
11 de noviembre de 2018

Court Admits Chickenpox Vaccine Permanently Disabled A Young Boy

vaccines kill
While vaccine makers and the mainstream media continue to deny that vaccines can be harmful, the vaccine court in the United States is quietly awarding money to victims of vaccine injuries, and after a protracted legal battle, the Department of Health and Human Services has even admitted the chickenpox vaccine caused one boy’s paralysis.
The United States Court of Federal Claims Vaccine Court heard the case of a 13-year-old boy known as “RD” whose life was changed irrevocably after a “well-child visit” at which his doctor said he needed the chickenpox (varicella) and hepatitis A vaccines. Although his mother insisted to doctors that the boy had already been given the chickenpox vaccine dose required, they gave him a second dose nevertheless.
Roughly two weeks later, he started to note excruciating shooting pains around his body and tingling and numbness in his legs and arms. He described to the court the horror he felt when neck pain he initially brushed off as possible soreness from riding his bike gave way to the inability to move his arm.
His parents rushed him to the hospital after he fell off the sofa, where he was intubated and placed in a trauma unit while spinal taps and MRIs were given to reach the diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis. In transverse myelitis, a person’s immune system becomes overactive, attacking the spine’s protective myelin coating and invading and damaging it. It rendered him a tetraplegic, completely unable to move from the neck down.
He was then subjected to a slew of treatments including IVIG, plasmapheresis, and even chemotherapy. He also had to undergo six months of inpatient rehabilitation in New York City. The varicella virus was found in his spinal fluid.
Transverse myelitis, the condition the vaccine gave the boy, is something that vaccines have been linked to since the 1920s when cases of the once-rare disease started to rise following the administration of smallpox and rabies vaccines. In fact, doctors who treat patients with this illness routinely ask if they’ve had vaccination recently. It has been linked not only to the chickenpox vaccine but also MMR, TDAP, and hepatitis B. In RD’s case, it was that second chickenpox vaccine dose that was determined to be the cause of his injuries – and it was something it turned out he wasn’t even required to get in the first place.

All parents considering vaccines for their children need to be informed

Although RD was awarded financial compensation for the pain and suffering he has experienced, the fact remains that a healthy 13-year-old boy is now unable to use any of his limbs simply because he got a vaccine. He told the vaccine court that he has been robbed of his chance at a normal life and misses his independence. His extended family has vowed never to allow anyone they love to get another vaccine, which they characterize as being like “playing Russian roulette.”
It took five years of litigation before the Department of Health and Human Services, who is the respondent in vaccine injury cases of this type, admitted that the boy’s tetraplegic condition was caused by the vaccine.
The boy’s mom has some advice for families who are struggling to decide whether or not they should get their children vaccinated. She suggests they go to a spinal cord injury center, where they’re likely to find quite a few people whose lives have been ruined by vaccines. She said that the physical therapists in these places wear masks because they refuse to get the flu vaccine after spending their days seeing the problems it can cause.
At the very least, RD and his family want to spread the word that people should research the side effects of vaccines and ask to be tested first for antibodies in cases where a vaccine is being forced or mandated.
Sadly, just a small fraction of adverse vaccine reactions are reported, and parents often don’t know that they can file vaccine injury claims. This has led many people to falsely believe vaccines must be safe. The very fact that we need federal programs in place to compensate victims of vaccines should be enough to help you make the right decision for your family.

Publicado por © misteri1963 

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