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25 de junio de 2018

República Restaurada a través de un GCR a partir del 25 de junio de 2018

(Descargo de responsabilidad: La siguiente es una descripción general de la situación actual basada en rumores / filtraciones de varias fuentes que pueden ser o no veraces o precisas.) 

Todas las fuentes están anticipando el lanzamiento de la RV en cualquier momento antes de la apertura de los bancos en Hong Kong . 

B. 24 de junio de 2018 9:59 a.m. EST, High Alert, Bluwolf:"¡La mayor cantidad de alertas!" - Actualización de Bluwolf 6-24-18


C. 24 de junio de 2018 3:30 a.m. EST Planes, Zap: "Bancos, cortafuegos y planes inmediatos" - Actualización de ZAP - La Oficina de POOFness - 6.24.18 

1.He hablado con las personas que instalaron los nuevos sistemas en la industria bancaria

2. El nuevo sistema fue atacado por los sospechosos habituales, pero ninguno de los hacks se solucionó. La seguridad de los fondos ahora estaba asegurada en sus movimientos. 

3. Recibí documentos de confirmación del Fideicomiso y del Banco con respecto a nuestros primeros fondos. 

4. Nos aseguraron que los primeros fondos se mostrarían en nuestras cuentas antes del  miércoles. 27 de junio . 

5. Muchas cosas comenzarán la próxima semana.Además de que nos volvamos operativos, muchos de ustedes se volverán bastante ricos. 

D. 25 de junio de 2018 12:04 a.m. EST, Zap: "Long Train a Running" - ZAP semanal - The Office of POOFness - 6.24.18 = 101745 

1.  Zap: EL nuevo sistema no depende de paquetes de datos para la transmisión de fondos, sino de un nuevo sistema láser. 

2. Desde la semana pasada, han intentado hackear esto. No pueden entrar. Esto significa que nuestro dinero está seguro en el sistema y no puede ser robado por sifón. 

3. Esta es una gran noticia, ya que significa que los lanzamientos van a salir. 

4. Prepárate para los fondos de RV. 

5. Tal vez fue esta nueva implementación del sistema la que ha sido el último mecanismo de demora de nuestros fondos. 

6. Grandes cantidades de fondos están listos para ser enviados a nivel mundial para hidratar a muchas buenas organizaciones. 

7. Se acerca el 4 de julio y si todo va bien tendremos buenas noticias para compartir. 

8.  Susan: En el frente del PP, las noticias sugieren que las entregas comenzarán la primera semana de julio inmediatamente después del cierre de los libros en el tercer trimestre a fines de junio. 

9.  Poof: el  movimiento está presionando hacia adelante. Todavía es dudoso el momento de todo esto si puedes reconocer los juegos que se jugaron en el pasado, ¿por qué crees que no van a intentar continuar estos hasta hoy?

30 de mayo de 2018

The End Game -- The Global Currency Reset and the End of Cabal Slavery

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Here is an excellent video from Dave at X22 Report, with the TRUTH about the current global situation. The Alliance has the cabal cornered - the Deep State has reached the end of the game...

Dave: 'Things are completely changing - you can see it with North Korea....If we really wanted to go to war, it would have happened already. Putin at every turn has stopped war from happening...If Trump was going to push us into war, he would have pushed us into war already with North Korea. Why wait? What would be the the purpose of waiting? Trump didn't have to have a peace summit with North Korea...'

'Why cut the funding to the (cabal) groups in the Middle East? Trump is doing everything the OPPOSITE of the Deep State. The Patriots are TRAPPING the Deep State...with every passing day is is getting harder and harder for the Deep State. They are losing their narrative on ALL their stories. They are resorting to censorship, as in taking down (You Tube) channels. We are moving towards the End Game. They have nothing left.'


World peace is an important aspect of the GCR. Listening to Dave's video, I am reminded that the world is now IN a state of peace. There is NO WAR. There is only the cabal's desperate last minute propaganda, using their dying corporate media. The petro-dollar is virtually dead.

The 3D cabal slavery world is over. The Global Currency Reset waits in the wings, ready to take center stage. 

Be ready!

