
26 de enero de 2019

Sananda new scripts Chapter 3. August 2013, Mother Earth has already ascended to the Fifth Dimension and expects you to come up with her group

Resultat d'imatges Sananda
It's me, Sananda. For a long time it has been believed that God punishes those who do not believe in him or that those who do not accept the concept of One God will be condemned to a terrible life after dying.

Often in that belief system it is included that those who do not accept me, Jesus, as their Savior, will have a similar destiny: to burn in hell or to be exiled forever from Heaven.

I want to state emphatically and unconditionally that none of those beliefs is true.

Now I am going to respond to each one of those very familiar and predominant beliefs:

God does not punish, and neither do I. We see punishments as something cruel, unacceptable and ineffective.

There is no Hell. You create your own lives and also the conditions for after it through your own actions and efforts made during your lives here on Earth or elsewhere.

There is a Supreme Creator, whom we call the Father of Creation. That does not require worship.

He is the Creator of all the Creators, you could say the God of the Gods. He is One, and he is neither male nor female.

The Supreme Creator is the principle and the Source of everything. He created me, and created what you call your personal God; to the Creators of the Galaxy, of the Milky Way who are Mother / Father God.

They are also One, and both are male and female.

A Mother / Father God is known by many names: Yahweh, Jehovah, Wing, Shiva, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, Zorra and Saraya to name a few.

Note that most of these names are masculine. This will change to reflect the true equality that exists between them.

I do not consider myself your Savior, and I do not want to be worshiped. I am the one who comes to guide and supervise the Ascension of all humanity on Planet Earth.

I have a great desire to serve and offer Love, comfort, healing and support for all, no matter what their religious practices have been in the past. I see you all as Brothers and Sisters.

Mother / Father God and I, together with all humanity, designed this Earth Project to allow souls the greatest possible growth opportunity: those souls are children of Mother / Father God, as well as those who come from other planets and galaxies to experience this challenging learning environment that is to live on Planet Earth.

God is Love. I am Love. Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Harmony and Bliss are Love.

When you feel and act with those feelings; You are One with Us, and We are One with you.

There is another very common idea that I would like to raise here. It is in relation to that we expect you to obey our Word.

His definition of obedience entails the idea of ​​subjection to another. This is not what we seek or desire.

Human beings on the three-dimensional plane of the Earth have had free will.

Human beings are intelligent and capable of having independent thoughts and actions during their incarnation in the Earth plane in their three-dimensional state.

This condition implies a special challenge. Without knowledge of the past or future, or of what exists outside of Earth's existence, you must find your way to the highest level of functioning that you are capable of.

In that process most of you also discovered the connection in your hearts, which is innate from its creation, towards its Creators and with me.

We celebrate their growth and independent exploration. We do not want to suppress or limit your discoveries or your learning opportunities.
Having this as a framework for their growth, we understand that all exploration will have errors, misfortunes, accidents and even deliberate deviations from what it would be to procure the Greater Good.

We see that they use their mistakes to learn and evolve towards a higher consciousness.

This process requires several lives and we wait, watch and listen patiently, while you work based on experiences of trial and error, until you find your own inner guidance, which is your own connection with God.

We do not interfere in their lives, even when things can go wrong or when they are involved in what they call criminal behavior or destructive actions.

We are obliged to allow you to go through these lessons throughout your life, through the contract that we celebrate with you, so that you can find your own answers experiencing the consequences of your actions, either in the lapse of a single life, or in the revision the same as they do after contemplating their own actions through the eyes and feelings of those they affected.

There is no punishment for transgressions during this life. Even murder can be understood as self-defense and therefore be forgiven.
Those who have lost connection with their hearts, who have become Dark Beings by voluntary preference, if they wish to be in the Light are welcome back into the fold.

If not, they may even become uncreated, scattering their molecules in the All That Is.

But that would only happen if they choose it themselves, not us.

Since we understand and see that their lives being here, in human bodies, it is only a moment in the experience of the full life of their soul, this existence is not more important or precious than any other moment in the development of it.

We see them as Souls in Ascent, temporarily housed in the bodies they have accepted to transit during this period of life.

The gender, the environmental conditions and the challenges that you will have to face here, were planned by yourselves, with your Higher Self, during your temporary stay with us in the highest dimensions.

In spite of the deep compassion that we feel when we see them go through their difficulties, if we were to intervene to avoid the pain or the difficulties that live here, we would be breaking the first Universal Law that established the Supreme Creator himself, which requires the nonintervention of the more powerful over others.

We understand that when this life is over, pain and suffering disappear, which only serves as memory / impetus to achieve a deeper understanding and empathy or compassion for others.

From this higher dimensional perspective, which is shared by all the souls among their incarnations, the greater the challenge, which can even include much pain, famine, suffering and violent death; more powerful will be the learning experience.

We understand that this higher dimensional perspective is opposed to what you have thought and felt during your life and we are sympathetic to the conflict you feel when you see others suffer.

We encourage your efforts to alleviate the suffering on the planet, but we also warn you that you should not interfere with individual contracts.

Now, in August of 2013, since Mother Earth has already ascended to the Fifth Dimension and because you are expected to come up with her as a group, all the contracts of the souls that involve great challenges and difficulties have been suspended, always and when your Higher Self agrees.

The current agreements in progress would be part of the previous plans due to the unique conditions of the approaching Ascension.

It is the responsibility of each soul to evaluate and understand what this new freedom implies.

We admire and respect the progress a soul can make during a life in 3rd dimensional reality on the path to feeling, seeing, thinking and knowing the Love of God.

More than an obedience imposed on them from the outside, we see them as a triumph of growth when they acquire that ability directed from within, reaching a high level of consciousness; when they are still operating in the Earth plane of low vibration.

This is seen as a triumph in the development of the soul.

Due to the multitude of difficulties that a soul can experience during a single life on Earth, this Project is appreciated throughout the Cosmos as a highly respected mission; something like being in the great Olympiad of the growth of souls, which is a very coveted opportunity.

The privilege of being able to spend a life on Earth is seen as a very valuable test of one's temper, resistance, vitality and Faith.
We only ask that you respect your opportunity to experience life here as the great gift it is, and to use it accordingly.

We ask you to consider these words with care; Weigh them well, because in this message we give you the answer to your question: What is the meaning of Life?

When you fully understand that the meaning behind this Project was your own creation, you will also understand that there is no reason to complain, since there is no pressure on your Being by Us.

There is also no reason for self-inflicted guilt, nor for them to repent for what they have done up to now, since at any moment they can turn to the Light, unite with Us in Love, and when the time comes they will reach salvation for themselves.

Salvation from our perspective, means to free ourselves from deceit, from Darkness, from anguish and pain; and the Ascension to a higher level of consciousness. That is the goal of all the souls of the Cosmos.
Join us in Love, Peace, Compassion and Harmony and you will know the Bliss of the One.

I am Sananda, in loving service to the Supreme Creator and to all humanity.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, November 16, 2013,
in Sedona, Arizona, USA © They can share the messages as long as they do not alter or modify the content of the same or the form or order in which they are established, respecting the sources and their translator. * The Sananda / Jesus himself asked to be respected. Thank you.

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