
14 de enero de 2019


I am Sananda Greetings Galactic this is my name. On Earth know me like Jesus. You know I'm a teacher for many different worlds in galaxia.Cuando use the name Sananda I am referring to my role as a Galactic Master.

They have come together on this day to meet and this has been destined for a long time, because each of you carries a special energy and charges for humanidad.Saben you are playing an important role in transforming the planet. 

But the truth is that their roles require unification of their forces, because you are also brothers and sisters and each of you carries a special wisdom, each of you brings wisdom which can transform many to superior wisdom.

This process is called activation and there are no initiations and activations activations fully open people to the mission of his soul and mission of light. 

Therefore we are paying homage to the power of native (indigenous groups). Because the natives have a deep love for the planet. My Father wants this planet transformed into a planet Ascended (Third Step [3D] to the Fifth Density [5D]). 

My Father has called light workers come to this planet as well as you, to assist in planetary ascension.

They know that there have been large planets in the Pleiades, who have ascended. A planetary ascension is something that happens and has galactic action is required and what we call planetary healers and every one of you is a planetary healer. 

I know you have great skills for individual healing abilities have been increasing at an astonishing rate, very soon, just his presence and how to speak in the right tone will have the ability to activate the healing energies in a very powerful way . 

Remember my Father created the world by saying "the light" and these words created the world which you now belong.

When I was on the planet healing directly, he had the ability to say "the light" and that was enough to start the healing process. Now you are moving and transforming this kind of energy because you are allowing my light and my energy working through you and as you are becoming more and more rapidly increase their skills. But you also have the skills to be planetary healing and this is also as you know, part of their mission.

We know that the Ascended Masters Mexico love your country, there is a beautiful light in this place, for the planet. This light of Mexico has to find a way to emanate and distributed around the globe. because all the old energies of the planet have come from Mexico.And we know that the Maya were those who understood the relationship of the planet and the galaxy, and we're starting a process where this place begins to emanate more energy transforming the planet into a new world.

You are here to help more people to understand and receive that light. If it is true that times are now totally different, it is true that nothing and nothing will be the same, but it is also true that people are being activated to 5D, they have never before been so many spiritual energies on this planet, like now. 

If it is true that there is a great divide polarization and this is true in Mexico, as it is in many other places, but at the same time there are many other souls who are open and there are many other spiritual teachers and the power of spiritual teachers it will increase more and more energy and healing the planet is being activated every day.

They have done a great service by activating this channel, because time is perfect for each of you increase your power. So this is the time to accept his personal mission and his personal power. 

Now is the time that the brothers and sisters to unite in the service of the spirit and meet at this time, as a manifestation of unity, each of you is gaining great power and great effectiveness in its mission, its meeting this day, because you are unifying the energies of this Ttriángulo Sacred and meetings between you anymore. 

Pursuant you together are activating and unifying other groups Sananda'm standing in this room and send my love.

Let the healing light is received by each of you now.Light coming directly from my heart to your heart, because we share our love for the Earth and the expansion of Planet 5D. 

Now my friend the Chief Buffalo Heart this with you. 

I am Sananda

EVERTH THENANSHED 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice 

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