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

6 de mayo de 2018

Sorcha Faal: US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back to Court to Face Russians

May 6, 2018

US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back To Court To Face Russians—While Thousands Of American Bikers Head To Washington To Shut Down His “Sham” Investigation

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

In what can only be described as a stunning blow against the “Deep State” coup d'état against President Trump, a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a few hours ago (Saturday evening US time/5 May), US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrichrejected a plea from Special Counsel Robert Mueller to delay court proceedings against a Russian company he had filed a “joke indictment” against—with her ordering Mueller back to her courtroom this coming Wednesday to begin his case—with this, also, not being the only headache Mueller will be dealing with this coming week as thousands of pro-Trump bikers are now reported to be traveling to Washington D.C. to shut down his “sham” investigation[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Pro-Trump bikers head to Washington D.C. to confront “Deep State” leader Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As detailed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, on Friday afternoon (4 May), a team of Special Counsel Mueller attorneys begged Federal Judge Friedrich to postpone their case against the Russian companyConcord Management and Consulting whom Mueller had comically charged with interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—with Mueller’s lawyers claiming as their excuse to delay this case being an outright lie that “maybe” this Russian company hadn’t been notified of the charges against it yet—but that stood in stark and laughable contrast to Mueller’s lawyers sitting right next to Concord’s attorneys from the global legal law firm of Reed Smith LLP—and who, obviously, knew that their client had been charged, otherwise they wouldn’t have been sitting in Judge Friedrich’s courtroom to begin with.

To the real reason that Special Counsel Mueller didn’t want to face this Russian company in a US federal courtroom, this report explains, is that under American law, a company, even a foreign one, has “corporate personhood” that enables them to have the same rights as an individual—and that Mueller hadn’t fully thought out before filing his “joke indictment” that he believed no Russian citizen would ever come to the United States to face.

In facing a global legal giant representing the rights of a Russian company, instead of a lowly Russian citizen, however, this report continues, Special Counsel Mueller got the shock of his life when Reed Smith LLP lawyers buried him underneath an avalanche of what are called discovery motions that would reveal the entire secret workings of Mueller’s probe into Trump-Russia collusion for all the world to see. [UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Crim. No. 18-cr-32 (DLF)—scroll down to ATTACHEMENT A]

Going from just shock in his having to contemplate handing over to Reed Smith LLP lawyers the entire secret workings and evidence of what he is actually doing, this report further notes, Special Counsel Mueller, without a doubt, became downright terrified when Reed Smith LLP lawyers filed additional discovery motions [scroll down to ATTACHEMENT B] demanding all documents and information relating to the United States’ most closely guarded secrets, to include:

From 1945 to present, each and every instance where any officer, employee and/or agent of the United States Government engaged in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country; including but not limited to information relating to whether any such activity utilized propaganda in any format, including but not limited to the use of social media.

This disclosure should include any and all information regarding the use of computer infrastructure inside and outside of the United States, false foreign identities, goals to sow discord in a foreign political system, assistance to a foreign elected official or candidate, attacks on a foreign elected official or candidate, assassination or conspiracy to assassinate a foreign elected official or candidate, buying political advertisements, posing as foreign persons and/or failure to honestly identify to foreign voters the involvement of any officer, employee or agent of the United States Government.

Important to understand about the discovery motion demands being made on Special Counsel Mueller by Reed Smith LLP lawyers, this report details, is that it points to what is known in American law as an “affirmative defense” strategy being used to defend the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting—that, in essence, means that if it can be proven that the United States has interfered in the elections of another country (US secretly interfered in Israeli election and French election most recently) , attempted to assassinate, or assassinated a leader of another country (US has long history of assassinating leaders of foreign countries), or overthrew the government of another country (US has overthrown the governments of Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Dominican Republic, South Vietnam, Brazil, Chile), then no one could be held liable for their defending themselves against the same thing happening to them. 

Obama secretly spends $350,000 to overthrow the elected leader of Israel—private Russian company spends $46,000 on Facebook ads during 2016 US presidential election favoring both Trump and Clinton, as opposed to Trump and Clinton spending $81 million—and Putin’s the bad guy?

So obscenely distorted and dysfunctional, in fact, has America become today because of Special Counsel Mueller’s so-called “investigation”, this report continues, former Secretary of State John Kerry has now been revealed to be conducting secret negotiations with Iran—while at the same time, forces loyal to President Trump have been revealed to have hired Israeli spies to dig up dirt on Secretary Kerry and anyone else in the former Obama administration who made the original nuclear deal with Iran—while in the meantime, French President Macron is warning that the “Pandora’s Box” of this Iranian nuclear deal is leading to war—and whose dire assessment is supported by no less than UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who has just issued a chilling message to the world that: “The risk of World War III breaking out in the Middle East is intensifying at an alarming rate”.

With the “Deep State” aligned NSA now reported to have tripled its surveillance of Americans’ phone chatter, collecting over 534 million phone call records and text messages last year, Special Counsel Mueller’s investigative tactics now being described as an “Orwellian Grotesque Violation of Civil Liberties” that will soon be turned against everyone in the US, and the Atlantic Council now explaining why the American people need to be propagandized against “for their own good”, this report concludes, what is called “The Resistance” in the United States is showing the entire world what national suicide actually looks like—but that Russia hopes President Trump can stop before this once great nation’s heartbeat ends forever—and that President Putin showed was possible to do, at least for a nation willing to stand up for its religious values, families and national heritage. 

