
8 de octubre de 2017

"When people realize the problem of pensions, there will be no stopping him"

CCOO and UGT retired of Cádiz participated this week in a march for Sevilla to arrive in Madrid on October 9 different parts of Spain to claim the revival of the Toledo Pact.

gaditanos in the march of Seville by decent pensions retirees.
Diego insists Boza, provincial secretary of the Union of Pensioners and Retirees (UPJ) of the UGT Cadiz, on the need to "educate" citizens of the problem of pensions. "It seems that people are not interested, do not go with her but will happen as labor reform: when you arrive, there will be no stopping him."
He and other companions went to Seville to take part in one of the marches decent pensions by the two unions, the UGT and CCOO, have organized nationwide and have their goal in Madrid on 9 October. 
Pensioners of Asturias, Cantabria, Valencia and Andalusia have taken to the streets to demand the reactivation of the Toledo Pact and the repeal of the reform of 2013. Since that year, "we raise pensions by 0.25% in early year, ridiculous ". 
"We are losing purchasing power and is charging the bank pension," complains Boza. "What will happen with pensions only those who come after us, people who are 50 or 52 years?" He muses. 
"A younger and are told they have to hire a pension plan but what families with salaries today can hire a pension plan?".
In Cadiz, he says the problem is compounded because, despite being the second Andalusian province with the highest average levels of unemployment make pensioners in the mattress of many families. 
"We have partners who support their pensions to their families, who have again sons and daughters in charge but now with grandchildren. It is true that they could get a good pension, above all, the salaries of shipyards, for example, but they can not enjoy their pension calm the situation of families. " 
They are now preparing to go again to Madrid representanción confluence regional marches on Monday 9, but regrets the lack of media coverage is having this problem. "It seems no matter and over the Catalan problem, do not know who will give us coverage," he laments. 
Here in the province of Cadiz, IU has itself shown their support and participation in these marches. Coordinator, Fernando Macías, he appealed to participation: "We need to mobilize citizenship because you can not keep insinuating that the Spanish pension system is unworkable".
For Macías, what is behind this situation it is "commodification of the pension system" so posed "a return to negotiations in the framework already established the Toledo Pact". "

It is intolerable that the part of workers' wages used to pay pensions being played in such an ambiguous manner by the central government. "

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