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15 de noviembre de 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 15, 2018

independent media

The below was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. Patience was a Virtue. Having Virtue was a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings had the power to overcome evil and change the world. A. Judy Note – What we think we know by early morning Nov. 15:
On Sun. Nov. 11 Q announced that this would be “a week to remember,” then the next day said, “Something big is about to drop.” On that same Nov. 11 the RV was said to have started, and the next day Nov. 12 China announced their Yuan was gold/asset backed. Two days later by Nov. 14 seventeen more countries’ currencies were said to be gold/asset backed, including the Iraqi Dinar and USN. In the last five days the banks reported showing new rates that were not on hold, but couldn’t be seen on a grey screen. That cover came off the night of Nov. 12 to make the new rates visible. The next day on Nov. 13 several exchanges were reported in five different states, while out West some groups were supposedly made liquid overnight Nov. 13-14.
1. With the 800#s expected at any time, Tier 5 (the general public) were said to be able to start their exchanges at the same time the Internet Tier 4 B group would start.
2. Stock Market: The RV was said to be activated as the Stock Market crashed, making the fiat federal dollar defunct. The Stock Market has been teetering on the brink since last week. Today on Nov. 14 the market opened barely in the green, quickly went red and then closed at over 300 points down for the day – the same as it had done the day before. Within this last week Apple lost over $150 billion, while just today GE lost over $5 billion.
3. NESARA/GESARA: While Trump and Right Wing forces were preparing for control of the privately owned Central Banks, White Hats in the Pentagon and military-industrial complex were readying implementation of the Global Currency Reset and NESARA/ GESARA Law.
4. Mass Arrests: According to Pentagon sources, the Democratic Party fell for a trap when they were baited to commit midterm election fraud – the illegal Treasonous acts bound to lead to their prosecutions as FISA declassification took down the House. Midterms also purged the US Senate of anti-Trump Republicans, which allowed Trump to hand-pick judges and prosecutors for the mass arrests and prosecutions. Now Attorney General Matt Whitaker could unseal the over 61,000 federal indictments on the Cabal and make the mass arrests.
5. Need for Martial Law?: Special elections would be held after top Democrats in the House were busted upon unsealing of the over 61,000 federal indictments, though nullifying midterm elections could cause civil unrest. There was ample evidence that the Cabal/ Khazarian Mafia set off California wildfires and staged mass shootings in attempts to start World War III. Thousands more illegal immigrants were still making their way to a standoff at the US border. Any one, or all, of these events could easily lead to Martial Law – which was required for the mass arrests and military trials at GITMO.
B. Nov. 14 2018 TNT Call Ray, Tony:
1. The Banks remained on Alert.
2. The Iraqi Parliament was in place, meaning the government was legally operating before the Iraqi Constitution deadline.
3. The new Iraqi banking laws would go into effect next Tues. Nov. 20.
C. Nov. 14 2018 7:04 pm EST, Philip Tilton: “Confirmations” – Philip Tilton Intel Update 11-14-18ttp:// The RV started in Hong Kong on Nov. 11. The USN went live in the banks at 11 am today Nov. 14.
D. Nov. 14 2018 2:40 am EST Democrat Plan to Corrupt Voting Results, Stone: Jim Stone Describes Democrats’ Game Plan to Corrupt Voting Results
1. For the first time in history, Eastern and Western Secret Societies have agreed to work together for the benefit of the planet, Secret Society sources say. (Judy Note: I strongly question the motivation of the Khazarian Satanist Vatican and Freemasons. See history in these articles:
2. Unlimited funding was going to be made available to fund projects, though it would probably take a few months before the actual work could begin, the sources say.
