
21 de abril de 2019

The Spiral Function

The Function of the Spiral by Jamye Price
According to Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, the spiral is the core of creation in our experience. We live in a spiral galaxy, and its shape is the macrocosm of the microcosm we live in within it. The spiral movement guides all form, and it is within the spherical form upon which we reside (Earth).
As we understand the spiraling movement and how it applies to form, we are able to go with the flow of creation and utilize the laws that govern our form better. We will blend the metaphor of the spiral into our experience to help understand the natural movement of life.
The spiral is what creates our experience of gravity as the spiraling movement pulls. It is the engine of what some term the Law of Attraction (Areon prefers the Law of Resonance which is the same thing but connects your understanding of your overall vibration creating attraction). The spiraling movement creates the magnetism that attracts. Yet it also creates the repelling…

The Centrifuge

In a lab, the centrifuge is an apparatus that spins a solution to create one of two effects: create stronger bonds or ultimately separate weak bonds that differ in density. The spinning naturally excites the bonding of atoms that go well together, and it naturally releases weak bonds.
This same function is propelling our own changes, as life compels us to bond or release in accordance with our energetic structure and physical structure. The energetic structure begins the process and the physical structure shows where it is manifesting currently.
Your energetic structure contains your desires, beliefs, thoughts and emotions, soul path and collective information. This structure is a lighter density than your physicality. As you go with the flow of your higher density changes more readily, you are reducing the effort of the physical experience.
Your energetic structure is much more malleable than the physical, so changes there do not require as much break down to build up. This is the proverbial quantum leap or butterfly effect.
Areon talks about the hourglass-shaped spiral, as the two opposing spins are reflective of our lightbody. Of course, we see tornado funnels that don’t have a visible opposing spiral, but observing the functionality of the hourglass spiral is helpful.


They have said that if you were swirling around at the top of the spiral, the movement would feel slow and lovely. At this juncture, it feels like things are moving along congruently, meaning they don’t feel so much like changing to a different level, but more like moving along a connected path.
You can easily look around you and focus on whatever you want. It’s easy to initiate movement at this point in the spiraling. It is more languishing and creative, as the pace of change doesn’t push or pull too much.
Focus Your Love by Jamye Price
To utilize this type of flow, it is helpful to observe and take actions (based on inspiration and observation) without looking for definitive resolution. You are moving along a journey that may have some twists and turns ahead, so don’t get too set in your expectations.
It’s also important to not get reliant on this slower flow, or lack of change. This is the time for observing, learning and testing things to discover the next part of the path.


As the spiral spins faster, you are moving toward the center of the hourglass, but not quite there. This mid-point of the top or bottom of the spiral (not the center point) is increasing in speed, but still relatively manageable. You could shift directions if needed, but things are starting to speed up and there is a trajectory of flow that is moving you forward.
At this point, you are taking action, learning along the way and feeling the excitement of potential. Yet there is quite a bit of movement that is creating changes, so being open to change is still important. Yet it is a time for action and allowing things to “spin off” that aren’t serving the ultimate goal.

Release and Activation

At this point in the flow, there is a movement of creation building that supports the back-and-forth of release and activation. These two opposite sides of the same coin are always occurring with each other. When you release, you naturally activate. Just as when you activate you naturally release the “weak bonds” that are not congruent with that new vibration you have touched.
That vibration you have touched could be a powerful meditative experience, a healing, a desire/inspiration, a collective or astrological influence, a resonance from a parallel existence connected to you (i.e. past life experience), or more.
Accessing that new vibrational resonance creates a readjustment to your energy field. Your malleable subtle structure (less dense – hence the centrifuge reference) spins off weak bonds and strengthens strong bonds.
What is a weak bond? Fear.
Fear is a weakness to an unknown. Your core is a denser strength than that. Love is the binding force of all life. Fear is the weak link in the connection. Weak links break easily unless we keep reinforcing them or avoiding them.
Let Excitement Become Stronger than Fear by Jamye Price
At this point, as the acceleration is increasing but still somewhat manageable, there is a plasma excitation that keeps moving you along. The spin is starting to create an opposing pull that creates an internal clarification and stimulation of new creation. The amplification is creating a pull upwards within the spiral, just as there is a pull downwards toward the tight mid-point of the spiral.