May 6, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

12 de febrero de 2018


"How do you say when the murderers accuse the murderers? They all lie, and you have to have mercy on those who lie"  (Colonel Kurz in "Apocalyse Now, Francis Ford Coppola 1979)
We could dramatize and clarify what is at stake is not state crimes against life, but only against the truth, but the truth is that if we start mask of apparent -of public dignitaries servers citizenship- to promoters censure alternative media, we found a club for sociopaths that power is an end in itself, and seeking to stifle dissenting voices only because it is more socially acceptable than you silence them by violence. 
The truth is that the hypocrites in the chancelleries and media call "fake news" to the information that contradict their own lies, no truth that they are alien.

Hysteria erupted in Washington as NATO mounted an entire device to accuse Russia of continuing the propaganda of the former Soviet Union. 

The mainstream media try to discredit the new US president accusing him of anything and this accuses them of spreading false news. 

This endless blame game is amplified by the sudden development of social networks, which previously served the State Department as a tool against nationalist regimes but now become popular forums against abuses of elites ... starting with Washington .

Since the announcement himself from his surprise choice without waiting to take possession of the White House, the vast majority of US media denounced NATO and President Donald Trump as incapable, if not mentally disturbed.
 Thus it began between the media class and the new president a battle where each side accuses the other of spreading false news.
Responsible for almost all NATO countries and only in those countries- denounce the "fake news" or "false news". Thereby exposing say the alleged influence of Russian propaganda in the "Western democracies". 

The country most affected by this campaign is France, whose president, Emmanuel Macron, has announced the development of a law specifically designed to combat this "attack on democracy" ... but only "electoral period".

Actually, false news is such an old problem as the world and the fact that the English expression 'fake news' is now repeated in exactly the same way in all languages ​​of NATO indicates the Anglo-Saxon origin of this "new "problematic.
NATO campaign source on 'fake news'
In 2009, President Barack Obama announced at the NATO summit in Strasbourg-Kehl held their intention to  create a service of "Strategic Communication" for NATOIt took six years to create that service around the 77th Brigade of the ground forces of the United Kingdom and the 361st Civil Affairs Brigade of the US ground forces (with bases in Germany and Italy).
The initial mission was to counter accusations that the American deep state had organized the attacks of 11 September 2001 and subsequently reports pointing to the Anglo-Saxons as planners of the "Arab Spring" and the war against Syria. Such accusations were classified as 'plotters' or 'conspiracy'. 

But, then quickly he shifted to try to convince the peoples of the member countries of NATO that Russia continues the propaganda of the former Soviet Union and that, therefore, the Atlantic alliance still good for something.

Finally, in April 2015, the European Union also gave a "Working Group for Strategic Communications to the East" (East StratCom Task Force). 
The working group sent weekly to thousands of journalists an overview of the "Russian propaganda". 
For example, in its latest edition (January 11, 2018) accuses Sputnik having propalado the Copenhagen Zoo feeds their beasts with abandoned pets. 
Serious threat to the "democracies"! It seems that specialists Task Force East StratCom agonize find significant examples of "Russian interference".
In August of the same year 2015, NATO launched its "Strategic Communication Center" in Riga, capital of Latvia. 

The following year, the State Department was provided, meanwhile, the Global Engagement Center, or Center for Global Engagement, which pursues the same objectives.

Facebook, Hillary Clinton's favorite toy ended up turning against it
In 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spurred by Jared Cohen -Head of Policy Planning Bureau - became convinced that it was possible to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran manipulating social networks. The result was not as expected. Nevertheless, two years later, in 2011, the same Jared Cohen, become head of Google Ideas, managed to mobilize the youth of Cairo. 
Although the "revolution" in Tahrir Square did not influence the opinion of the Egyptian people, so he was born the myth of the spread of the American way of life through Facebook. As a result, the State Department funded numerous associations and conferences to promote Facebook.
The real surprise came during the US presidential election of 2016. The real estate developer Donald Trump, an upstart to the political class, eliminated one by one all his rivals, including Hillary Clinton's own, and was elected to the White House thanks Facebook councils. For the first time, the dream of the leader of the professional politicians became reality ... but against herself. From overnight, Facebook became demonized by the mainstream press.

