
13 de junio de 2017

Why he swore Francisco as Bishop of Rome and not as pope?

Is Pope Benedicto XVI alone? Why he swore Francisco as Bishop of Rome and not as pope?

"Dearest brothers,
I have called this consistory, (...) also to communicate a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. Having examined my conscience before God repeatedly, (...) being well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of St. Peter .... "
Benedicto XVI (Speech resigned Feb. 11, 2013)
Benedicto XVI resigned from the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, but resigned to the Primacy:  " I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome."  Benedicto XVI declares that renounces the Primacy, because he knows he can not give up.
Francisco said that he was elected Bishop of Rome, but Pope:
"You know that the duty of the conclave was to a Bishop to Rome ... The diocesan community of Rome is in Bishop ... And now began this way: Bishop and people.
This journey of the Church of Rome .... I hope that this way of Church ... be fruitful for the evangelization of this beautiful city ....Tomorrow would go to pray to the Virgin, to protect all of Rome "  .
Bishop Bergoglio - Francis, in his speech accepting the position as bishop of Rome on March 13, 2013.
Francisco did not mention even once the Catholic Church, the figure of the Pope. Only he mentioned to Rome.Only he appeared as Bishop of Rome.
He just said that in the conclave the cardinals gave a bishop to Rome, but not a Pope to the Catholic Church. And he referred to Benedict as Bishop Emeritus, not as Pope Emeritus. ( See full text of the speech Francisco )

Stefano Violi study on the "alleged resignation"  to the papacy, Benedicto XVI

A study worth reviewing is to  Stefano Violi , esteemed professor of canon law at the faculties of Theology Bologna and Lugano. 
With the decision of Benedicto XVI have been opened for unpublished scenarios Church and somehow unnerving. 
studiando more deeply rigorous Latin with which Joseph Ratzinger has accompanied its decision, the eye of the canon lawyer discovers that it goes beyond both the limited historical background and the discipline provided for the "resignation" by the current Code church. 
It is discovered that the intention of Benedicto XVI was not renounce the Petrinus munus, the office, ie the task that Christ himself attributed to the head of the Apostles and has been passed on to their successors.
The intention of the Pope has been giving up only  the ministerium , ie the specific management task. 
In the formula used by Benedict distinguishes mainly between Munus, the art Pope, and executio, the active exercise of the office itself. 
But executio is twofold: there is the aspect of government that exercises agendo et loquendo, working and teaching.
But there is also the spiritual aspect, not least, who exercises et patendo praying, praying and suffering. 
It's what was behind the words of Benedicto XVI: "I will not return to private life ... I no longer have the power of the office for the government of the Church, but in the service of prayer remain, so to speak, in the enclosure San Pedro "."Complex" not to be understood only in the sense of geographic place in which to live, but also as a theological "place".
"Benedicto XVI has been stripped of all powers of government and control inherent in his office, but without abandoning the service of the Church: this continues, through the exercise of the spiritual dimension of pontifical munus entrusted to him and never I had intended to resign. He has not given up the task, which is not revocable, but its actual implementation. "
Perhaps this Francisco loves not defined "Papa" because he is aware of sharing the pontifical munus, at least in the spiritual dimension, with Benedict. 
Instead, what Francis has inherited entirely Benedicto XVI is the office of bishop of Rome.
So this is their preferred self-definition, as we know from the first words of greeting to the people after his election, to the point that many, surprised, they asked because he had not used the word "Papa" or "Pope" on occasion as solemn, in front of televisions worldwide, just talking about his role as successor to the Roman episcopate.
So this is the first time the Church has really two Popes, reigning and emeritus ?. 
As Professor Violi says the canonist
"It seems that this has really been the will of Joseph Ratzinger himself by giving only to active duty, which has been a solemn act of his magisterium."
Jesuit IHS shield for photo blogIf the above we add that Bishop Bergoglio, the "Pope Francisco", belongs to the Society of Jesus, ie, is Jesuíta,  here comes another key piece in this whole puzzle.

