
17 de agosto de 2017

33 symptoms of cosmic upgrades triggered by solar eclipse gateway

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

We have been experiencing Ascension symptoms for many years now. For me, August has been the most intense integration time of my life and I am sure for many of you as well.
medita lotus
It started the first week of August. I literally experienced an emotional, mental and physical 'breakdown'. First I released a level of anger/rage that I have never experienced before. At first, I thought I was going crazy and thought it was all mine. Then Supa came in and reminded me that I am set up to balance the collective emotional field. WOWzer is all I can say. It became easier when I was reminded of this. After a week of emotional turmoil, I literally collapsed. Physically I was like a wet noodle. Spirit told me to be on the computer as little as possible and to be kind to myself for the month of August. So that is what I am doing.
Some of the symptoms I have been experiencing are new for me. Several nights I experienced my stomach muscles rippling over and over for a minute or two. That's the best I can explain it. It wasn't scary. This also happened to my liver, spleen and pancreas. It felt like I my muscles/organs were releasing density. I embraced the sensation and welcomed in the Light. I liked it!
I'm very social but this month I have not wanted to be around people. My automatic reading of people's emotional field intensified. It was too much for my 'fragile' state of Being.
I found myself meditating or going to my bedroom to be alone and quiet many times a day ~ sometimes every hour. This allowed me to recalibrate and align with my Higher Self.
When I read one of the symptoms below ~ loosening of the spine ~ I definitely resonated with it. For 4 days it felt like the middle of my back was broken. I learned to breathe through it . When this symptom lifted, I felt like my spine was more flexible. My chiropractor told me that the majority of my spine was like that of a 20 year old. Now all I have to do is unlock my hips and upper neck more. OKay!
Communication with my Higher Self is becoming stronger and more spontaneous. I don't need to be in meditation to connect. I'm embracing this integration with a grateful heart. I'm being shown many ancestral behavior patterns up for transformation. All I have to do is acknowledge it and affirm I am willing to release this pattern for me and all my ancestors. I feel lighter and recognize instantly when one of those habitual patterns surfaces. Then I simply (usually silently) say with a smile: 'thank you, you are from a different consciousness and no longer needed.'
Well, that's enough for now. I'm feeling stronger by the day and I'm ready for August 21. Be kind to yourself and those around you. We are all experiencing the affects of the astrological events in our own unique way. We are preparing to step into more of our mastery. Hallelujah!
I hope you found this missive helpful. We are collectively on the precipice of change. The Masters and Galactic Federation encourage us to come together with our shared mission and visions. Join us on Sunday, for a powerful webinar on the eve of August 21. Truly, together we are Victorious!
With Love in my Heart I wish you peace...Colleen

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...