
8 de octubre de 2017

No money for pensions: urgent credit 10,000 million

With every passing day the government looks hurry to pay pensions, thereby taking emergency measures to ensure recovery of the pension to retirees 9 million.
Again resorts to a new state credit to Social Security. The previous loan of the State and the Reserve Fund are not sufficient to meet the monthly payments next year. It is guaranteed only extra Christmas.
Therefore, the State Budget 2018 will include a new credit of the State Social Security. 
An "oxygen tank" to allow jobs to cope with all the monthly payments next year and the two bonuses, according .
"Sources of the economic leadership of the government, with this  " extraordinary credit line " Moncloa will try to deal with one of the biggest economic problems to be solved next year."
The new loan is estimated to be around 10,000 million euros, it will collected in public accounts for 2018. These figures, as always, the Government approved in the Council of Ministers.
However, Finance explain, that generates "obligations" to the Social Security system.
With this measure, while ensuring the payment of pensions throughout the next year, the government avoids exhausting the Reserve Fund of Social Security.
To pay extra July, the Fund had 11,602,000 euros. At that time, the government authorized 5,986,000 were paid under the credit of the State Social Security approved the Budget for 2017.
Credit for the whole year 2017 amounted to 10,192 million euros. Which it has already consumed 60% on the extra summer ... and it remains to pay the Christmas. It is estimated that then need 9,000 million.
In addition, the government decided in June of 3,514 million euros from the Reserve Fund to complete summer pay. This implies that the "pension piggy bank" reduced its funds up to 11,602 million. 
So, in the first half of 2017, the Government had already removed 23% of the money remaining at the end of last year, according to the economic ministries.
The amounts that remain, the previous loan and the bank state pension will not be enough to meet all monthly fees and extras of next year 2018.
Therefore, the emergency loan that must rely on public accounts by 2018. 
The Government itself acknowledges that social security contributions will not be able to cope with the expense that will generate pensions throughout the year as  the number of posts garbage work (one day, two days, one week, one month, quarter, as wages have fallen by a third, because where there was a job now three with the salary of one)  make contributions to the SS are not sufficient to meet expenses.
These perspectives indicate that income from contributions would be sufficient to pay the monthly payroll, but when the time comes to pay the extra revenue would be insufficient and then the government would be bound to liquidity tensions, or to continue borrowing.
Consequently, according to the sources, the government has been forced to resort to the formula of appropriations of State because, despite improved income from Social Security in the past year, the system remains be self-sufficient. 
And it is not self-sufficient because it continues to implement the labor reform despite what anyone says Ms. Báñez improvement, which of course does not exist as genuinely decent jobs, with salaries at least 1,000 €, thus can not create the businesses and workers do not contribute enough; and it remains a% of underground economy that round more than 25%; ie in black are still paying more than half the salary; Or, is charged in the corresponding INEM the per cent and continue to "bungling" unlisted.
On the other hand, government sources and the opposition, present in the Committee of the Toledo Pact, acknowledged a few weeks ago so "complicated" that will be arriving in the remainder of the term, an agreement to reform the current system pension.
And to make matters worse,  the negotiations between the parties are broken.  The PSOE and unions  believe that the decline in unemployment, accompanied by new high in Social Security will not be enough to end the hole system or to ensure their survival. 
They require the Government urgent measures to close a deal.
Between them:
- gradually increase the maximum contribution bases
- burdening the budget all job creation policies and the costs of Social Security itself and the Ministry of Employment through state accounts
  • - increase funding through the "general taxes" (taxes).
  • In our opinion insufficient "measures" long-term and will not solve the serious problem of pensions. It is the same as "throw the stone and hide the hand". And as! more taxes, think this is not fair.
Pension piggy bank has suffered a sharp drop in funding in recent years. Since 2012, the Government of Mariano Rajoy has had to go on a recurring basis to the Reserve Fund, which once came to accumulate more than 66,000 million and today only € 11,602 million, according to the same sources
Given these developments, the Government has been forced to recognize that Brussels expects the social security deficit close this year at 18,609,000, 513 more than in the past. That is, this 2017 will record the biggest hole in its history.
In this serious situation outlined above, there is no other solution than to go out and do the Coordinator of Pensioners, platforms, Yayoflautas, and all those affected.

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