
15 de julio de 2020



I know you all are looking forward to the reveal of Nesara / Gesara.

But they won't have much left to wait for.

Everything being cooked now comes from the oven: the adjustment to the legislation of each of the 183 countries that have already signed it.

And that will see the light, China has released its Reset the last few days.

It is true that their implementation depends heavily on culture and how the economy of each of these countries works. But the base is the same.

The first domino starts to fall and it crumbles everyone else. And that choice refers to the demolition of the international financial system, starting with the United States, which have currently made the decision to release its liquidity on 6 July

Beloved Master Saint Germain, manifested on this in... (transcribed text)...
That will let the banks close their doors for a week or so.

That to encourage (or reset) coins reset, because they will be replaced by the single currency, fully supported by gold and true wealth.

The banks generally don't take it so well because they know that it will lose their power. But they have no choice but to accept it more.

They are already taking measures, such as closing affiliates, firing staff, 'slimming' of their costs and their networks to adapt to the new situation. In the not too distant future there will be no major financial companies, like now.

Yet it will be impossible to maintain your incredible profit margins, which are shown in your balance sheet every year.

They will also have to adapt to a new acting philosophy, more charitable for their clientele.

* During that short transition period there may be a lack of food in supermarkets, or a certain subcutaneous offer, even fuel. So with a reassuring heart I advise you to keep up the gas tank of your car.

* It is also important to keep your vibration up and not be dragged by chaos and despair around you.

You all been trained to be that lighthouse for a long time when the time comes.


Use the tools we have given you in all these years with master ship within a few Days.

Aways keep in mind that it's the old man that collapses, to give up space for the new one arriving. And that future includes a new kind of society, where enormous projects will come for the benefit of many people, in areas such as health, the economy (with important reflections on employment), all with abundance for everyone.

But the most important one will undoubtedly be the ultimate establishment of world peace.

That's more than making money from wars and other people's accident.

Your friend and brother,
- Adamus Saint Paul Henri

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