3. The Vatican and the P2 Freemasons wanted to make funds available to existing nation-states through selected individuals, P2 sources said.
4. The Chinese have already started their work through their One Belt One Road program. The White Hats in the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex are promoting their NESARA and GESARA Global Currency Reset ideas.
5. Enough money was theoretically available for all of these projects to go ahead simultaneously. However, there is agreement that any release of funds will have to be firmly connected to reality and real-world projects if we are to avoid hyperinflation or asset inflation, as we have under the current system.
6. The White Dragon Society has also put forward proposals that have been given initial approval by both Eastern and Western secret societies, WDS sources say. The WDS proposal is as follows: The creation of at least two competing future planning agencies. Each would have a governing board of seven people selected from seven regions: China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, the Muslim world, India, Africa, and the Americas. All decisions would be reached by majority vote and vetoes would be limited to individual regions.
7. Proposed headquarter locations for the Western agency are Winnipeg, Canada, the exact geographical center of North America; and Buenos Aires, Argentina (the Pope’s home). For Asia, Nara, Japan, Laos, and Singapore are being proposed. Negotiations are ongoing and no final decision has been reached.
8. Over $200 billion in gold-backed funds would be available to start the agency as soon as appropriate legal documents were prepared.
9. While this is all good news, fighting to subdue the remaining Khazarian Satanists continued in the U.S., EU, Israel, and Japan.
10. According to Pentagon sources the Democratic Party fell for a trap when they were baited to commit midterm election fraud, which would lead to their prosecutions as FISA declassification would take down the House.
11. Midterms also purged the US Senate of anti-Trump Republicans, which would allow judges and prosecutors to be appointed. Attorney General Matt Whitaker could now unseal the over 61,000 federal indictments on the Cabal and make mass arrests.
12. When top Democrats in the House are busted, special elections will be held, which may return the House to GOP control.
13. The CIA says Ginsburg will resign from the Supreme Court in Jan, giving Trump a 9-3 conservative majority.
14. There was ample evidence that the Khazarian Mafia set off California wildfires and staged mass shootings.
15. German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her resignation, leaving French President Macron the last holdout for the Khazarian Mafia in Europe.
16. Satanic Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu’s Israeli associates were indicted in a corruption scandal in the purchase of German submarines. These same Khazarians were involved in the nuclear attack and tsunami against Japan on March 11 2011. A plea bargain was expected to expose Netanyahu according to Japanese Intelligence.
17. Trump and Right Wing forces were preparing for control of the privately owned Central Banks.
Canada’s housing market is imploding, growth is slowing and it will eventually go negative like it did back in the 80’s. Caterpillar once again is reporting weakening sales. The manipulation is coming to an end – conspiracy no more for gold. JP Morgan trader turns states evidence and points to others. This is not just a one off thing. Fed is now rolling back regulations that were put into place to trick the public into thinking that the banks were strong. CNN sues White House. Bolton receives recordings from Turkey, says there is nothing in there that implicates SA. Schumer tries to protect Mueller. Deep State has been pushing fake news stories, going all out to push their agenda. Q drops more bread, says elections are being messed with. Everything will be revealed in 45. The Executive Order is the key, it lays out the plan. The Q team has been recording and gathering evidence. Watch CA. Watch everyone. It’s about to hit.
Compiled 15 Nov. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” Byington’s Before It’s News articles on a Satanic Cabal CIA & Vatican-sponsored international Pedophile Child Trafficking Ring:

