
5 de abril de 2019

Quan Yin: The Push for The Final Disclosure

Quan Yin says, dear heart, I am Quan Yin. I come today with important news. Divine has decreed that the climate on the planet is very suitable for the Divine agenda. We have decided to move forward with Christ’s Plan. In other words, the Christ Era has begun. And Christ herself has been settling on the planet. Now she is ready for her plan to be manifested. What Christ is going to do now is to gradually introduce the planet to her plan, and how her plan is going to impact the planet in general. Christ herself is going to be the one who has the control over the entire plan, and she is going to share that plan, little by little, so that eventually we all have a clear understanding of Christ’s Plan for humanity and the planet.
Christ has been implementing the entire plan for the last few years or so, and now that she has done and she wants us to know what the plan is. Christ is the ruler of the entire planet. She has all the Divine plan covered. She is the sole reason that we, the Divine and the company of heaven, have been diligently working for the last decade or so, so that when the time was right, Christ could come to the planet, and get the plan going. Now Christ has come and has been on the planet for a while. She is very content with what we, the Divine and the company of heaven, have accomplished, and she is grateful for all the hard work each and every one of you have put into the Divine plan. She is now ready to move forward with the plan and get much done possible.
In the next six months or so, Christ wants all the Divine agendas to be completed so that the next phase of Gaia’s restoration can go into full force. But for now, what we, the Divine and the company of heaven, with Christ, are focusing on the political arena. We want the Divine and the company of heaven, to be known to the planet. We need the final disclosure to happen. We need our light workers to be recognized so that together, with Christ, we can move forward with the Divine plan, and then focus on Gaia’s next phase of ascension. Gaia has been anxiously waiting, so has Mother Earth. We need to move forward with the rebuilding process. Gaia needs it, so does the planet. Christ, herself, has known of the severe situation of the planet, and she literally has to be on Gaia’s side to support her and make sure Gaia/Mother Earth are sustaining the planet for the time being.
Now, besides Christ’s Plan for the planet, what is next is the Divine government. We need the Divine and the company of heaven, to start the process so that in the near future, we can start to move into Washington DC, and get the Divine government going. We have the agenda ready, so with the Divine government, together, we will bring the entire operation under control, and let Christ get the ball rolling. We are indeed all in place, and are just waiting for the right time. That is the Divine and the company of heaven.
Also, in the next few weeks or so, we, the Divine are going to start the push for the final disclosure. We have had enough. The Divine has seen enough and now the time has come. We need the Divine government to move into Washington DC so that, together, with Christ, we can move forward with Gaia’s restoration process. Gaia is waiting desperately, and there is no more time for the planet to waste. We need to act. The moment is now. I love you dear ones. I am Quan Yin. So it is.
» Source » Channel: Linda Li

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