
5 de enero de 2019

Martial Law Pending, Political Elites Indicted, Prison Barges at GITMO, Byington 

Former US Presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama have gone missing, Trump closed down the government in Dec. and the US Military announced it would soon be invoking Martial Law; FEMA prison barges have arrived at GITMO, Military Tribunals were scheduled for this month and Democrats have spent the last two years trying to impeach Trump. 

What’s going on? 

For one, since Trump entered office there has been over 71,000 indictments naming well known political and global elites that have been filed in federal courts across the nation. Rumor was that they were about to be unsealed and acted upon. 

Charges were thought to include Treason, Election Fraud and political elite roles in 9/11, the Fushima Nuclear Explosion, Benghazi Massacre, mass murder in Haiti and elsewhere, gun and drug running, human trafficking, child exploitation, kidnapping, murder and harvesting victim’s organs for monetary gain; blackmail for certain votes on political issues through recording of pedophilia parties where children were raped, tortured and murdered; selling U.S. uranium resources to Russia in exchange for bribes; money laundering; misappropriation and confiscation of US taxpayer monies through use of the illegal and privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, US Corporation, City of London and Holy See, plus not implementing the freedom from debt GESARA Law signed into law by the US Supreme Court and President Bill Clinton. 

The morning of his inauguration Trump paid a visit to CIA headquarters to declare a war on a Satanic international child exploitation, drug and gun running ring believed funded by the CIA through their Black Budget. The President immediately hired an Attorney General from Utah, John Huber along with 740 investigators, to look into the matter. Last year the information gained from Hillary Clinton’s server and an initial probe into the Clinton Foundation greatly expanded this investigation into the Cabal. 

The Cabal was said to be another name for the Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult – a powerful and secretive group centered in Eastern Europe that was run by the CIA, Vatican, Queen Elizabeth, the Rothschilds and various mafias. The Ninth Circle was believed centuries old, globally based, and funded by the international monetary system using US taxpayer monies filtered out of the privately owned IRS and Federal Reserve. 

Since 1694 our World Monetary System’s Collateral Trust Accounts have been used to transfer US Taxpayer monies to Queen Elizabeth’s Central Bank of England (controlled by the Rothschild family), and then to the Vatican Bank, where it was dispersed to privately owned Central Banks across the globe. The funds eventually returned to a New York Central Bank, where the US Government was charged interest to use it. 

This was the illegal and bankrupt global financial system that was being taken down by the newly functioning Chinese Elders’ and BRICS’ Quantum Financial system’s asset-backed Global Currency Reset as Trump cleaned out the Washington DC Swamp. 

Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced Military Tribunals at GITMO, while others would go before international courts. 

A partial list of those believed named in over 71,000 federal indictments: 

Senator John McCain - believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed 

Former US President George Bush Jr. – believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed 

Former US President H.W. Bush 

Former US President Bill Clinton 

Former First Lady and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 

Former US President Barack Obama 

Former First Lady Michelle Obama 

Former CIA Director John Brennan 

Former FBI Director James Comey 

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller 

Former National Intelligence Director Robert Clapper 

Vice President Mike Pence 

Former US Vice President Joe Biden 

Former US Vice President Dick Cheney 

Former Secretary of State John Kerry 

Assistant FBI Counterintelligence Director Edward “Bill” Priestap 

Former Speaker of the House Harry Reid 

Businessman billionaire George Soros 

California Democratic Congresswoman Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi 

California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein 

California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Watters 

California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer 

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 

US Treasury Secretary Seven Mnuchin 

Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Former US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates 

Former Clinton Aide Huma Abedin 

Former Clinton Campaign Director John Podesta 

Robert Podesta 

Nelli Ohr of Fusion GPS 

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe 

FBI agent Peter Strzok 

FBI agent and Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page

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