27 de octubre de 2018

Intel Update (Real News) via email – “Current Intel” 10/26/18

independent media
The Saudi Crown Prince was responsible for the killing of Mr. Kashoggi and the U.S. knew it…so Treasury Secretary Mr. Mnuchin flew to that country against Trumps orders to pick up $2 Trillion to keep the matter quiet.
The Saudis gave the Secretary fake Gold Certificates labeled Manna World Trust which were worthless.
Mr. Mnuchin has been fired. (He was cabal)
While ‘The Caravan’ of mostly ‘Male Fighters’ approaches our borders to start insurrections…Hurricane Michael was steered into Florida to drive away residents and take over the land by the bad Military and cabal operatives and bring in terrorists.
Those who refused to evacuate were shot.
Katrina and Hurricane Florence were similar False Flag Operations.
Caravan people were paid between $1500 and $2000 to invade America…and be further trained in secret camps.
The corrupted military…foreign bankers and cabalists want the U.S. destroyed financially and politically. (they are failing)
Cabalists in the Military have shipped a fleet of F-22 Raptors from Tyndall AFB at Fort Walton Beach, Florida to Israel to defend against a Possible Russian attack on that Nation.
Israel is the last hold out by the cabal before GESARA compliance is complete.
HSBC tried to hack into the Manna World Trust and had their computer systems destroyed as a result.
The mail bombs were a stupid stunt by the democratic cabal who used a number of operatives in Florida and other states to frame the republicans.
It was sloppy and it has failed.
Gitmo is now finished and ready for its new occupants.
Arrests will begin after the election.
You will see troop movements all over the U.S. and not just the borders.
The military is planning to exterminate the secret cells hiding all over the U.S.
The 5 G system will be destroyed and GMO crops ripped from the soil to save mankind from their ill effects.
The Galactics are preparing to hit earthlings with a purple beam that will join the right and left brains of humanity allowing for growth and ascension to the 4th Dimension.
The Med Beds are coming along rapidly and will be updated when they are ready.
Life extension technology will be here soon to allow us to live ages of 900 to 1500 years as we did in the past. (Moses was 800)
Arizonians have been seeing UFO ships in the sky.
They number over 900 and are being staged to help us.
Pedophile Bob Hope liked little black boys…(one was Michael Jackson)…he and Walt Disney worked as a team sometimes.
Two Billion years ago a gigantic meteor of Graphite hit Southern Africa and has been protected by the Bantu Tribes for centuries.
From this…comes ‘Graphene’ which is the strongest…lightest and best heat conducting metal on earth.
In 2016 Disney made a film called ‘Graphine Vibranium’ so that folks could understand what this means to mankind.
Money and Banks were created by the Malevolent Draconians committed to stealing the wealth of humanity and enslaving us.
‘The Positive Alliance’ is finishing up the job of repelling the soulless beings from other galaxies known as the ‘Sirius Draconians’ or ‘Saturnalia Anglo Saxons’ known as ‘Satan’ in the bible.
Great wealth will be released into the new QFS (Quantum Financial System) of the BRICS Alliance headquartered in Bejing, Moscow, New Delhi, Rio De Janeiro and the Great Zimbabwe.
Its wealth is estimated at $1 followed by 68 zeroes.
We now know…that the dark cabal plan…for the people of earth…was to kill us all off…and leave ‘the Elites’ with all of the wealth.
But it is their bosses at the Vatican (the secret ancient family bloodlines) and finally the real perpetrators who are the Dracos…Mantids…Archons…and nasty Chimera Group extraterrestrials (who consider Earth a ‘Gem of the Galaxy’) who are behind it all.
Almost everything that you have been told or taught is a lie…as you will eventually see.
Over 85% of the cloning facilities have destroyed.
All research facilities that are not beneficial to mankind will be shut down. (no matter where they are on this planet)
The Military is planning this operation now.
Source: era of light

16 de octubre de 2018


Who is responsible for climate change? 

Politicians, construction companies or land? 

1. The construction to continue their activity needs new floor 

2. The government of the nation creates laws by consensus parliament to approve 

3. The construction with the money earned by building a block of flats in note government, whether national, regional or municipal ara reclassify land for the agricultural sector. 

4. The construction contract services agency survey to calculate the density of the site. 

5. agency is working with the builder to manipulate the results in this field can be built.

6. (who pays the piper calls) the builder takes the dossier to management for discussion and approval. 

7. Mayors, councilors, ministers, secretaries of state all charge to be approved in plenary. 

8. On the ground there are rivers, streams, underground streams that make it difficult firmness of the building. 

9. divert the river to build new homes. 

10. In times of rain when it falls a lot of water, the river follows its natural course causing major flooding and damage causing tens of thousands of €. 

11. Whose responsibility for the disaster? 

12.- Construction companies and government blame climate change it. 


enough already !! CLIMATE CHANGE DOES NOT EXIST !! 