Jesuit speaks:  "The Jesuits can not aspire to ecclesiastical offices"

And Pope Francisco?

The text reproduced below has been entirely copied from the web article:
"... they will vote (the Jesuits)" not to seek out the priority or dignity Company any, nor consent to the choice of person for such aposition, as rely on them, if they were not bound by obedience who can send low penalty of sin. " General corresponds to give permission and approval for some to accept dignities outside the Company; but will not give, if obedience to the Apostolic See does not require him to do so ".
When circulated in all the news media that a Jesuit had been elected Pope, I received a call from my mother immediately: I lied, not that a Jesuit could never be Pope!Like my mother, many people and the same Jesuits we were surprised with the news of Pope Jesuit.
The Jesuits are forbidden to covet the power and we can not accept positions as being bishops, therefore no cardinals, and could argue that neither on the horizon was the possibility that a Jesuit was the Pope.
By voting the Jesuits we are committed not to seek charges dignity (inside and outside the Society of Jesus);even if we know that a Jesuit is seeking some dignity (bishop or provincial, for example), we have to report it. Ignacio embodied in the constitutions:
It is also important to perpetuate the well being of the Company exclude it with great diligence ambition, mother of all evils in any community or congregation, closing the door to pretend dignity or any precedence directly or indirectly within the Company ' (Co 817)
The Jesuits have three votes that commonly exist in religious orders: poverty, chastity and obedience. But we have experience in the company "fourth vow": obedience to the Pope. Yes, the Vicar of Christ on earth will keep a vow of obedience.
To be a Jesuit bishop must be approved by the General Father, but in fact, the General Father will not give its approval. It is under obedience to the Pope that Father General is authorized to a Jesuit bishop. And excuse him from his vow of obedience. As a bishop can not obey a General of the Company. (Less than a Pope)
A Jesuit bishop is only for "important reasons".
That was the situation that lived Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ. For "important reasons" Pope John Paul II decided that he should be appointed bishop, and General Father in obedience to Pope Bergoglio was bishop authorized and dispensed from his vows.
And what could be the "important reasons" ?, they have to do with service to the Church, to the "glory of God" with "go where others will not or can not go" with Faith Mission -justice with the universal good.
Today as we live the reality of the first pope Jesuit history.(Probably the only one).  


escudo-papal-blog-dismounting-a-babylon-wordpress Shield Bishop of Rome (with Tiara)
And shields have bishops hat on top of emerging tassel whose number and distinguish the different color makes dignities shield Bishop of Rome, Pope, has the tiara and keys.
The tiara is a miter metal used by the popes until the papacy before Paul IV, who laid it on the altar of St. Peter 'sBasilica and gave up this symbol. Since then only they use the miter.
escudo-ben16-blog-dismounting-a-babylon-wordpressMitra had three crowns, which have been attributed to them many meanings. However, Pope Benedicto XVI decided togive up the tiara on his coat of arms and replaced it with a miter.
◄ Shield Benedicto XVI
escudo-Pako-roma-bishop-blog-dab-radio-wordpressFollowing his predecessor, Pope Francisc or did not use the tiara on his shield but a miter.
In both cases, the miter is a remembrance to the three crowns of the tiara, with three vertical parts. 
Francisco shield ►
Despite the change in the coat of the last two popes, the shield of the Holy See still has the tiara, which is covered by an umbrella during periods vacant.
Shield Holy See 
Holy Shield Sede Vacante
But we must make a qualification, in 2010, the then Pope officer, Benedicto XVI, made a touch to his papal shield or coat of the bishop of Rome, reinstating the symbol of the papal tiara, which initially had been replaced by the miter.
Shield Benedicto XVI, after retouching in 2010
sources consulted for this article:
Reigning or emeritus, anyway: Papa's
The Jesuits can not aspire to ecclesiastical offices
Link DaB Radio Program Season 20 Episode 2.0

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