As the spiral tightens and increases momentum at the mid-point, things are moving very fast. At this point, if you were spinning along, it would be hard to move your body (metaphorically) because the spin would be creating such a pull that resistance is difficult.
This is the equivalent of being in labor, about to birth a baby, and trying to hold it in or reverse direction. Resistance is ultimately futile.
Areon has given quite a few recommendations of dealing with this aspect of our creative movement. This time of rapid movement lends to going with the flow rather than trying to resist change. It is a time of inward focus, as the body would naturally be pulling in/contracting as the intense movement is compressing.
The toroidal flow is almost obvious, yet at this time the psyche would be resisting the inevitable change that is occurring unless it is guided otherwise. The old brain senses fear here, an unknown; but definitely impending transformation. The new brain can direct the focus through choice and higher wisdom beyond (valuable) instinct.
The buzz of opposites colliding is felt with the senses, as the intensified friction and compelling is palpable, the increase in vibrational concentration effecting the ears, skin and all organs. Perhaps it’s a ringing in the ears, a sense of unusual density in the spine, a tingling on the skin as the plasmatic bath oxidates (and reduces) the surface and pulls the interior forward.
Can you hear the rushing? Or is it a loud silence as you experience the rushing from your detached observation?

Training Your Focus

If you were in a speeding train, you wouldn’t hear the wind rushing but you would see things moving quickly. If you look directly outside the window, close to the train, it is hard to focus and see the details. You would likely make yourself dizzy trying to FOCUSFOCUSFOCUS so rapidly.
But look off into the distance at the landscape. It is quite clear and easy to focus on. It gives the illusion of slow movement. This is the time to focus within and ahead. Rather than so much physical movement of action, support the inner creation that is coming into the physical.
Within the metaphor it doesn’t mean no action in the physical, it means go with the natural flow of the impending new creation and transformation. How are you feeling about it, do you feel ready? Do you know that all is well even though you don’t know all the details? Surrender to the flow because it’s here.


There comes a point in the spiral that opposites meet. The implosion/explosion (depending on your perspective – it’s like release and activation) creates a stillness within the movement then a movement within the stillness. As the expansion becomes contraction, contraction becomes expansion and new flow is formed. The inevitable birthing occurs.
This is where neutrality resides, where the surrender into connection with the opposite creates new form. As the positive and negative collide, the opposites create a vector sum zero, the zero point in which potential dwells. This metaphoric Faraday effect completes the toroidal circle as it neutralizes opposing spin into multidirectional flow.
From the center, the spiral does not just move up and down, it now moves out invisibly offering Time new direction, crossing potentials and completing a circle of flow. This neutralizing new direction weaves opposites into a full circuit of creation.
Do you get pushed outward or pulled inward here? That is a matter of perspective, as any moment in Time may focus the dimension of flow you are experiencing.
Your work here is to embrace the change through the surrender into release as new flow shifts and transforms you. The cycle reverses direction and creation builds.

Cycles within Cyclones

Our complex concert is not just a simple flow of fast or slow spiraling. It is a blend of layers of choice within a moment. There are certainly times when it is more black-or-white opposites, yet most human experiences are a blend of choices and potentials. It is the steps that complete the journey in linear time. Yet as we blend our inner and outer interactions more consciously, we are better utilizing the laws of nature that guide us.
Through the twists and turns of life, you are releasing and activating in order to transform. As Areon says often, “Life is fail-safed toward Love.” When you feel spun-out, relax into the rapid flow. Get quiet, go within. When you feel like things are moving too slowly for you, observe what’s around you and take some actions without rigid expectations, knowing that it’s likely not time for immediate intense transformation—things are building.
As life spirals you into a new flow, surrender into your divine nature and know that Life is supporting your flow toward greater Love. Even the challenges are supporting you to release and activate in order to align with natural flow. The path of least resistance doesn’t mean there’s no resistance, it means you don’t resistance when its futile. Go with the flow, decisions and actionsare woven into it naturally.
All that you are is divine. That is Life. It is spiraling you to a new level of you, a new flow of you, a new creation of you. It ripples out into dimensions unseen and creates a connection as life spirals onward and upward. You are magnificent. A fractal of the galaxy in human form spiraling Love forward into Life.

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and the URL is included in and the Copyright Notice

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