We must claim the damages caused by nature to construction and politicians. They are responsible

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

21 de septiembre de 2018

How Many “Swamp Critter” Heads Will Roll When Trump’s Declassified Order Of Specific Documents Is Fulfilled?

freemedia eraoflightdotcom
Listen to what Dobbs and Farrell think may happen regarding President Trump’s order to declassify specific documents.
The Deep State players now are in a Catch 22 position: How can, or do they, protect themselves / each other, plus not disclose an apparent treasonous [a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country] or possible seditious [actions or words intended to provoke or incite rebellion against government authority, or actual rebellion against government authorityagenda?
Recall the famous Hillary Clinton quote after her massive meltdown from being interviewed by Matt Lauer.
“If that f – – – ing bastard [Trump] wins, we all hang from nooses!”
7:57 minutes

“Orders to Crush Matt Lauer”
Are there any dots to connect?
Lou Dobbs & Chris Farrell
Rosenstein Needs to be Fired for Suppressing FISA Docs 
5:27 minutes
“They can release all the records within a week, if they wanted to.”

11 de septiembre de 2018

* Open letter from a retired Political Parties: *

* We are not asking anything that is not already ours. * 

* Everything you see now around you we did. * 

* We raise a country that came from a dictatorship. * 

* We had to be healing wounds that did not heal, but found . a way to live with them * 

* we help our parents until the end of his days: There was no aid, were the children who drew the chariot *. 

* we take forward our families with many children and few resources *. 

* work from sunrise to sunset in towns and cities. And we build today Spain gobernáis you, as if it were just yours. *

* Took up our children to one, we have mitigated economic crisis, bringing our grandchildren, sharing macaroni, weaving family not crumble in despair . * 

You have no right to ask for more sacrifices. * 

* We have what it behooves us: a pension that allows us to live with dignity *. * Honorable Members Get to work as we did and resolve their problems. Review all their salaries and annuities. His travels, their diets, their advisors, their fees added contracts. Reduce expenses starting with you . * * Do not go on the street now in the demonstrations, to make electoral propaganda. *

* Do not use Congress as if it were a circus, a tawdry comedy, insults, insults and bad jokes. Does not make us any funny to see how aggressive tone of rage, use in their debates- can say the same with education and keeping his composure . *

* Prove they are worthy of the trust we have placed them. * 
* And if not they do, they will find their parents on the street. They would have to drop their heads in shame. *

* We are a generation of fighters. They will notablekeepmouths shut. It would be terrible to have to be us again that we have to take the bull by the horns. *

* Demonstrate all facts, looking for this group of retirees and let us live with dignity, at this stage of life. *

* Enjoy yourself, we are outraged and offended many: for q our voices heard, and they drop their heads in shame *.

21 de julio de 2018

Dick Bove: Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve

President Trump sharply criticized the Federal Reserve this week, saying interest rate increases are hurting the economy.
Trump will have the opportunity to fashion the central bank in the image he would like as he has four vacancies to fill on the board of governors.
The result could be a more politicized Fed.
Richard X. BovePublished 19 Hours Ago Updated 13 Hours

President Donald Trump has multiple reasons as to why he should take control of the Federal Reserve. He will do so both because he can and because his broader policies argue that he should do so. The president is anti-overregulating American industry. The Fed is a leader in pushing stringent regulation on the nation. By raising interest rates and stopping the growth in the money supply it stands in the way of further growth in the American economy.

First, He Can

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is required to have seven members. It has three. Two of the current governors were put into their position by President Trump. Two more have been nominated by the president and are awaiting confirmation by the Senate. After these two are put on the Fed’s board, the president will then nominate two more to follow them. In essence, it is possible that six of the seven Board members will be put in place by Trump.

The Federal Open Market Committee has 12 members and sets the nation’s monetary policy. Seven of the 12 are the members of the Board of Governors. Five additional are Federal Reserve district bank presidents. Other than the head of the Fed bank in New York, who was nominated by the president, the other four can only take their positions as district bank presidents if the board in Washington agrees to their hiring. One of these, the Fed Bank president in Minneapolis, Neel Kashkari, is already arguing for no further rate increases.