It was then revealed that it is possible to artificially cause movement of opinion and mass by  manipulating social networks , but users eventually return to reason after a certain number of days. 
This is a constant in all systems handling information: its effects are ephemeral. 
The only kind of lie that creates long-term behaviors involves long have pushed the public to get some sort of lesser commitment, or to proselytize.
In any case, Facebook understood this perfectly because he created his own "World Political Bureau and awareness of Governments' and put it in the hands of Katie Harbath. 

Facebook aims to create collective emotions  in favor of this or that client, but not lasting about organizing campaigns.

It is also why French President Macron wants to impose laws on social networks only for electoral periods. 
The Macron himself became president thanks to the disorder that Facebook and a weekly planted together against rival Francois Fillon, orchestrated by Jean-Pierre Jouyet operation. 
In any case, Macron fear that the next time social networks are used against it coincides with NATO's will to show that there is continuity between Russia and the USSR in terms of propaganda. 
So Macron cites as examples of manipulation Sputnik interview about his private life and the fact that half echo of his claim on a bank account abroad was made.
Thierry Meyssan  
(Source: )



The report Christopher Steele
During the previous presidential election campaign in the United States, Hillary Clinton team instructed the former agent of the British secret services Christopher Steele an investigation into the candidate Donald Trump. 
Former head of "Russian Bureau" of MI6, Christopher Steele is known for his outrageous and always unverifiable claims. 
After accusing Vladimir Putin without pruebas- to have ordered the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko with polonium-210, also she accused him of having brought down to Donald Trump in a sexual trap to blackmail him. 
The Steele Report was discreetly given to certain journalists, politicians and spies before being published.
Hence comes the current thesis that, trying to get his puppet win the election and prevent the election of Hillary Clinton, the master of the Kremlin ordered "their" media buying advertising on Facebook and disclosure by the way of calumny against former secretary of State hypothesis now come to be confirmed by a conversation the ambassador of Australia in London with a counselor Donald Trump. 

Although it has been proven that Russia Today and Sputnik did not spend more than a few thousand dollars in advertising, also had little to do with Mrs. Clinton, the American ruling class says he is convinced that that was enough to reverse the support he had enjoyed the Democratic candidate, who spent his campaign 1 200 million.

In Washington still it believes that technological inventions allow such a degree of manipulation of human beings.

It is no longer about whether Donald Trump note that and his supporters campaigned through Facebook was because all written and audiovisual press was hostile, but to assert that Russia manipulated Facebook to prevent the election of a favorite of Washington.
The legal privilege of Google, Facebook and Twitter

In its efforts to demonstrate the interference of Moscow, the American press has highlighted the enormous privilege enjoyed by Google, Facebook and Twitter. These 3 companies are not held responsible for the content they broadcast. 
From the point of view of US law are just "carriers" (common carrier) information.
Experiments by Facebook have shown, on the one hand, it is possible to create collective emotions. 
But the company is not considered legally responsible for the contents it projects, contradiction highlights the existence of an anomaly in the system.
Especially considering that the privilege of Google, Facebook and Twitter is clearly inappropriate. 
Indeed, these three companies operate in at least two ways to modify the contents "transport". 
First, unilaterally censor certain messages, either by direct intervention of staff or by undisguised use of algorithms. 
But also promote their own version of the truth at the expense of the other views (fact-checking).
For example, in 2012, he commissioned Qatar Google Ideas, and under the command of Jared Cohen, the creation of a computer program capable of following the defections in the Syrian Arab Army. 

Objective? Show that Syria was a dictatorship and that the people had started a "revolution". But it quickly turned out that this view of things was false. The amount of desertions never went from 25 000 in an army which has 450 000 men. Is why, after having promoted this software, Google ended quietly withdrawing.

On the other hand, Google touted, for 7 years, items that echo the statements of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH) are made. 
These statements give, day after day, the exact number of victims on both sides. But they are imaginary figures because it is physically impossible to determine that amount daily. 
It never has been, in wartime, a state daily able to determine the exact number of soldiers killed in combat and civilian casualties. 
But the OSDH know, from the UK, which no one is able to determine accurately in Syria itself.
Gerard Collomb
Far from being "carriers" of information, Google, Facebook and Twitter are actually their creators and therefore should be legally responsible for their content.
The rules of freedom of expression
Even considering that the efforts of NATO and the President Macron against Russia in the audiovisual and internet plan are doomed to failure, the fact remains that it is best that new media are included in the general law.
The principles governing freedom of expression are legitimate only if they are the same for all citizens and for all media. 
The latter is not the case at this time. 
While there is an application of the general law, there are, however, specific rules, such as the right of reply or denial regarding, for messages that are disseminated through the Internet and social networks.
As always in the history of information, the media and trying to sabotage established new ones. 

