, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : The Brother's Keeper Government



The Brother's Keeper Government

By Anna Von Reitz

The Brother's Keeper Government
The way our government is supposed to work, the British inhabitants are supposed to perform nineteen governmental services for us, the free, sovereign, and independent people of this country.
We guarantee their liberty and their democracy. They guarantee our freedom and our republican form of government. It's supposed to be Even Steven, mutually beneficial, mutually respected. And mutually understood.
They have their Federal Code and State of State Statutes and we have our Public and General Session Laws in each State of the Union.
The entire structure is supposed to work together peaceably and well, and each one, whether acting as a person or as one of the people, is supposed to be secure and untroubled in our respective capacities.
Supposed to be.
But in 1863, the Grand Army of the Republic under Ulysses S. Grant took control, and in the years since then, the successors of the GAR have failed to do their duty by the States and the People, and have sought to undermine, deceive, and pillage the lawful civil government and the people they are hired to serve.
They have colluded with foreign governments to create a state of permanent war and emergency and have not respected the rights of the States and the People who provide not only their payroll, but the bulk of the personnel staffing their military services organizations.
The British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal Government which have owed us Good Faith have instead usurped upon our lawful and still-standing government in the international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated], and our member States.
Worse, in contravention of the Public Law and in disrespect of the guarantees of the respective Constitutions, they have kidnapped Americans via legal chicanery and practiced extortion against them through the United States Mail.
They have pretended that our Mothers voluntarily donated us and our Good Names and Estates to the Territorial franchises operated as "States of States" on our shores, after soliciting undisclosed and unconscionable adhesion contracts of political subjection and enslavement under color of law.
The U.S. Armed Services have been doing exactly the opposite of what we have paid them to do. They have failed to secure our safety and protect our rights and property interests. They have failed to yield to the direction of the actual Civil Government and have pandered to foreign mercenary interests and to foreign service providers--- instead.
This is how the tail has managed to wag the dog.
This has been going on for 150 years, with the worst of the abuses accelerating under the boot of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's obscene and deliberately obscured "New Deal".
Whereupon, we announce and declare and freely establish that we accept all gifts and waive all benefits. We do not wish to hear any more offers to rob, defraud, or enslave us, nor to suffer the ministrations of the false Trustees who have glutted themselves on our produce, our labor, and our lives.
We wish for the release of all Americans from the Alien Property List, and all the attendant fraudulent false claims in commerce that the practices enshrined by the Trading With the Enemy Act impose upon innocent people who have been harmed and preyed upon as Third Parties.
We wish for the return of our assets, and the repatriation of our lawful titles, Good Names, and Estates without further obstruction, obfuscation, excuses, or delay. We wish for the removal of all blocked accounting structures and return of all escrows, rents, leases, mortgages, insurances, copyrights, patents, trademarks, logos, charters and other assets that are ours. We wish for the removal of all encumbrances, odious debts, and the end of all pretenses of emergency, war, or necessity.
It is against our religion to support immorality, thievery, deceit, slavery, pillaging, unjust enrichment, inland piracy, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, fraud, extortion, treason or any other of the egregious crimes that the British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal Government have tolerated, promoted and engaged in on our shores.
We are each owed the return of all our assets and full return of all right, title, and interest in all of our natural possessions: our land, our lives, our homes, our natural resources, our identities, our intellectual properties, our relationships, our beneficial contracts, our warranties, our guarantees, our restored and lawful government, our insurances and indemnities. We are also owed recovery from the unjust enrichment and profits made from our purloined credit and assets.
This is what we are owed no less than we may be owed from any other debt. This is a commercial affidavit. Not a point of Law.
There are Points of Law to be addressed with the Government of the Philippines, the Government of the Netherlands, the Government of Switzerland, the Government of France, the Government of Scotland, and the Government of the United Kingdom, all of which have sought to benefit themselves and blame us for their own criminality, gross breaches of trust, and failure to take immediate and effective steps to correct their operations with respect to The United States of America [Unincorporated], our States, and our People.
This is internationally published Due Process and Notice to all British Territorial Government and Roman Municipal Government departments, agencies, officials and employees, to all foreign governments, including the Government of the Philippines, and the Municipal Government of Vatican City, also fair and adequate Due Process and Notice to the members of the Territorial United States Congress, to their State of State Governors, to the Municipal United States Congress and to their STATE OF STATE GOVERNORS, to all banks, most especially the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, the British Crown, the Bank of Scotland, the Government of Westminster, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and to the other Governments of the World, including the Spanish Monarchy, the Holy See, and the United Kingdom ---- that our lawful Government, The United States of America [Unincorporated[ and our unincorporated sovereign States of the Union, still stand and still make claim upon all the Treaties, commercial contracts, guarantees and assurances, and all material rights, patents, and other assets naturally belonging to us.
There are no unclaimed or abandoned American assets anywhere in the world. Any claim that we have now or have ever "voluntarily" given away our Good Names and Estates is false and self-interested hokum promoted by would-be criminals, and we hereby take exception to it as attempted unlawful conversion, piracy, theft and fraud.
We have not accepted any representation in these matters at all; by our Public Law members of the Bar Associations are precluded and prohibited from occupying any public office or position of trust related to us, our lawful Government, and our assets. This has been plainly stated on the Public Record since 1819.
We remind all parties that all laws and legislation that are repugnant to our Constitution are null and void from inception, including those elements of The Trading With the Enemy Act which would include us in the same category as Enemies and would seek to secretively enslave and subject Americans via unconscionable and undisclosed adhesion contracts solicited under color of law and color of these actions by the British Territorial Congress as being any mandate associated with our lawful government at all.
Finally, we reserve the right and duty to issue our credentials and commission to Federal Marshals known as Continental Marshals, to act as peacekeeping officers serving the international land jurisdiction of this country, to enforce the Public Law, to combat widespread interstate securities and bank fraud, to prevent human trafficking, kidnapping, racketeering, and unlawful arrest and detainment of Private American Nationals, who are in fact internationally Protected Persons.
We rely upon President Donald J. Trump to instruct the American Armed Services and conduct business as a cooperative and mutually beneficial administrative service, for we are inevitably our brother's keeper, and the welfare of our employees ultimately depends on the welfare and safety of their actual employers.

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