Second, Regulation

Following the passage of the Dodd Frank Act in July 2010, the Fed was given enormous power to regulate the banking industry. It moved quickly to implement a number of new rules. The Fed set up a system that would penalize banks that failed to obey its new rules. These rules included setting limits as to how big an individual bank could be; how much money the banks had to invest in fed funds and Treasurys as a percent of their assets; which loans were desirable and which were not; where the banks had to obtain their funding and many, many, more up to and including how much a bank could pay its investors in dividends.

These rules have meaningfully slowed bank investments in the economy (the Volcker Rule) and they have had a crippling effect on bank lending in the housing markets (other agencies have had an impact here also).

Thus, of all of the government agencies the Fed has been possibly the most restrictive. The president has already moved to correct these excesses by putting in place a new Fed Governor (Randal Quarles) to regulate the banking industry.

Three, Killing Economic Growth

In the second quarter of 2018, the growth in non-seasonally adjusted money supply (M2) has been zero. That’s right, the money supply did not grow at all. This is because the Fed is shrinking its balance sheet ultimately by $50 billion per month. In addition, the Fed has raised interest rates seven times since Q4 2015. Supposedly there are five more rate increases coming.

This is the tightest monetary policy since Paul Volcker headed the institution in the mid-1980s. It will be recalled his policies led to back-to-back recessions. Current Fed monetary policy is directly in conflict with the president’s economic goals.

Moreover, the Treasury is estimating it will pay $415 billion in interest on the federal debt in this fiscal year. A better estimate might be $450 billion if rates keep going up. There are a lot of bridges and tunnels and jobs that could be created with this money.

Then there is inflation. It is likely to rise if the Fed eases its policies. If that happens paying down the federal debt becomes easier. On a less desirable note, higher interest rates lower real estate values. Lower rates that stimulate inflation increase real estate values.

Bottom Line

The president can and will take control of the Fed. It may be recalled when the law was written creating the Federal Reserve the secretary of the Treasury was designated as the head of the Federal Reserve. We are going to return to that era. Like it or not the Fed is about to be politicized

20 de julio de 2018



July 18, 2018 Site Administrator


Thanks to my former colleagues of the Intelligence Community, with whom I worked in my years with the Joint Task Force against Terrorism of the FBI, both inside and outside the US. UU., I am pleased to be the ONLY means of communication that can inform this extraordinary information. . .

The template has finally ended. Dominoes are in a position to be shot down. The "elite" has telephoned, faxed and emailed many of them directly to jail, or worse. (When the public finds out, it's probably "worse").

At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between the Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA. UU., The Russians gave Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian intelligence interceptions exposing horrifying activities of many, many people to deliberately encourage social, cultural and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, defamation of the media, false scandals and false news.

Some of those interceptions reveal who has been financing weapons, supplies, travel, hotels, rental of vehicles and safe communication equipment for terrorist groups, within Syria, Iraq and terrorist attacks in Europe and the USA. UU

Among the intercepted communications are mainly international phone calls, faxes, emails from members of the US Congress. US, US Senate UU., Federal judges, statewide elected officials from California, Oregon, Washington, New York (City and State), New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia. Once those communications left the United States, they became a fair game for any country to spy on.

A large number of these communications were encrypted, but Russia has found a way to BREAK much of the encryption! And as part of their effort to improve relations with Trump, they provided the original encrypted versions of the intercepts AND the key that deciphers them so that the US. UU They can use interceptions obtained in the USA. UU (Which can still be encrypted) along with the decryption provided by Russia, key to prove that the information is accurate and not edited!

Numerous high-ranking officials and wealthy acquaintances have been caught red-handed scheming together and with foreign governments along with radical left-wing billionaires inside and outside the United States, to encourage and fund extraordinary acts of political, social and cultural chaos. including riots, violent attacks, political unrest and more.

