
13 de enero de 2019

Information Currency exchange: basic notions

Many of the sources giving the RV information have been taken over by the Cabal.

The ones that you are required to pay money to get the information they are putting out is definitely cabal controlled.

They also are saying where you will do your exchange and what they are telling you is not totally accurate. Also ignore the what they are saying about Tiers as that is totally bogus.

There have been many that did the CE over 2 years ago and these are people that have very high up connections and/or the large sums of currency they had to exchange.

Many have used their money for major projects and others have been afraid and have kept their monies to themselves and have not spent any of it. I know this for a fact as I have friends that have exchanged 2 years ago.

One of the reasons why the major exchange has not happened is because the people in charge of this want to make sure the banks are safer and your money is not stolen from your account by the cabal.

I have been waiting over 11 years for the CE to happen - lol lol. Yes I would love to do the CE now yet I would rather wait and have my money secure and safe. Be grateful that you are one of the many who believe in this and will be getting your money soon.

Here is some information that you need to know to be prepared to do your currency exchange.

Here is what you will need to take with you for the CE. A copy of the purchase receipts, any gifting letters to you, a copy of your Drivers License, (and/or a current passport), a voided bank check and a list each of the denominations with the total of each. If you need to take a plane to exchange your monies wrap your currencies in aluminum foil and with your receipts put them in a zip lock baggie and carry them onto the plane with you. Make sure you dress as nicely as you can because this is a business transaction. I myself do not have business attire but I will wear a nice pair of slacks and a blouse and some nice shoes.

If you have Zim it is extremely important to have the projects you want to do ready. You will only have about 2 minutes to explain your projects.

Practice doing this and remember do not bring up any form of religion as you do not know who these people are. If you want to donate to your church because they have a food bank and help low income people with utilities, etc. just say you are going to use the money towards food banks and helping low income people to pay their utility bills.

Doing this will help you to get a higher rate for the Zim.

 Most likely you will be required to sign paperwork stating that you will use a certain percentage of the money you will receive towards projects.

Zim is for the good of humanity and not to buy a 10 million dollar house and $250,000 car, etc.

Here is an example of what you need to do as a break down of the currencies you have and you will need this when you do your CE.

12 - 500,000 - $6,000,000.00
157 - 25,000 - $3,925,000.00
1 - 500 - $ 500.00
IQD Total = $3,925,500.00
2 - 100,000,000,000,000.00 = $200,000,000,000,000.00

Remember you will be signing a Non Disclosure Agreement which means you can not tell anyone how you acquired this money. So start practicing saying something like -- I got unexpected inheritance from a person I had worked with long time ago, someone you helped awhile ago, you made an investment in the stock market and it paid off, etc. etc. Do not say you won the lottery as people can check to see if you really did win the lottery. Also do not tell anyone how much money you have.

If you are receiving a large amount of money I would also suggest that you get a different unlisted cell phone and/or landline number so only the people that really care about you can contact you.

Do not put your money in an interest bearing checking account at this time. This is because of the current bank situation and if put your money into an interest bearing account then it means you do not own your money the bank does.

Remember they know who has currency and how to contact you.
Hope this helps.

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