
1 de enero de 2019

Archangel Metatron-The Law of One in France Part 2 Louis XIII and Louis XIV - "Children of the Stars" Beings of Light, Divine Essence.

Archangel Metatron-The Law of One in France Part 2- literally were "Star Children" Beings of Light, Divine Essence. by James Tyberonn

Part 2 of a message in 3 parts

Greetings, Teacher! I am Metatron, Angelic Light! This session joins me Tyberonn the Cristalino Service. Once and always we greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal moment of Now. Certainly we perceive each of you individually, personally at the specific time when your eyes read these words. 

And so we continue with the second installment of "The Law of One in France".

   Dear humans, the conceptual ideas of the human race, as much about history as about time, differ from the true nature of reality. Po therefore, the current one-dimensional human concepts of human history are, of course, quite different from our aspectual highest overall vision, which is understandable. We see the "Omni-Earth" with all its parallel and probable realities.

There oscillations, cyclic waves of energy, and collective waves (of soul group) of what could be called reincarnation patterns. There have been creating multiple points of origin, a myriad of Stone Age on your planet, where new institutions, new "waves" began their initial experiences, his "first" experience physical existence. Each changed the face of the earth as it progressed, each was unique, each in a dynamic multi-faceted flow ... wheels within wheels while the kaleidoscopic bull consumes itself and is reborn in fractal waves arrhythmic .

So, as we reported in the first part of this message, the Law of One entered Europe, became incarnate in large numbers in the Renaissance. There was concentrated in France influence, specifically to be present during the time of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. This covered a period of 6 generations, 120 years. (This is a group incarnation and period separate from an earlier influx as "wave of reincarnation" in the Cathars of France, some five centuries earlier time.) 

As a note of interest for the purpose of this message, we want to project the understanding that "Groups souled" divisions are divided into "soul families" which then branch into specialized "associations". The Law of One in France was a specialized group with purpose and a mission guild.

When you first entered the Earth plane, they were not "human" as not "residing" in biology, did not have a physical body. They were not "in the flesh" upon the earth. were literally "Star Children" Beings of Light, Divine Essence. They belonged to a Soul Group angelica quintessence, deist intelligence, in order to pave the way for a new adventure in the cosmos. They entered a realm of non-polarity "Plano Omni-Earth" approximately 10 million years ago. But as physical beings, they were out of "linear space-time". They did not live fully in physical bodies to the earth plane transition from non-polarity to the "Duality".
Mankind did not take the form of physical bodies with gender to about 110,000 years ago in Atlantis.

It has been said that humans are a species with amnesia, and this is quite accurate in this application. In the sad demise of Atlantis human population it was greatly reduced numbers as a result of heavy flooding that occurred with the rapid melting of ice sheets, the earth quake and the resulting massive tsunamis, some 12,500 years ago. The masses who had known the arts, sciences and freedoms of finding expression were absorbed in an evolutionary decline of basic survival, as the filters of the conscious mind were removing the frontal brain over time the memory of everything that had happened before, as the physical body densificaba in the dark wake of Atlantis. 
The highly technological civilization of Atlantis, its great cities and their knowledge, disappeared beneath the waters and sediments into the fathomless sands of time. And while some pockets of high civilization persisted for a while, humanity in general he backed evolutionarily and began again, could say, starting from scratch. The survival of the species obtained a predominance necessary, within the scope of "beta" ... warning necessary for the existence and livelihood again a primitive and challenging environment.

Kings ruled kingdoms, dictators dominated and fell, as mankind fell deeper into the density of perpetuating and primitive subsistence. But conditions gradually improved in the slow dance of linear time; Avatars came from other realms to teach. The ascended masters were reincarnated as the gears slowly beginning to awaken consciousness. 
However, through this postFlood receding, despite the obstacles fall, you were still deeply installed in the "University of the Earth" in the curriculum. And in the realm of duality they were (and are) in the mission to learn to create their own reality from its state of inner consciousness.

Although this is something that everyone is coming to understand and be understood in the course of their complex spiritual quest ... it became clear that without help the masses remain trapped in unconsciousness. Humans in phases survival were extremely confused and distracted materially on earth, an outer material world that seemed created intentionally by their own mental consciousness. On the contrary, they seemed to be the product of external reality rather than their creators. They survive because their needs were for millennia, in the wake of Atlantis truly equivalent, requiring a full and attentive concentration on food and shelter.

And the earth plane, arriving bipolarity, a kingdom of opposites returned. Opposites appear to facilitate free will. They were opposites in the Trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit ... mentally, spiritually and physically "fields". 
So we tell them that illusion "purposeful" the earth plane, their collective higher selves, as "gods in Progress" created intrusions into their difficult paths through space-time linear to help them move forward, to ensure in some measure their progress.

Please note that you are a spark of the Divine. Accept this axiom as a fact should not seem illogical or unreasonable to you humans accept that there is a pattern, a design and a designer. And they are combined in such a way in and out, which is quite impossible to separate. What we are saying is that the All That Is, the Creator God, is also in his creations and the creations themselves are endowed with the divine attribute of creativity. Because you are certainly aspectually, both the dream and the dreamer. Take a moment to carefully consider this great and powerful truth! 

Byway this axiom postulate has strong scientific validity. ANDn quantum physics, is a process of expanding its ratio of collective and individual light and vibration frequency ... to enable and facilitate the transformation conscious movement toward higher realms, into angelic nonphysical dimensions, which all humans do every night in your sleep state and lucid dreams. It is important to wake up and understand that they are multidimensional beings, powerful divine spiritual beings completing a great cycle, a phase dawns with an amazing transformation. There continues to advance the concept that on your earth plane you have created points of "energy flow", points refinement "guided" in the linear pattern.

