
5 de junio de 2017

The official Spain and the real Spain: two incompatible visions

Disparate Economic 


As much as manipulate and lie in facts and figures, as Zapatero did not get off the inevitable, just worse. What will be the consequences?

A woman walks past a painted euro banknotes. (EFE)

In February 2008, just three weeks before the general election, MAFO , then governor of the Bank of Spain, falsify GDP in the fourth quarter 2007 claiming he had grown by 0.8%, as in the previous quarter had grown by 0.7%, it meant that the Spanish economy, unlike the rest of the world, continued to grow. With this amazing canard and unable to disprove PP, mental indigent Rodriguez Zapatero would win the election. At year 's end, INE demean the figure: Spain was also falling, but it was too late. 

Back in power, Zapatero and Solbes, who never knew why the economy had grown much less why it sank, invented fantasy, backed by banks and construction companies , that the crisis was temporary and that in two years the growth back strongly, "we played in the Champions League." And so there was no outrage (give for good the false balances, maintain the value of stranded assets, conceal bad debts, etc.) or manipulation not to perform, from GDP to unemployment or fiscal pressure as the recovery was imminent everything would fit, and nobody had to learn their traps and lies. In democracies, they put people in jail for this.
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (R) talks with Pedro Solbes in Congress. (EFE)

The result: the great system of savings banks that for nearly two centuries was safe haven of savings and funder of the lower classes, which represented 52% of the financial system, delivered to politicians and inept union and / or thieves, would be destroyed and their remains delivered at bargain prices -Botín big banks say that Zapatero was the best president of all our history. Unemployment would rise from 8% in 2008 to 18.7%, the real, according to the ECB, it is 30%. Wages would drop by 20%, and household wealth would shrink by 40%, the highest pillaging a village in living memory. Public debt would be multiplied by three until 1.54 trillion. The pension system has broken and the tax burden on workers and the middle class is the third highest in the OECD and most of our history.
System 78 causes motor and all the chaos

Nothing happens today, from the relative loss of wealth from Spain to the rest of the developed increased wage degradation and the unfair distribution of income world and wealth of the EU, the largest tax in our history with big business and big money practically free, corruption of state and staff ever known levels, and the gigantic debt bubble that continues to grow each week, that ruin the lives of future generations of Spaniards for not less than 50 years

It can be explained without going back to the source of all our ills: the unfortunate and so autoalabado regime 78. In the words of Antonio García Trevijano, the best Spanish political thinker of all the s. XX, and only democratic opposition to Francoism, "clandestine parties and the heirs of Francoism, with the King at the head, never pursued democracy. They did not even know what it was. They only interested in personal gain, and positions of social status and power. Nor they did not pursue power. Neither knew what that was, none -King included- had any vision or project in Spain, only dreamed of participating in the feast - sharing status: in official positions and live like rajas of public money ".

Enrique Múgica: "Democracy is fine,

but most important is to create jobs paying for the Democrats' "And for all, family, friends and co - religionists, partake of the feast, and not only in Madrid, minced Spain in 17 pieces opposing all the geographical reality and historical, and removed all the controls and balances of a state, to allow the looting of Spain with absolute impunity, which has led to the largest wave of corruption state and personal history of Europe. The parties themselves soon became what they are today: mafia gangs shaped party without ideology that profit, vanity of public office and social recognition in the media ". Another Spanish genius, Camilo José Cela, say those responsible for the 78 regime " The TC has endorsed communities, being autonomous, no need of any kind of control, giving legal cover to corruption so well paid that Spain is the second country in the world after Luxembourg in which public wages exceed half a the private sector (40%), and so many that, according to Cristobal Montoro , "the three million public employees, only 700,000 have earned their place through fair and transparent competition." But mostly they eliminated all controls fiscalizaban management. That would explain me the socialist mayor of Prat de Llobregat who had asked for a bribe to authorize Campsa step Tarragona-Barcelona pipeline for its jurisdiction. When I asked why they had removed the controls, he replied: "We do not need anyone we would audit, that is pure fascism, he supervises us we the people with their votes." Two noses. Unfortunately, it was not only the point of view of a mayor, the Constitutional Court has endorsed the CCAA, being autonomous, no need of any kind of control, giving legal cover to corruption at all levels. Since it is impossible to obtain a contract or a public grant or requalification without bribery, everything is given in advance The recent act of indictment of the Civil Guard against Cristina Cifuentes for the award meals of the Community of Madrid to a 'benefactor 'PP describes perfectly the modus operandi of these fraudulent contracts, which is extended to almost all public awards. We have a corrupt administration to the core. The cost of the autonomous State regarding a decentralized and honest country like France is about 100,000 million euros year. Facts and Figures difference between the official version and reality X.1Versión oficialSituación realPIB (Mill. Euros) 1107.000 918,000 Unemployment 18.70% 29.70% Public Debt (bill. Euros) 1,12 (PDE) 1.54 (Total ) debt / GDP 99% 168% public Défiti 2016 4.50% 5.70% deficit pensions 2016 (mil. Euros) 18.898 20.400 tax burden 37% 45% Get the data Created with Datawrapper GDP. - The GDP actual calculated using official statistics and the three possible routes calculation is 17.5% below the official. From the perspective of production is calculated with the added values obtained in the service sector surveys, industry and construction. From the perspective of income, with income data available from the Tax Agency. And from the perspective of demand through surveys of demand INE itself. A methodology has been validated by the Institute's most prestigious German Economy. Paro.- The last EPA (1T2017) fixed unemployment in 18.75% of the workforce. However, to stop the INE consider a person, This must have made an active job search week before the survey, if it does not it is classified as inactive. Hundreds of thousands of unemployed or 'unemployed disenchanted' have not done this active job search during the reference week and do not appear as such but as inactive. There were no concrete figures on the number until last month. The ECB, in its latest monthly bulletin, has quantified: unemployment in Spain is 11 superior to EPA, 29.75% points. PUBLIC debt is so obvious that one is almost ashamed to repeat it . The debt that government, media and 'juntaletras' deceive the Spanish debt is according to protocol excessive deficit (EDP), an accounting convention in Brussels for countries with more than 3% deficit that does not collect any debt. Total debt outstanding liabilities are published every three months BDE, and at the end of 2016 amounted to 1.54 trillion euros. Debt / debt PIB.- Compare PDE that is not all debt with the official GDP is a scam and the Spanish, but the reality is much worse because the official GDP is false: total / real GDP debt ratio is 168% although a senior commission official told me as "Mr. Centeno, given the fragility of the eEurozona and the German elections, everyone will look the other way, how not possibly believe if Spain has not yet submitted PGE 2017 and nothing happens? " . The Government fits amendments 'MP 176' to ensure the COLLADO PresupuestosÁNGEL the PSOE threatens to veto the constitutional amendments thousands " Spain will suspend payments for two reasons: the debt bubble is already unpayable, and it continues to grow in the 1T2017- -22,426 million, while the official wealth (GDP) grew by 8,900 million euros debt 2.5 !, one of growth is crazy! When ?, when the ECB end the QE and start raising interest rates or when markets are aware of reality. What will be the consequences? Look at Greece, pensions will be brutally cut- and is mulling the hypothesis eliminate extra pay; they shall come up the tax burden on the working class and the middle class; public and private wages will be reduced. They will not stop the waste or the hundreds of thousands of public plugged. As said Rajoy , "that is not touched"

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