
10 de junio de 2017

What it is behind Zionism

What is behind Zionism 
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June 9th, 2017

British found a Jewish-American problem. The British crown took these developments very seriously, and the British ambassador to Washington suspected the existence of a German Jewish conspiracy in the US directed against Britain.

Conclusion The Balfour Declaration of 1917, was motivated by the desire of the British crown to win support from pro - German US Jews.

Several authors argue that the Zionists gave Britain its support to carry US to war in exchange for turning Palestine into a Jewish homeland.

This animosity of Germany after World War 1 came to the Jews of treason and complicity of German Jewish financiers in defeat.

European Zionist settlers were few under the Ottoman Empire and never really gave them carte blanche in Palestine; if he had left the Ottoman control of Palestine, it is very unlikely that the Jewish state had been realized at the expense of the native population.

The situation changed with the occupation of Palestine by the British in 1917. But earlier, on November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration had already granted the right to Palestine Zionism.

The terms were incorporated into the British Mandate in Palestine in 1922 and were approved by the League of Nations. This was a dramatic political and propaganda for the international Zionist movement achievement.

In 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was less than 10% of its total population.

The content of the Balfour Declaration is rooted in a racist colonial policy of denial. In fact, the Palestinian people owned more than 97% of the land that Britain intended to give.

Declaration Palestinian Christians or Muslims referred to as "non - Jewish communities in Palestine exist" while completely omitting their national and political rights.

The Declaration is typical of the white supremacist period style and fits with the notion of "a land without people (for a people without land) created to justify European colonization and denial of fundamental rights of the Palestinians.

Often the British-Zionist alliance and the Balfour Declaration in terms of calculations of war and military strategic goals (including Palestine proximity to the Suez Canal controlled by Britain and the route to India) are explained.

When white settlers moved to Palestine their attitude towards the population was typical colonial attitude to "inferior" peoples and "uncivilized" though the Zionist colonies remained very small until the British occupied Palestine in 1917.

After occupation process accelerated rapidly under the protection of the colonial power.

During this period (1918-1948) Ashkenazi white settlers made no effort to integrate their struggles in Palestinian fighting against British colonialism. By contrast, settlers acted with the conviction that the original population would have to be submitted or expelled, with the help of the British.

White colonization of Palestine settlement culminated in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and the Palestinian Nakba, the catastrophe of ethnic cleansing and the destruction of much of historic Palestine.

Psychological warfare and military pressure Zionists expelled, often at gunpoint, to about 90% of Palestinians in Israeli - occupied territory in 1948,

often under the watchful eyes of the British who continued to run the country until the middle of 1948. The war simply provided the opportunity and context necessary to purge the land and create a Jewish state largely free of Arabs. He concentrated Jewish-Zionist minds and provided both security and explanations and justifications for military and strategic purge the state and dispossess the Palestinian people.

Currently, approximately 2/3 of Palestinians are refugees, millions of them live in squalid refugee camps in the Middle East and millions more are scattered around the world.

Militarist Zionist Israel has used the Bible not only as a tool for ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the "exile" of millions of Palestinians from their ancestral homeland, but also as a way to erase Palestinian history and suppress the Palestinian memory .

British ruling class publicly choose a "neutral position" on Palestine often in the form of silence or collective amnesia.

Given the historical responsibility of Britain in the Palestinian catastrophe, can not be such neutrality or indifference towards injustice in Palestine British ruling class publicly choose a "neutral position" on Palestine often in the form of silence or collective amnesia. Given the historical responsibility of Britain in the Palestinian catastrophe, can not be such neutrality or indifference towards injustice in Palestine British ruling class publicly choose a "neutral position" on Palestine often in the form of silence or collective amnesia. Given the historical responsibility of Britain in the Palestinian catastrophe, can not be such neutrality or indifference towards injustice in Palestine

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