
22 de enero de 2019

To reflect. Have we advanced or back in time?That time was better?

"... Grandfather Tell me how were the days when your little eras -.? 

! -¡Huy Long time ago and that !. But I'll tell you how were the moments when someone was young as you now ... 

. ..¡Solía meet guys my age who lived on the same street; and we played together fut bol, bol beis, dimpling, scab, donkey 17, the Tamalada or comidita ... and many times we had to dogs for a walk on the banks of the river, or going to eat fruit in season the trees that were close ... - 

. Grandpa you're telling me all this playing in the street ... And you do not? They trod them cars? -

-¡Muy good question son - Maybe forget to mention that, on the street where we lived there were not many people with cars, were counted neighbors who had one ... And our streets, yet it unpaved, were a great place to play all this that I've told you 

... But grandfather. They were not afraid that the kidnappers might be taken away? 

-¡Hahaha - not a son; At that time we all knew very well, while the neighbors left their doors open houses and nothing happened. During traditional festivals, residents organized meetings at home and we were all guests without asking us we were, they did the same in our homes ... 

... But Grandpa. What time saw TV?

' Of course some homes had a television in black and white, or any console or radio! but we were not neither necessary nor important, son! 

...Grandfather! You say you had to walk their dogs to the river. But the river is dirty and smells bad! 

' Now if - But it was not always so - ran clean water, many people went to bathe there, the bank had many trees and abundant grass ... Tortuguitas, dragonflies, bees, frogs and many more! 

'If grandfather, I know some of these insects for my books !, but what happened to all this - 

-¡Poco gradually entered the "Modernism" and his desire of greed and power, they were destroying everything!

Green fields filled with house and buildings, the textile industries that brought modernism and abundance, also brought pollution with sewage pouring into rivers ... the modern public transport trucks they needed eventually paved streets, they came more and more and upholstered fields pavement, and gradually was losing the blue sky smoke from trucks and factories ... People come and go everywhere, we see but we do not know and if not we know we respect not because we lack identity! ... There was a time when, from boys; we felt a great love for our country, not to politicians, but to our land, our culture and past, every foreigner was welcome to it if he came as a friend ... and respect for elders,

-Grandfather; You've become sad - 

! Tell me son ... If you had to choose between living in an era of great scientific and technological advances, your internet, your expensive cell and all those games you practice on the computer ... .or live in a time when there were not many people, and there were these huge malls, no internet or cable, or cell or many things we now know, but instead there were many green areas, many trees and animals, streets unpaved but friends who play 17 or scab donkey ... 

-What would you choose time -? - What would you like your children to inherit - 

Blessed day ... Coty

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and this URL is included in yel Copyright Notice

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