
2 de agosto de 2017

House Judiciary Committee Approves Investigation of Comey, Lynch, Hillary, Bill, and Obama!

By Max Jackson | Aug 1, 2017

The House Judiciary Committee has officially approved an effort to launch an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey’s leaking activities and apparent mishandling of a federal investigation by former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

According to the Washington Post, Democrats on the committee were infuriated Republicans pressed forward with the probe.

Imagine that! They don’t want an investigation looking at Bill and Hillary, Obama, Lynch and Comey! I wonder why?

The new investigation, authorized by the passage of the amendment in the Judiciary Committee, digs very deep. It will be requesting documents and information related to Comey’s leaks of conversations he had with President Donald Trump before Trump fired him.

“There is little question that members of Obama’s administration repeatedly broke protocol throughout their investigations into Hillary Clinton,” Rep Mike Johnson told Breitbart News.

“What is unclear, however, is why we have received few answers over the past twelve months to our questions about their actions, especially concerning the former attorney general and FBI director. The House Judiciary Committee has continued to seek answers on various issues of interest stemming from their hearings and oversight responsibilities. This is simply an effort to finally get some of those important questions answered.”

The probe is wide-ranging. It also includes a mandate for the House Judiciary Committee to dig deep into Obama AG Loretta Lynch’s order to Comey that he should refer to the criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illicit email server as a “matter,” not an “investigation.”

The investigation will also dig into Comey’s decision to “usurp the authority” of Lynch by making his “unusual announcement” that Hillary Clinton would not face criminal charges over the email scandal.

It will also inspect Comey’s knowledge of the firm Fusion GPS, the firm that made the fake news anti-Trump dossier that Comey brought to Trump’s attention when he was president-elect.

The investigation will also look at any “collusion” between Comey and Mueller.

It will look into Comey’s potential knowledge of “unmasking” of intelligence and surveillance collected on Donald Trump’s campaign or transition teams. Specifically looking into any role that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice played in that.

But in the immortal words of Billy Mayes: “But that’s not all!”

The probe will dig into potential immunity deals given to “co-conspirators” in Hillary Clinton’s email server scandal.

It will also look into matters related to the Clinton Foundation’s influence from foreign governments and specifically the Uranium One deal exposed by Clinton Cash. (You do know that Russians obtained ownership in U.S. uranium assets via Hillary Clinton!)

And it will investigate the infamous tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix at Sky Harbor International Airport. Now THAT is what I want to know about!

The amendment was offered by Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Mike Johnson (R-LA).

“For the past several years, Democrats have obstructed justice and blocked every Congressional investigation imaginable,” Jordan said.

“Now they want to investigate? Ok, let’s investigate! Both parties have criticized James Comey over the past year for his performance as FBI director. Even Sen. Feinstein says there should be an investigation into Loretta Lynch and James Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Let’s have a special counsel for that and see how serious Congressional Democrats are about getting to the truth.”

“It’s time for Republicans in Congress to start playing offense,” Gaetz said.

Amen! Here we go!

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