
25 de agosto de 2017

Our solar system moves, "the two lands" - What would happen in 10 years past 2

What would happen in 10 years past 2
Imagine a star of dozens of peaks and material thousands of times harder and stronger than diamond life and malleable. It is ordered, it takes shape and is managed by one or some consciousnesses.
This star is protecting the Earth our journey to the "New Neighborhood".
Leaving the Earth I could realize that missing Venus, Mars and Jupiter in addition we would sonic, indescribable speed. Venus graduated and ascended before us, Mars and Jupiter planets inhabited by dark not going to our new address in the universe so dense they are, they are left to start moving. The same inertia and the suction force left behind.
Our solar system was extended almost like spaghetti by the speed that we carry. The Sun we know is impossible that in this way fulfills its function. Lords of the Sun, high frequency beings that inhabit the are playing their role, that is, acting Sol for us and our Earth and thus make the most imperceptible process for us. (NASA and all these people know perfect that there is no sun is for this reason that in photos or images is seen as a hologram and failing sometimes. also think that all means are and have been manipulated by the dark so very convenient so you only whole what they want) back to the subject,This process is being carried out in this gentle way for most people although does not know if it 's as smooth as possible and thus rise most. Believe me there will be people who do not believe and seeing the other side of fear collapse because of the ignorance in which we have maintained for centuries making us believe that we are alone in this universe. Fear and chaos has never been the intention of this process of ascension tocontrary, not for nothingthere were many attempts at different time lines as the three days of darkness where we would be in a kind of hibernation and better reality was elected ... this ).
There was a whole Galactic Confederation escorting the Earth on this trip. I still did not understand very well what he was seeing. I neededsee a larger context to assimilatebetter, and then they asked. I pulled away enough to get a better perspective. I opened a portal and left the wormhole where would our solar system. (I allowed my doing since nobody is coming and no one is coming out of this solar system).
(It is fantastic that reads, however this power to me has been delivered and I am aware of it alone. All human beings like you and I play very important roles in this process of ascension as to why we are here, nothing but even you do not know your potential and the way you are helping is all.)
If you followed this process know "two Earths".
Just as the shadow of your body on the floor, which is "a tu" dark or else a projection of you in different dimension. More or less like this earth he chose duplicated herself and take it all darkness to climb with us . Well we know that this process began in 1989, since then also began calibration and preparation for ascension in us and everything in the solar system, Earth seas, rivers, continents and all kinds of living beings. Here still he knows the "how" would take place the process.
Not that there traveled to distance itself but from this side of the veil there is no time or space and everything happens at the same time depending on where your attention, and that is the reality you live.
I could see from beginning to end the wormhole. On one side the Milky Way in which our solar system belongs on the other side The Great Central Sun with any number of systems around the ...
Earth herself doubled in early 2012 to embark on the journey through the wormhole that, at the end of 2014. The objective separate and outrun his shadow or dark Earth 3D dense and obviously with it at all dark, like its people, beliefs and systems ...
What I was seeing in the wormhole was rather a period of time, from 2012 to 2032 period that would last the trip. This was a stellar moving !!! ... Osea in other words, our solar system is changing direction in the Universe ... WOW! Not all fiction films together were what was in front of my eyes.
Here the force of habit from my linear mind and the need to justify everything and understand everything "rationally" could not help but ask;
And how is this possible?
(I meant the vast, infinite and spectacular scene and the event together, the words that I can use to describe me are very short)
And he answers saying the Divine Consciousness;
"I do not understand here, (and touched my head) I understand it here (and touched my heart). And so I could take it all that show.
And with such enormity Father, you are aware of me?
Here I answer with an image-concept
He puts in my mind the image of a small flower with a small insect. I understood that he is aware of that flower that insect and more while ...
This is a message to lightworkers. Most are tired of not "see" changes in this plane and it seems that nothing happens and that makes us disheartened .... But it is happening all! What would happen in 10 years past 2 !!!!
Now imagine, making a move of a solar system are not enchiladas !!!! There was prepared each human on the planet, each animal or living being, work together with the elements matches links, physical and ethereal plane, the dark delivered power, they do not want, they are kicking of drowning, the financial system must also raise its frequency and must prepare and renew that energy, the sun will not operate normally if you realize detail has truly been a whole cosmic reorganization !.
For this reason infinitely I appreciate the tireless assistance of Brothers. Elders and Ascended Masters to physically we are presenting only "signs of awakening." And thus we ascend most humans.
Today more than ever it is perfectly clear to me that darkness is fading every day more and the world as we know it is disappearing. (And if you do not see well, just look around you every day more people are waking up and not follow the game programming dark).
Through his work and infinite love and touch he has not collapsed and convulsed our planet, thanks for helping our evolution as a species and also we did in the best way possible, in perfect divine harmony.
SO Lightworker, take a deep breath, LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME, be patient and continue to work together MAKING CHANGE, WE NEED YOU.
Guardiana Portals & Oroborus A.

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