
11 de agosto de 2017

their future votes. All humanity, human consciousness as a whole

Sananda "human" vote August 11


Dear Children of Light and Love, I am Sananda,
I would like to talk to you a date close to that on August 11, very strong, very relaxed one. This is an important date that corresponds with the arrival of a stellar event, do not worry, low intensity, but also corresponds to a global vote. The Elohim, these beings of light and love will come to collect the thoughts of humanity. In fact, their future votes. All humanity, human consciousness as a whole, in any humanoid case connected to earth, constantly emits thoughts. These thoughts constantly created, of course, a compulsively, mentioned by my friend, but these thoughts are also used to prepare the future of humanity.
I invite you to 11 August to take the time to go in peace, go in the deepest part of your heart space, in your head, no matter where, but in this space, in a sacred space in your home where you can ask the Elohim what he wants for this world. Those who do not consciously obviously live in completely different ways, which will be raised completely differently. The vote will take place anyway, but it will be in the mood to be that day, unitary on the planet, which will decide a little of what will happen to this planet. While she continues to climb, it has been decided to amplify peace, to amplify that freedom, war or amplify, amplify, say, excess industrial work? I do not know, no, I have not come to give you an option that would be correct. The only right choice is to be closer to his divine nature and see what speaks to you, it is, but it is nevertheless undoubtedly damage that day is especially bothersome. This usually happens regularly on your planet, this summary by these beings, to see a little of what awaits humanity, which is ready, which is not yet ready for that matter.
So you go in consciousness to receive this divine energy in you, and in a zone of peace, which would be a kind that would mentally stand, or is falling asleep, it will send the energy of the planet, you want to see on this planet. So be at peace, totally at peace, with full awareness of what peace is, of course.
I would not condemn too quickly his brothers and sisters. I'll explain what I mean by this. I feel on the planet as headwinds, separated energies, are now almost united against people. What I am saying is that new turf wars begin to be implemented, some are very emotional these wars, very industrial, but others are real, very real. Absolutely want what the other has, or withdraw from it is acting on itself. Wanting to remove someone, you take your own power. How to act with others is often how to act yourself.
So I invite humanity to complete the sentence, I mean to act towards others as you would like to act with you. Although not always easy, it is not always easy, especially when one is blocked, as Siddhartha evokes in the mind, in the cyclone in these emotions. But then came time to control emotions.
Today, love, peace, can be installed, and unintentionally make propaganda, it is clear that, yes, I will go in this direction, in the sense of love and peace. Why go to war, why destroy the people, destroy people? Where is the love of your neighbor here, where is the will to respect humanity, to bring him the greatest good, to respect all faiths, all statements, it is known that these dogmas often preaches tolerance? Tolerance is always two - way, is something moving in power, in a group, in the village. You'll understand that this month is still a bit especially in energy, which takes you back to the light that returns to consciousness of peace, what is right, what it is good. So kindness, love, peace,
First, if you are not able to feel the kindness, love, peace, you can not distribute it . How to enter love and inner peace? Of course there are techniques that love technology, but this is not here the meaning of art, the meaning here is saying, "Come, come, come, what will happen if I am at peace"? I want you to know that phrase, often sends themselves, "the void has no interest, or would love to live the void , " but that will never live as a Western, or rarely, and ask yourself this question. Sometimes it is in the idea that what seems still and dead, not moving, inert, is useless. You are wrong too. See how my silences the unit can be expressed. Very often expect words from us, you can often expect very specific phrases about what will happen to you: you are right to do this, you are right to do this. I will invite to become human, I would say, but to say that this application if it is right, not what they say.
This is obviously the mental body that deals with whether it is right to act this way or otherwise, that is mental, it is this ego, this character, one of the characters is expressed. Then, of course, we can answer you. Always reasons for wanting peace, still has reasons for wanting love, always reasons for wanting his own glory, what I mean by that is experiencing higher states themselves but also because he always desired for her brother, her sister, which he has not expressed for which you think is the executioner, also deserves all this. And to be consistent in your consciousness with this peace, we must give everything. "While I am at peace everything is fine." I generated that expresses this duality, in saying this, His peace will be temporary. It can not be other way.
Welcome at the time, the victory of light in this world. You know, a few years ago, one of the votes that I mentioned earlier was carried out, which took place in 2012, around 2012, you know, and that is if the vote humanity must live his ascension, his change of time, change of space, or if the world was doomed to self - destruction. It is curious that today happened this course, some still think that humanity destroys itself.
This is not entirely true, of course, of energy, but this is obviously false planetary manner. It is true that the planet has a lot of energy, a lot would say, anger, certainly red energy ... I do not know how you express it , but basically moves, which fluctuates in its plan. I'm not talking about an earthquake, but it will, as always, I would say, have.
What I mean by this is that the wrath of the earth, is a healthy anger, what I mean by this is that ... what you feel is ah damn, why do not you wake up in my presence? So here the cry of the heart that I propose is that of the planet itself asking you to love him, to protect, preserve, but also to love, protect, protect. Everything is connected. Peace itself is peace in the world, the end itself is the end of the world, anger in itself is anger in the world.
Do not try to work in the world. Stay in your representation, which is the body, which is the mental space. Again, all his life, they still perform analysis. You think I did not get in? But gradually, with increasing planetary vibration, you'll come to see moving in your plan, the more natural state of peace, the natural state of joy. You no longer excited for anything, I'd say. These energy body, these pain - body can be released, not released ... how to say ... he released his role, I should say. You will not end energy bodies around. For the launch of its function to return a little to the true energy of what you are when your body feels pain, ie,
This breath is (wind noise through the mouth, powerful, a bit long), it is known that noise, noise is the discharge wind in the trees, are the waves on the beach. They reproduced in waves, which are reproduced in the energy it contains all energies. I laugh ... I hear some of your thoughts, some people said, that makes the sound of seagulls ... thank you for this joke?.
This breath will take to relax the body's energy, liberation, because you have two ways to focus your creative energy or let your heart trouble all energies through you, all the positive and negative ways, but right now - it will not be sent as a greeting to the universe, or to use breathing (noise by mouth) with the thought that the tensions that fear thee, because we do not send it to the universe still sends its mother earth, to allow recycling of this energy , as well. So obviously, I heard his words when he says, "but the mother earth has enough who told me he was angry, expressed what ultimately was not perhaps a little disturbed , " but knows recycle these energies, she will know what to do, it's nothing for him. 
Which it is ideal to imagine how divine breath is and how through breathing can find the strength, courage, tenacity. This was discussed today is about peace in the consciousness, around this galactic vote. I'd like to leave you, this is going to sound strange, but it's a shame, a commander of the Galactic Fleet, with one of their galactic brothers, I think his speech will be interesting for you.
Sylvain:  I trust this Sewer here, I think the "vote" evoked by Sananda will be held from 11 to 21 August (between a meteor and an eclipse)
Channeling August 8, 2017 (retype by Michele Grébois)
Shared by:  - Heavenly Messages

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