
2 de enero de 2019

The cycle is closed. Existential Misery came to an end !!!!

Adam Kadmon Program is operated so that the Divine Plan comes to fruition, and Ascension onset. Existential Misery came to an end !!!! When the revelations begin, we will enter a zone of permanent ecstasy frequency will rise so high that the past and all its shortcomings, completely disappear. 

We will feel a healer, retroactive and permanent release for many months and years based on new sensations, fruit supply all the information that so many years have hidden us Fallen Angels or falls earlier CONSCIOUSNESS will be transmuted and aligned outside the duality or Trap Cosmic Transcendental (Separation).

These moments are to remain in full introspection, impeccability of thoughts, self-observation, joy, brotherhood and love. News begin at any time, there are already thousands of notices of "immediate arrest" delivered (70,000), all those responsible forthe mental block that has undergone the Earthman. 

Galactic Confederation (etheric surgeons, geneticists cosmic, human masters, creators and engineers galactic alchemists), is completely under control this "peace intervention Interplanetary Solar" or Home Ascension

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