Some high-level managers in giant social media companies have literally received millions of dollars in rewards to establish or use company policies that are not up to the radar to impose severe censorship on certain points of view and silence certain people ; Many times without the knowledge or consent of the most senior executives or boards of these companies. These pay real USURP executive power in some giant social networks.

The producers, editors and some writers of the high level media in the USA. UU., The United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe have received large sums of money in order to launch smears of fake media. Push scandals. Create and report FALSE news. All to sew dissent, encourage agitation, cause political and social instability. When this information is revealed. MAIN (As REALLY HIGHER) the news stores will be completely ruined. The actions of your company (or your parent company) will plummet to zero because your credibility, your credibility, will be completely destroyed. Advertising revenues will plummet because the public simply will not trust these outlets anymore.

A very significant number of people from the COMMUNITY OF INTELLIGENCE OF THE UNITED STATES also, unfortunately, are trapped. Now it is clear that there is a group of people within the US Intelligence Community. UU They have been misusing their positions to do things that they were never authorized to do; the kind of things that cause people to be accused, judged, condemned and ... . . executed under our federal legal system! Yes, you read correctly: certain specific Intel people could literally face the death penalty for some of the things that have now been positively trapped.

And what is more sad, too few high-ranking US military officials have been discovered. Intercepts from field communications are going to send some of those officers to Leavenworth for the rest of their lives.

In addition, a very significant number of employees / officers within the US Department of State. UU They have coordinated activities like the one that will make the American people go back in horror. In fact, they told me explicitly

"Foggy Bottom (the nickname of the State Department) is becoming THE epicenter of evil for many things."

Worst of all, some of the Signal Intelligences captured certain known people within the United States Department of Justice.

What these people have done will certainly crush the reputation of the legal system for decades.

Not just some people within Amilies civilly. At the highest levels of these intersections are supposedly names like Soros, Rothschilds and others very recognizable.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump met this week in Helsinki, Finland, for about two hours in private. Without staff

Without help. Without means. During that meeting, Putin presented the internal workings of the vast global network of "elites" and the activities they have carried out to bring wars, refugees, all kinds of social and political chaos to countries around the world, much of it in I know. UU

Russia even provided tables showing "organizational" structures (which are not really "organizations" but more de facto operational realities); who has the task of what topics or activities, how much has been paid and by whom.

Real copies of communications and interceptions of signals with decoded recordings of telephone calls, decryption of "secure" fax transmissions, decryption of encrypted e-mails.

Great reports on money transactions through bank transfer, control numbers, account names, amounts, dates and purposes. . . and the recipient's information as well.

In total, more than 160 TERABYTES of this type of data were delivered to President Trump in the form of 1 Terabyte USB flash drives.

The USB drives are HyperX® Predator 3.0 DataTraveler® HyperX® USB flash drives containing 1 terabyte of data each.

The level of criminal conspiracy is so huge, and the global scale and scope of these efforts is so gigantic that it stuns the mind. industry titans are also involved.

I can also report that the heads of the Union occupy a prominent place at the intersections.BREXIT

The opposition to BREXIT is being financed and orchestrated by people on BOTH SIDES of British politics and the motivation is twofold: they want Britain to stay in Europe to diminish its power and HATE the royal family.

According to the information that was provided to me, some of the most virulent Torie "leftovers" joked with like-minded Labor members about "wishing the day would come when Great Britain would squander the archaic monarchy and come under total rule." The EU. "

These are CHOSEN officers who are literally trying to destroy the sovereignty of their own country!

The Clintons have changed, Bill and Hillary have been under surveillance since Bill was elected president for the first time in 1992.

Almost ALL the dirty deals, allegedly rejected, alleged estrangement, and some things that were described to me as "the last acts (in the plural) of a nefarious nature" are clearly registered and indexed by Russia. Now, I have been told, President Trump has it all.

Hidden secret work. Confusing elements within the Trump Administration (which have sworn to keep the most absolute secrecy, even ordered to categorically deny the mere existence of this material to maintain security) are the task of ordering, analyzing and cataloging all the activities delivered by Russia; paying special attention to any activity that results in violence, death or property damage, in order to be able to prosecute ALL conspirators on the basis of any final result of violence or loss / damage to property.

