
14 de octubre de 2017

The nuclear button for independence: the debt and Spanish RISK PREMIUM

The nuclear button for independence: the debt and Spanish RISK PREMIUM 

David Fernández  Vice President CCN 

1.  The risk premium is the price that a State must pay to obtain financing 

2.  In unstable countries or are expected to stop paying their debts, the risk premium rises 

3.  that the risk premium grow means that the interest payable by the new funding from one country are higher 

4.  therefore, a country with high debt and high risk premium as Spain is flesh rescue and a serious crisis 

5.  Spain has a public debt of 140% of GDP, regardless drugs, gambling and prostitution, which includes calculation Montoro 

6. Many months ago that the European Central Bank is the sole buyer of Spanish debt. The bubble is so big that no one else dares to buy 

7.  The European Central Bank can not mask the failure of a Spain without Catalonia. The risk of rupture of the EU is huge! 

8.  We must stop being a nuisance to become an unavoidable problem right now 

9.  In fact the problem is Spain and its monstrous debt caused by a mentality of nineteenth century caciques 

10.  Here an article a while it is still in full force ago

 11. The EU is responsible for having negligently allowed, and Catalonia part of the solution if we give support. Otherwise, EU GOODBYE!

 13.  How we show that Spain is the problem? Very easy: solemnly proclaiming independence and making the risk premium to skyrocket 

14.  direct EU intervention in Spain, independent Catalonia, and negotiation for the distribution of assets and liabilities mediation 

15.  These days we have learned that Spain no longer controls Catalonia (remember, no ballot boxes or ballots or envelopes, or referendum, or ...) 

16.  These days we have  learned that the Government of Spain has lost authority over Catalonia 

17.  These days we have learned that  If we are strong and credible world hears us, and if we do not, we face pisses

 18.  These days we have learned that  the EU only moves if you feel directly threatened, and when there is no threat shirking all 

19.  These days we have learned that  together we are unstoppable and  they  have the upper hand

 20.  Let us be worthy of our people and the historical moment in which we find ourselves. People want to get involved. Let 's do it? Checkmate!

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