
12 de abril de 2018

They stop in Nepal founder of several children by pedophile NGOs

They stop in Nepal founder of several children by pedophile NGOs
Peter Dalglish. / Peter Dalglish / Public Domain 
Peter John Dalglish, exasesor exrepresentante WHO and the United Nations, he was found in his room with two minors. 
Nepal Police has arrested on charges of pedophilia Canadian citizen Peter John Dalglish, founder of several children 's non - governmental organizations, exasesor of the World Health Organization (WHO) and exrepresentante Program of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN Habitat). 

According  to reports  local daily The Kathmandu Post, Dalglish, 60, was found in his room in the city of Mandan Deupur with two children aged 12 and 14 years, although police suspect he may have abused more victims. 

"Peter has been in charge of the Community Foundation of the Himalayas over the past two years. Under the guise of community worker, who boasted to educate poor children and provide them the necessary support, has been exploiting sexually these children" said Deputy Inspector General Pushkar Karki, chief of the Central Bureau of Investigation.

humanitarian work in Africa and Asia

A foreign organization had warned the police about the Canadian. "We have developed a vast network to track and arrest pedophiles entering Nepal. We had been following the activities of Dalglish during the past two weeks after we alerted about their activities , " said Karki. 

Over the past three decades, Dalglish has been dedicated to humanitarian efforts in Africa and Asia. It is one of the founders of the NGO , Street Kids International, created in 1988 to help children and lower street affected by war.He also worked for UN Habitat in Afghanistan between 2010 and 2014. Subsequently, he was adviser to the WHO and representative of the World Food Program (WFP) in Darfur (Sudan). 

Since 2016, seven people have been arrested on charges of pedophilia in Nepal, most of them accused foreign citizens to travel there with the aim of sexually abusing minors. The authorities have urged parents to report such crimes because often these are considered normal in the country. 


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