
8 de octubre de 2017

Piggy bank of Pensions shows Lies People's Party

The resulting image shows piggy bank pension lies People's Party

Pension piggy bank shows the lies of the Popular Party

The Popular Party government has once again pull the bank of pensions, a fact that clearly demonstrates that the PP uses propaganda systems to try that citizens have a VISSION of reality pass through the filter macroeconomic figures without taking into account the situation prevailing in the country in employment and pensions. 
A few weeks ago Diario16  published an article where we showed  the  plight of the public pension system taking into account the current reality . 
However, since the Government leads insisting for more than two years that  Spain is recovering  and that our country is the greatest power in Europe in job creation. This is true from the quantitative point of view, but it is  completely false  from the qualitative and is negatively affecting not only the present but also in the future. 
Given the dominant profile in the Spanish business community it is very possible that  no quality of employment  that is created in Spain can become institutionalized. 
If the propagandistic claims of the Popular Party in employment had a qualitative basis, and years would not have been necessary to pull the Reserve Fund in order to meet our commitments to our pensioners.
If the employment created out of quality, there would have needed to pull the Reserve Fund
Let 's look at some data from the actual  Ministry of Employment  that support the assertion above. During the month of November  he rose unemployedregistered 24,841 people and contributing to Social Security fell by 32,832. 
These absolute data conceal the context of employment in Spain and, therefore, of our pension system.
In the same data from the Ministry of Employment we found it really portrays the consequences of the  policies nonexistent employment of the Popular Party . 
In the month of November in Spain they have signed a total of 1,743,708 contracts, of which 1,588,854 are temporary. 
Annual rate in Spain have signed contracts 18,279,936 16,688,968 of which are temporary (91.2%). 
In one month more than one million contracts are formalized, of which  91.1% are temporary,  or in 11 months in Spain more than 18 million contracts are necessary, of which 91.2% are temporary for a reduction of 722,293 registered unemployed people (16%) and gives an indication of the  precariousness of the Spanish labor market . 
However, the data show us things like the high rate of contracts part-time work, which is what really sets the level of insecurity given especially low wages.
On the other hand, we have a fact that is very relevant. 
The number of  hours worked weekly outside working hours unpaid  is estimated at 3.5 million, according to the Labor Force Survey. 
If we make a transposition of what would this data to a full-time job would be talking that employers are stealing 87,000 jobs.
If all this we add the  low wages  or people who are  unemployed and who are excluded  from the official data we find that what is happening with the pension system is the main consequence of a strategy on the right in first, depauperar public pensions and put them at risk and, on the other hand, benefit the  private interests  of large banks and large insurance companies to encourage the hiring of pension plans.
The messages of  Fátima Báñez of  Mariano Rajoy  or any member of the  Popular Party  will be as puts a microphone are in front clear: Spain is recovering, Spain is the machine to create jobs in the European Union, Spain created more than half a million jobs a year, etc., etc. 
In absolute numbers they may be right, but in regard to employment or pensions nuances are showing us everything we want to sell is nothing but a  ruse of biblical proportions .
If the Spanish labor market does not react and enter a path that is not based on  insecurity in temporality, in seasonality or exploitation of workers  our public pension system  is dead . 
However, nothing indicates that the government wants to leave the wrong path he took from the approval of the  labor reform , especially since they themselves are believing absolute data that do not reflect what is really happening in the world of Spanish work.
The Spanish labor market must leave the precariousness to not give up for dead our public pension system
We say that our pension system will be dead in a very short period of time because that is funded by contributions from workers and businesses. 
The contributions are based on the basis of gross employee contribution. 
If we have a wage level in the middle and scales similar to that was in the nineties low and we join  a more typical nineteenth century than the twenty working conditions , we find that the pension system does not collect enough to keep retirements of those quoted for years.
Not deceive you with information claiming that the wage level has equalized the pre-crisis years because it shows is that high scales have increased their purchasing power at the expense of the middle and lower. 
It is the story of the chicken and the two diners: if two people have a chicken and eats it, according to statistics each has eaten half chicken. 
That is what is happening to wages in Spain.
If the paltry salary level we add the precariousness of employment showing the official statistics we find a picture that already preparing candles for the wake of our pension system. 
In a country where it grows at an average of 3% with regard to GDP  it is not normal  that need to  resort to the Reserve Fund  every time you have to pay extra to our retirees.
So every time that the government of  the Popular Party  reaches into the piggy bank pensions are acknowledging their failure and their propaganda is nothing but a composition of ruses with the sole purpose of selling smoke, smoke that has led to Spaniards to live in a more typical of a post - war conditions.

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