I remember, for example, the editorial virulent than French newspaper Le Monde, in 2002 dedicated to my work, published online on the attacks of September 11, 2001. 

What displeases Le Monde, as well as my conclusions about these events is that the Voltaire Network is not subject to a number of financial obligations which the prisoner felt everyday. 

Fifteen years later, Le Monde shows the same attitude advocate of a clan with the creation of what he calls Le Décodex. 

Rather than criticize the articles and videos of the new media, Le Monde aims to measure the degree of reliability of the web sites that rival theirs. 

Of course, you just seem reliable websites of newspapers that are published on paper, such as Le Monde own while everyone else classifies them as unreliable.

To justify the campaign against social networks, the Jean-Jaures Foundation -Foundation the French Socialist Party linked to the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) estadounidense- just published an imaginary poll. 
This survey tries to show, exposing a series of figures that frustrated people, the working classes and supporters of the National Front are gullible people. 
According to that survey, 79% of French believe in any conspiracy theory. 
As proof of his ingenuity, the survey states that 9% of the French are convinced that the earth is flat.
Actually, neither I nor any of my French friends consulted through internet we've never met a fellow who believed that the Earth is flat. 

It is simply an invented figure, enough for anyone to doubt the study. 

What is certain is that, despite being linked to the Socialist Party of France, Jean-Jaures Foundation has always had as general secretary Gerard Collomb, now become interior minister by French President Emmanuel Macron. 

This same foundation had already published two years ago, a study to discredit political opponents of the system, calling them "conspiracy".

Thierry Meyssan 

15 de agosto de 2017

It has been predicted that this galactic event (August 21 eclipse) must take place after a major global release of a large amount of currency and the worldwide launch of GESARA this month

Sheldan Nidle's Galactic Federation Update -- August 15, 2017

8 Ik, 0 Uo, 1 Ik

Dratzo! All continues to quickly move forward. Those in the know expect that a major energy shift is to occur with this month's solar eclipse. It has been foretold that this galactic event should take place after a major global release of a vast amount of currency. This solar event would then jump-start the NESARA Republic and the worldwide kick-off of GESARA. It is this series of global events that could truly set this month apart.

Because of these anticipated events, the world would celebrate both the death of an old, illegal republic and the start of a new, peaceful worldview for Gaia. This really excites us. It can easily make it plausible for disclosure and for the beginnings of another great step toward higher consciousness for all. We welcome this eventuality with open arms. It explains why all who really understand your reality know that this first domino is very shortly expected to fall. It, of course, would quickly lead to many other necessary events.

The time is drawing near when at last we can all celebrate. The various global currencies are being readied to be exchanged and the great wealth inherent in them is to be fully realized. Take this time to know within that the wait is finally coming to an end. What lies ahead are golden opportunities to witness the changes that we have long waited for. Use these special moments to know that the wondrous transformations in your life are about to happen. Thank Heaven and all concerned for the prosperity that is to be an integral part of your life!

Truly be in joy and thank all for your coming good fortune. Much has occurred that is going to reward you! It has taken a long time to reap those rewards - years, and even decades to finally see it all ready to happen for you and your earthly companions. The feeling of a dream in action is to slowly fade and be replaced by some truly astonishing events. So be ready at long last to fully reap what was so graciously sown so long ago. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to thank Heaven and to further praise how small, golden parachutes have given you some much-needed breathing space. It is often difficult to ignore the machinations given us by the ever-fading nature of the dark ones and their minions. It is this oddity that still seems to suddenly pop up in unexpected places. Your visions continue to lead you toward resolutions that can still support your encroaching prosperity and new governance and all that comes with it.

Your visions are being hurried along. The very nature of these visions are helping to make a new reality possible. Let these new and successful efforts be the basis for the rise of this new nation. It is to be a land filled with success and the implementation of your many forms of prosperity. In this new land, let your wondrous visions be part of the efforts that are to fill this place with new freedoms, rights, joy and good works.

In this new realm, you are to finally realize the fruits of your labor. You are also to be able to aid one another, to transform your society so that everyone helps each other to gain success. Ahead is the vision you long sought to manifest. Stand back now and simply rejoice at what is to happen! This new land is to be the forerunner of the rise of global disclosure and the return of your distant forbearers. Much is yet to come!!

Today, We discussed the amazing actions of this most unusual time. Be ready in your heart to know that the moment you have longed for is approaching. Know that new governance is to arrive, and with it, reason for disclosure and all that is destined to follow. Thus, rejoice, do your sacred work and be prepared to embrace this new reality! Know, dear Ones, that the never ending and countless supply of Heaven is indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be In Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...