Each environment they experience, we can say that it is created "artificially" and that should be understood. And you in group collective consciousness of the super soul have inserted what can be considered "holographic" inserts, in the key of their timelines, to adhere, to align with graduation, "Human Ascension" points. Part of that process includes "changing the past" ... influencing multiple events. 

There are specialized guilds who design and work with such inserts. Because, as we said, in the land a special experiment takes place in free will and polarity. When they are here in physical form, a veil placed to not recognize their own divine creative power. It remains there until you wake up and see that at the center of his being, are God.

Its multidimensional reality Omni-Earth is full of chances, potential reality manifest in 3D ... and in the realm of free will often trail becomes dark. Such inserts ... especially when the masses are in beta primitive mental state, survival mode and sustenance ... and theta consciousness and higher wisdom only survive in small enclaves. 
And certainly, with the exception of light inserted in special stages, the post - Flood era was low vibration in the masses.

So it happened that his dramas were powerful Crísticos insertions, involving the return of highly evolved souls, Avatars of divine energy, offering a "living infinite point" to boost energy and provide experiential opportunity for transformation. 
There was also inserts intervention in certain key points juxtaposed polarized odds. You see, the realities on the path of humanity in the "Curricula of Duality" can be influenced generally in many ways. One involves the massive incarnation of souled unions, an influx purposeful mission to places and vectors specific time.

Being a human, a terrestrial student studying at the University of Duality means being a bridge between dimensions vary widely and between realms of consciousness. In the preparation of this bridge are the keys to remove the bolt to an expansion of consciousness towards higher, the look angelic realms. 

And in times of high density, especially considering that humans carry sensory veils in material 3D bodies, insertions and interventions can andoccur. But they are co-created over the space and linear time by the group of the highest human mind! And whether consciously or unconsciously, you are strong players in collective processes of the higher mind and universal consciousness.

3D unconscious may seem helpless trapped in a matrix, but his higher consciousness in the appearance of collective plurality is absolutely on board, influencing the awakening into consciousness. And teachers, once they are aware of being co-creators, are no longer true captive of the imaginary matrix. In fact the apparent trap matrix serves, as all obstacles as stepping stones to opportunity. 

And even whenlearn that thoughts are creative and that the mind is the builder, are still covered by the actions dimensional mirror, reflecting the choices of duality, of what in their curricula call right and wrong.

In this sense, the "illusion of purpose" experiential curricula of Duality is designed to learn, to develop. And although the experience of terrestrial lessons necessarily occur in a bipolar reality of free will, overt actions, reactions are for growth and not for any punishment. To learn! 

We have explained that one of such interventions was highly unlikely devastation of the Spanish Armada. Boats huge naval armada were in their cellars to the Inquisition, funded and supported by the Austrian Habsburg dynasty, and wellequipped army of 30,000 men, and Europe plus triple them in reserve.

Similarly, the fact that Nazi Germany did not develop atomic superweapon was another intervention. With high engineering and minds of physics available in Nazi Germany, the power of intelligence was available but not used mysteriously, went wrong. Locked! 

In both cases, the probability 3D was enormously contrary to the reality that currently defies all odds in the annals of its "linear" historical records.

However; We close this second part on this subject so interesting. In the final third part of this message and we will discuss in more detail the characters and the length of time individuals in the French court of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. The two monarchs also interesting. Certainly there were many guild members souled involved in the "mission" to block the forces of "Belial", as this was a very critical time. The result would not only determine the initial establishment of the Americas, but also the path of the coming Ascension.

Files Edgar Cayce reveal a wave of people who during their lives in the twentieth century had readings of life in that era in France, including royal personages and the Sun King. It is interesting to note the unusual circumstances, visions and the birth of Louis XIV. Certainly there were guild members of the Law of One placed in key locations on both sides of the conflict of Belial versus the Law of One. Both the mother and the wife of the Sun King, Louis XIV, were the Spanish courts of the Habsburgs. 

It is also interesting that the dolphin was not only named as heir (Dauphin) given to Luis Diosdado but also the symbol on the shield of the House of Bourbon ... and the title was exclusively for the eldest son or direct heir to ascend the throne.

On September 5, 1638, Anne of Austria gave birth to her first child. They brought the news to Louis XIII who fell to his knees to thank God for giving him his heir "golden" as envisioned and long awaited. Since the pregnancy was announced, countless public prayers were offered in ritual ceremonies at Notre Dame, Chartres, Mont Saint Michel and others, while the people waited impatiently for the royal couple would give France its Dauphin, heir to the throne, finally after 23 years of marriage and many heartbreaking losses pregnancies.

The fifth pregnancy produced the birth of the child known as Louis Dieudonné (Luis Diosdado), which some considered a miracle. Many saw it as proof that Heaven divinely supported policies led by the King and his Prime Minister, Cardinal Richelieu.

Mother of Louis XIV was Anne of Austria, a Spanish princess of the House of Habsburg, who was queen of France for being the wife of Louis XIII. She was the sister of the King of Spain, and was regent of France while her son Louis XIV was minor, from 1643 to 1651.Duranate his regency, Cardinal Mazarin served as minister of France. The wife of Louis XIV, how interesting, was the House of Habsburg, Corte Real Spanish, Maria Teresa of Spain, and Archduchess of Austria as a member of the House of Habsburg and by marriage Queen of France.

Also briefly discuss attempts, achievements (recognized and unrecognized) and the purpose of the presentation of the Law of One in the "Golden Age" of France ... and its impact on the present. It was a fascinating era, and played a key role in the advancement of humanity in ways not often seen or truly understood. 

I am Metatron, Angelico de Luz, with Tyberonn of Cristalino Service, and we share with you these Truths ... You are loved! 
And so it is ... 
All rights reserved adequately, 2018, to James Tyberonn and 
 Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

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