
3 de agosto de 2017

Cut the BS and get to ACTION - TRUMP!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

OPA - Aug 2nd, Cut the BS and get to Action

Dear Trump,
You’re a man of action, supposedly.
Well, here is your people that you say you care about and fighting for, direction for YOU:

Get this RV done, so we get off of Federal Reverse Notes and onto US Treasury dollars - USN / TRN’s aka gold backed currency.

Get the restored Republic funded so we can move to the rule of law and back into Natural Law some call it Common Law and using the organic Constitution – Bill of Rights as our form of Government once again.

Arrest all those bastards from past Presidents 41-44, Congress & Senate, Justices, their leaders like Soro's, Rockerfelder, Rothschild, .. who have been keeping the slave system alive for past hundred plus years!

So, all this talk about draining the swamp is no more than a FART passing by, a MAN WHO CALLS FOR ACTION LIKE YOURSELF, JUST DO IT!

We don’t care if you got to kick the shit out of Chinese Government, the Elders, the Royals, Congress, Senate, Republicans, Democrats or even your staff; the Americans who knows what this will do for our Country are saying to you, GET THIS DONE, TODAY!

No more dam meetings, its all talk, no action! Talk is not doing, its just talk! 
And maybe, when this is done, we - American's - will call you a GREAT President; right now, your words are falling on deaf ears and it ain’t worth a pile of good shit for any garden!
One Pissed Of American -

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