, is perched on top of the system and leads us inexorably to its fold imposing its conditions. 

Society is defenseless against this aggression that eliminates the social gains and leads to despair of millions of people who are caught in a trap and his life in the hands of patients greed that seek, and get, you enslave. I said this is not an occurrence, it is the realization of what happens to a good part of the Spanish population. 

This aggression against a part of civil society has rebounded against the predatory monster and his cronies call him a coup. 

To be precise let's look to the dictionary: rebel is equivalent to resist,  insubordination or refusing to obey  this is called revolution . 

Here we come to the paradox (said or done that seems counterintuitive) that goes beyond the contradictory conditions, the coup is valid and true but it is also plausible revolution. 

Can there be a coup without violating civil or military revolution? 

I would not be extended if they are splitting hairs but
I said that the issue of  Catalonia vs. Spain  I have to deal with leaden feet, but those who have followed the blog will have noticed that I do not defend any party or group or any faction or tribe than mine and my tribe is so low that we all fit in a taxi. 

That said, I would state my opinion:  The solution to the evil of Spain, a succession of governments sold to economic power, is undoubtedly in the course of events in Catalonia. 

The train wreck is produced weeks so the outcome will not end with this story, but will begin a new and unpredictable situation. 

It is precisely  the decision taken by the government of Spain that decant what scenario events unfold. 

President Rajoy, worse not been able to do and has been confronting a dangerous area from the time it became a referendum in Catalonia to approve the statute that its central core is in other autonomous statutes and PP, looking for some votes took him to the Constitutional Court. 

Which voted the Catalan people is refuted by a judicial body put finger.  Errors have been occurring one after another and now any solution has been radicalized.
The best option after this chain of errors, remains the referendum: although it is not authorized. 

The oligarchy has the means to disseminate  urbe et orbi  The Government l or causes beyond our borders in order to avoid a European mediation.  or any other reason. 

Only intervene if they think that the response of Spain is a risk for the euro zone: possible, but not yet likely.   ranging from verbal confrontation slapping conflict. 

Worth checking out.
A risk for the euro zone
It is the Spanish sovereign debt . 

If the confrontation leads to a divorce in arguments and fights plan, they can affect tax collection by strikes and falling production. 

If it affects tax revenues,  will affect the housing state and constitutional change, the PP and PSOE,  who first charge creditors who hold in their hands the Spanish debt, cuts to the State Budget were anger hand and cuts on cuts is supposed to cause more unrest. 

But that would be less, the fat will, if divorce is those dishes thrown in the head, where some say,  "if you go  I will not pay you a pension  and you'll jorobar",  and the other they say,  "you can put the social security box where you fit, you stay here  with sovereign debt is your name ". 

Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but it turns out that pensions are paid dues to the Social Security that employers and employees pay each month and Catalonia already have organized these shares reach the Catalan coffers, however, maturities Treasury responsible for paying sovereign debt, are paid with the money that's in the box state, no money and they will find investors.
State destabilization arrive there ,  This predictable event the government lies to us and the media are silent and those who have to say do not say anything. 

It is preferable to turn this thorny issue  and disseminate a Catalonia split would wander eternally through space, and instead of telling the truth that  Spain,  with an unpayable debt "aid to banks"  may not meet maturities debt and enter into the chaos of default  (the country suspended payments to stop paying overdue debt and interest due) hence, the problem of Greece remain dwarfed. 

Greece's sovereign debt is 200,000 million and a trillion of Spain, ie five times. 

We are close to this catastrophe and cracking debt will come out as the train crash occurs. 

Catalonia  has a debt on behalf of the  Generalitat , this is what it 's worth, of  62,000 million euros  equivalent to  31% of its theoretical GDP,  An assumable debt because it is half the recommended and Spain (without Catalonia) would have a 125% debt is twice what is recommended  who wins and who loses?
To add something else I leave my prediction on this issue: Europe intervene when endanger see the integrity of the euro because the euro area has a design problem, the countries that comprise it can not devalue because the currency is common and does not plan to attend the country with difficulties. 

We have seen in treating Greece.  (as Puerto Rico to the US).  Yet the oligarchs will not sleep quietly,  have secured debt as have insured corruption scandals that uncover as Catalonia kick over the scourge of those who have held power. 

Already said  Jordi Pujol :  if you shake the branches end up falling nests.

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