
26 de octubre de 2017

The independence of Catalonia

My article today in the Mon.catentitled "Independence is inevitable".It is not only that the state is unable to stop or prevent it, no. It is inevitable because no one can hinder it, nor the doubts, fears and last-minute hesitations among the indepes. 

In view of how the issue has managed the Spanish national block, Catalonia has no choice but to declare independence tomorrow if it wants to survive. Otherwise, the machinery of 155 will try to crush it (another thing is to get it) establishing the dictatorship. The bloc knows that with a covert state of exception, suppressing thegovernment and Parliament, intervening the Mossos  and controlling the audiovisual media will not have enough. It will be forced to suppress the rights of association, assembly and demonstration and, perhaps, to impose a curfew. It will have to ban independentistas parties and associations. 

To PP this will seem very good because it is in accordance with its spirit and Franco reality. 

And the PSOE? Would it also feel good to have become a fascist party?

And even worse: a fascist party that also serves to cover up the systematic plunder of the country by the band of thieves it supports.

Follow the text in Castilian: 

Independence is inevitable

If it is already declared as if it is left in the limbo; if it is achieved tomorrow or within a week or a few months or by when Deulofeu announces the end of the Spanish empire, 2029. It does not matter. The next independence of Catalonia is a certainty with which the world in general and Europe in particular have to count and, in fact, are already doing so.

From those distant days of the failed and current Statute of 2006, now violated by this coup d'etat of nineteenth-century matachines, it was clear that Catalonia had no reserve within Spain. And this not because it would collide with the government of the day and, confused by that, as the less bureaucratic Spaniards point out, confused government with the State. Nothing more false.

In Spain it is not necessary to "confuse" the government and the State because all governments are based in the same State and this condition, whatever color they may be. The first attack against the Estatut of Maragall came with the PP and Rajoy collecting signatures "against Catalonia" and in defense of,mirabile dictu , a referendum. It was an attack from the opposition.

The second came from the Spanish Parliament with the brush specialist, Alfonso Guerra, and the pact between Zapatero and Mas to agree on a "brushed", "downgraded" Statute. It was an attack from Parliament and the government.

The third and definitive, after the affirmative vote in Catalan referendum, came from the Constitutional Court, which denied the national condition to Catalonia and unconstitutionalized what seemed good to him. It was an attack from a political body that passes itself off as Court of Justice.

So if something is attacked, rejected, annulled by the government, the Parliament, the opposition and the courts, it does not seem exaggeration to say that it is attacked by the state. Not by this or that government that are essentially transitory but by the State without more, altogether, by the whole State.If Catalonia insists on its national condition, that is, perseveres in its essence and nature, the Spanish State tries to annihilate it.

The past few weeks have been rich in giddiness. The government skips the legality that invokes and decrees a situation of exception in Catalonia and a pseudoconstitutional dictatorship that wants to extend to the rest of the state, at the moment Castilla La Mancha, Basque Country and Navarre. In the 21st century.Sumisa and, basically, an accomplice of this arbitrariness, the socialist left subscribes to the outrage in Catalonia and invents a shameful excuse to justify that the socialists are aligned with the national Catholic right and Franco always, with the PP: that, when it has "pacified" Catalonia, will proceed to a reform of the Constitution that neither they believe.

It is no longer enough to reform this Constitution that no one respects nor respected because it was the umpteenth deception to perpetuate the domination of the traditional Spanish parasitic oligarchy and the subjugation of Catalonia. Now it only remains to accept what a negotiated separation of this, converted into a brand new Catalan Republic, can see and see if the Spanish left is able to impose a referendum on Monarchy / Republic in what remains of Spain.

Remaining lost, Spanish nationalism resorted to its last letter, which is no longer an army whose inclination to military coup is curtailed by NATO, but its captain general, the King. He has taken it twice in a short time, both intransigent, insensitive, threatening, playing the crown with the backing to the most corrupt and illegal party in the history of Spain. A Bourbon that will follow the fate of his great-grandfather.

Because there is no Catalan government or state that can contain it, nor with the help of a PSOE become a diligent lackey of the right more monarchical and reactionary.Its strength lies not in its (non-existent) military power, or in its economic wealth (which is much coveted by the Madrid metropolis), but in the generalized and determined political will to emancipate the people as a whole. It resides in broad mobilization through social organizations and political parties. It resides in the connection between this society and its representative institutions which, having recognized the mandate of the people, execute it.

The Spanish State (the government and its socialist and C's) undergo a state of exception camouflaged under Article 155 of the Constitution, which, not knowing how it is used, judges to give carte blanche to act according to its authoritarian, dictatorial conviction and mood . He believes that censoring, repressing, beating, prosecuting and imprisoning will reduce Catalunya to its status as a colony disguised to date and now has become clear.

In its lack of ethics, principles and respect for the law, the Spanish state, probably with the blessing of the Bourbon, can set a trap for Puigdemont and use any leguleyería of the vice president to arrest and imprison him. A felony of this type (often in Spanish Fascism) would not only solve nothing but speed up the process of independence and the external support that is getting more and more grown up.

Precisely because they know that independence is inevitable, they want their birth as the Bible dictates, with blood. Blood that, spilling (more) will fall on their heads. Especially those of a left that no longer has such a name. 

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