
24 de abril de 2018

The Urantia Book Paper 108 Los prerequisites for Adjuster Resida a Mortal

Though the Adjusters volunteer for service as soon as the personality forecasts have been relayed to Divinington, they are not allocated until the personality of human subjects make their first moral decision. The first moral choice of the human child is automatically indicated in the seventh adjutant mind and is instantly recorded, through the Creative Spirit of the local universe, over the universal circuit gravedadmente Conjoint Actor in the presence of the Spirit Rector of jurisdiction superuniverse, who immediately dispatches this information to Divinington. Adjusters reach their human subjects on Urantia, on the average, just prior to the sixth birthday of human beings. In the present generation, this date corresponds to five years, ten months, and four days;
Adjusters can not invade the mortal mind until it has not been duly prepared by the indwelling ministry of the adjutant mind spirits and has been incorporated into the circuit of the Holy Spirit. And the coordinated function of the seven assistants are required to thus qualify the human mind for the reception of an Adjuster. Creature mind must exhibit the worship outreach and indicate wisdom function by exhibiting the ability to choose between the emerging values ​​of good and evil-the moral choice.
Thus is the stage of the human mind for the reception of Adjusters, but as a rule they do not immediately appear to indwell such minds except on those worlds where the Spirit of Truth is functioning as a spiritual co-ordinator of these different spiritual ministries. If this spirit of the bestowal Sons is present, the Adjusters unfailingly come the instant the seventh adjutant mind spirit begins to function and signals the Universe Mother Spirit has achieved in potential coordination of the six associated aides ministry prior to this mortal intellect. Therefore on Urantia, from the day of Pentecost the divine Adjusters been universally bestowed upon all normal minds of moral status.
Even with a gifted mind of the Spirit of Truth, the Adjusters can not arbitrarily invade the mortal intellect prior to the appearance of moral decision. But when such a moral decision has been made, this spirit takes jurisdiction assistant directly from Divinington. There are no intermediaries or other intervening authorities or powers functioning between the divine Adjusters and their human subjects; God and man are directly related.
Before the time of the outpouring of the Spirit of Truth upon the inhabitants of an evolutionary world, the Adjusters endowment seems to be determined by many spirit influences and personality attitudes. We do not fully understand the laws governing these provisions; We do not understand what is what determines the release of the Adjusters who have volunteered to live in such evolutionary minds. But we observe numerous influences and conditions which appear to be associated with the arrival of the Adjusters in such minds prior to the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, and these are:
1. The assignment of personal seraphic guardians. If a mortal has not been previously inhabited by an Adjuster, the assignment of a personal guardian brings the Adjuster soon. There is some very definite but unknown relation between the ministry of Adjusters and the ministry of the seraphic guardians.
2. The attainment of the third circle of intellectual achievement and spiritual attainment. I have observed Adjusters arrive in mortal minds upon the conquest of the third circle even before such compliance is brought to the local universe personalities concerned with such matters.
3. At the time a supreme decision of unusual spiritual import is taken. Such human behavior in a personal planetary crisis is usually accompanied by the immediate arrival of the waiting Adjuster.
4. The spirit of brotherhood. Apart from achieving the psychic circles and the assignment of personal guardians, in the absence of anything resembling a decision in a crisis when an evolving mortal is filled with love for his fellows and consecrated to unselfish ministry to his brethren in the flesh, the waiting Adjuster invariably descends to reside in the mind of such a mortal minister.
5. Declaration of intent to do the will of God. We observe that many mortals on the worlds of space can apparently be ready to receive the Adjuster, and yet the Monitors do not appear. We continue to see such creatures in their daily lives, and suddenly and very underhanded way, almost unconsciously, they get to make the decision to start trying to do the will of the Father in heaven. Then we observe the immediate dispatch of the Thought Adjusters.
6. Influence of the Supreme Being. On worlds where the Adjusters do not fuse with the evolving souls of the mortal inhabitants, we observe Adjusters sometimes are donated in response to influences which are wholly beyond our comprehension. We conjecture that these donations are determined by some cosmic reflex action originating in the Supreme Being. As to why these Adjusters can not merge or fuse with these types of evolving mortal minds we do not know. Such transactions have never been revealed.

Presented by a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton

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