
17 de noviembre de 2018

Reduce and Avoid Dangerous High Blood Pressure Naturally

mother nature is the cure eraoflight

According to the American Heart Association, one out of every three adults suffers with elevated blood pressure. That means that at least one third of our population is at risk of heart trouble. Fortunately high blood pressure can be corrected with common sense, simple dietary and lifestyle changes and natural remedies.
Two of the first areas to look at for correcting high blood pressure are diet and exercise. Artery clogging trans-fats, processed meats and other items in the SADS diet of most Americans often lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Switching to a healthy diet can lower high blood pressure and prevent it from occurring in the future. Likewise, physical exercise helps lower and prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. The combination of good diet and physical activity works even better.
Researchers at the University of Aukland came to a simple conclusion after reviewing 22 blood pressure studies: Physical activity lowers blood pressure. Being more active is likely the best thing you can do to lower blood pressure.
Several studies have found that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps lower elevated blood pressure. Fiber can help. A good diet, along with physical activity also helps drop excess weight. In one three-year study, people who lost just ten pounds reduced their risk of high blood pressure by two-thirds.
Thus, if you eat sensibly, lose ten pounds and get regular exercise or physical activity (such as brisk walks or, better still, swimming), you have a good chance of avoiding blood pressure problems for life.
Here are some other items which can help:
Magnesium has over 300 functions in your body. A study of 41,541 nurses found that magnesium plays an important role in reducing blood pressure.
Vitamin C is key to reducing blood pressure. According to a study published in Hypertension low levels of vitamin C accounted for 25% of the incidences of elevated blood pressure.
Cayenne Pepper is probably the fastest way to lower high blood pressure. Either mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with half a cup of luke-warm water or mix two tablespoons of raw organic honey with two teaspoons of cayenne pepper, boil them with eight ounces of water and drink when it is warm.
Hawthorn berries have rightly been called “food for the heart”. They lower blood pressure as well as protecting arterial walls and preventing and treating hypertension and angina.
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil, have a significant impact on blood pressure. As a bonus, they lower triglyceride (blood fats) levels as well.
Cutting out all caffeine can lower blood pressure by 10-15 points off the top and 8-10 points off the bottom.
Other items which can help include:
*Eat lots of garlic. Studies have proven that garlic significantly lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
*Daily evening primrose oil pills can drop about 10 points off of both the bottom and top blood pressure numbers.
*Cinnamon helps lower blood pressure as well as circulating blood glucose, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.
*Green tea helps prevent clogged arteries and keeps blood pressure under control.
*Ginger reduces blood pressure and prevents blood clots. Ayurvedic physicians suggest that a bit of daily ginger helps prevent heart attack.
*Cordyceps is a Chinese herb which slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and yet also increases the blood supply to the arteries and heart.
*ALA, (alpha-lipoic acid) has also lowered blood pressure in a number of studies.
*Grape seed extract with oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCS) can lower high blood pressure.
*Eating payaya on an empty stomach can lowers high blood pressure within a month

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