
3 de octubre de 2017

Catalonia has every right to be an independent country because it is a nation-fledged

Salto of Spain Vacuum Rodolfo Good Rebellion In Catalonia, Spanish province located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in northeastern Spain, of the 7.5 million Catalans about 5.3 million were to vote in the referendum on October 1, but only about 40% voted for a single question: Do you want Catalonia is an independent state as a republic? Popular consultation for violating the 1978 Constitution, which enshrines the unity of the country, was banned by the central government of right of Mariano Rajoy, who deployed additional police forces to prevent its realization and violently repressed those who wanted to participate. While is true that

Resultat d'imatges de autodeterminació de catalunya

Catalonia has every right to be an independent country because it is a full- fledged nation , that is: it is made up of a community of free beings consolidated and stable historical significance; It has a common language, Catalan, Castilian addition; its citizens live in a collective territory with developed economic life, with cultural heritage and national character itself and specific physical and spiritual traits that distinguishes other Spanish Catalans.  In other words, it has a range of attributes to form a separate country of Spain.

It is also true that the Iberian Peninsula is made up of a number of nations with its own characteristics: Basques, Galicians, Andalusians, Valencians ... and, therefore, with equal right that the Catalans to form their own country, which would mean the disintegration of Spain, until now a multinational state. This disintegration aftermath would bring the possible fragmentation of the European Union, EU, now existential crisis for being such problems afflicting other members of this community.

The EU needs to be refounded not destroyed. You must cease acting as a vassal of the US hegemonic interests in its apparent fight against terrorism, actual camouflage for the application of the doctrine of "constructive chaos" that imperialism has scattered and implemented across the globe.

 It's time to fight the austerity policy applied in the EU , 

It has impoverished its people, politics implemented by the pressures on all states impose a handful of bankers, that reduce the real incomes of governments 

Therefore, the stronger the desire of Catalan independence, the higher should sound the call for unity by not only the rest of Spain but of all affected sectors in Europe and the world, because this movement, character essentially nationalist It does not contribute to the formation of a strong, independent EU, which jointly meet the needs of its members but only the desire for independence, just maybe, a Catalan social sector.

Self-determination is a positive solution to the Catalan problem and the rest of the EU with similar difficulties, which can only be resolved in connection with the time currently living Europe and the world. 

Resultat d'imatges self-determination of Catalonia

Against self - determination no objection. If a nation 's struggle for independence, no one should oppose it. If Catalonia wants no part of Spain, you should not put obstacles But it requires a fully democratic general law for the creation of a federative state, prohibiting all current privileges and based on the principle of equal rights for all nations. 

It is enjoying the self-determination principle of the Catalan people and the other peoples of Spain and Europe within multinational states; that all have equal privileges and duties and to organize themselves as they please, as their desires and principles of autonomy to freely determine their destinies; that may have federal relations with other nations and even completely separated as long as not undermine the jurisprudence of other nations, as regulated in Canada.

 To exit the quagmire in which Spain is, would have to give the current government, the democratic forces, not yet formed, win a new election for such a program be fulfilled in a society for which the Franco regime and the Popular Party, Rajoy, represent an almost medieval backwardness. Sadly, this is like asking the impossible, for the kingdom of Spain, led by Rajoy, is the direct heir of Franco, who massacred and viciously persecuted the Catalan people, who even forbidden to speak in their mother tongue, is also heir Aznar government, which was complicit in the war against Iraq, in which he participated willingly.

Resultat d'imatges of Spanish dictatorship

Curious absurd, if the Prime Minister of Spain, Rajoy, would have allowed the free holding of the referendum, the Yes would not have obtained the overwhelming majority that obtained 90%. The brutal repression of demonstrations, harassment of those who wished toparticipate in the election, about a thousand injuries caused by police forces (one hundred gravity), the persecution of the organizers of the referendum, destruction and appropriation of ballots , attacks on computer systems, was what turned the opinion of the Catalans in favor of Yes.Mariano Rajoy , for which there was no referendum,

Resultat d'imatges referendum 1-O

he failed to uphold the rule of law and its authoritarian attitude has led Spain to uncertainty. According to the mayor of Barcelona, "he has crossed all red lines" and "must resign" for being a coward and "not lived up to its responsibility of state"; meanwhile, President Maduro question: "Who is the dictator?". Rebellion has posted this article with the authorpermission through a Creative Commons license, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

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