
26 de abril de 2018

Self-acting Adjusters

You have been informed of the classification of Adjusters in relation to experience: virgin, advanced, and supreme. You should also recognize a certain functional classification: self-acting Adjusters. A self-acting Adjuster is one who:
1. Has had certain requisite experience in the evolving life of a will creature, either as a temporary resident in a kind of world where Adjusters are only loaned to mortal subjects or on a planet fusion where he failed survival human. This Monitor is an advanced or a supreme Adjuster Monitor.
2. Has acquired the balance of spiritual power in a human who has made the third psychic circle and has been assigned to this human a personal seraphic guardian.
3. Has a subject who has made the supreme decision, has entered into a solemn and sincere betrothal with the Adjuster. Adjuster anticipated time of fusion and reckons the union as a fact.
4. Has a subject who has entered one of the reserve corps of destiny on an evolutionary world of mortal ascension.
5. At some point during human sleep, has been temporarily detached from the mind of mortal incarceration to perform some exploit of liaison, contact, reregistration or other extrahuman service associated with the spiritual administration of the assigned world.
6. Has served in a time of crisis in the experience of a human being who was the material complement of a spirit personality in charge of performing some cosmic achievement essential to the spiritual economy of the planet.
Self-acting Adjusters seem to possess a considerable degree of will in all matters not involving the human personalities of their immediate indwelling, as indicated by the numerous works both inside and outside the mortal subjects of attachment. Such Adjusters participate in numerous activities of the realm, but more frequently function as undetected terrestrial tabernacles of their own choosing residents.
Undoubtedly these higher and more experienced types of Adjusters can communicate with other kingdoms. But while self-acting Adjusters do thus intercommunicate, they do so only at the level of their mutual work and for the purpose of preserving custodial data essential for ministry Adjuster realms of your stay, although sometimes it has been known to work in interplanetary matters during times of crisis.
The Supreme and self-acting Adjusters can leave the human body at will. Residents are not an organic or biologic part of mortal life; they are divine superimpositions. In the original life plans Adjusters they were planned, but they are not indispensable to material existence. However it is necessary to state that very rarely leave, even if only temporarily, their mortal tabernacles once they establish their residence.
 The superacting Adjusters are those who have achieved the conquest of the tasks entrusted to them and only await the dissolution of the material-life vehicle or the translation of the immortal soul.

Presented by a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton

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