Whether the Conspirators wanted such acts or not, the same acts "were a foreseeable consequence" of their efforts, making them ALL the culprits.

Working from the top, these elements of trust within the Trump Administration will take every effort and follow it to the final results, documenting any act of violence at the state level, which makes ALL the participants in all that effort subject to the charges. of Conspiracy.

The conspiracy is the probable charge instead of carrying cases of Corrupted Organization Influenced by the Ripper (RICO), because RICO cases require predicate offenses that often had not occurred.

I asked if any of these tests can really be used in court since none was obtained through Order? They told me that EVERYTHING is admissible because the United States did not request the information and did not participate in its illegal obtaining! Therefore, there is no "fruit of a poison tree" to block admissibility!

Comments from Hal Turner Literally HUNDREDS of ultra rich and / or high profile people are about to have their entire existence trapped in the wheels of justice. And as a person who has been caught in the wheels of justice myself,

 I can say that those wheels can turn slowly, but they RECTIFY everything and everyone they meet.

I still do not know the facts or particular incidents covered by this material.

I have been told to wait for information, but they did not tell me any time.

It seems that the Putin-Trump meeting in Helsinki has become, in fact, the worst nightmare of a large number of people.

Before the summit, many people made extraordinary efforts to try to completely derail the meeting.

Before the summit, many people made extraordinary efforts to try to completely derail the meeting.

After the meeting, these people and their henchmen make a lot of noise about everything they can.

They are worried about being caught.

They think they can be caught. I can report tonight, they are right to worry; They are trapped! They think that creating distractions through scandals will prevent them from being carried out explainable.

It will not. The template is active. The dominoes are about to fall. Some of these people would do well to order their affairs and commit suicide.

Because when the truth comes out about what you have been doing and the things you have done, your world will be destroyed by the legal system. All your existence, your fortunes and your name will be ruined forever. false-flag-chemical-attacks-in-syria-sabotage-of-brexit-nef /q

15 de julio de 2018

Mr. Ed's Intel Update via Email - "Intel Compilation" - July 14, 2018

Received via email from Mr. Ed.....

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Intel Compilation" 7/14/18

The Deep State are trying any way they can to discredit / eliminate Trump.

Trump was asked to run in 2013 by the military to stamp out the monsters in D.C.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt confiscated our parents gold and silver. (the Great Depression of 1929 was a False Flag)

"Delano" was a Chinese Drug Lord in charge of the Territorial United States heroin and opium trade in China.

The Rothschilds are taking out insurance policies on key employees and killing them to collect. (so far 2000 have died suspiciously)

Russia is telling its people about the extraterrestrials.

66% of Russians believe in a shadow government that runs things and it is real. (most Americans are clueless)

Under the new Quantum Financial System, monies are being transferred in a 24 hour time frame instead of 5 days.

It has proven to be unhackable by the cabal banksters.

Credit card theft is been put to bed.

Microsoft used stolen money to get started. (Gate's future is iffy)

Arizona has given out free energy devices already.

Quantum Computers will be coming which are far superior to our present systems which will become obsolete.

Trump and Putin are meeting to accept the surrender of the Queen and Dracos.

Coffee Beans and Chocolate will not grow on any other planet except earth.

There are around 200 million races in the universe.

Here are the ones that are here on earth:

  • Andromedans - 17,000

  • Atlanteans - not known

  • Ant people - not known

  • Elephant people - 27,000

  • Lyrans - 66,000

  • Myans - 10,000

  • P Talls - 5,000

Presently alien teams are rooting out underground aliens mostly in the western U.S.

By this fall much will be uncovered.

The Jet Blue incident (at JFK a few weeks ago) was an attempt by the deep state to hijack that flight and create another 911 type incident. (the secret service had figured all of this out and the incident was averted)

A new electrical transfer system is coming to every home so no more cords to any appliance as it will work similar to WIFI. (wireless)

The Deep State has contractors accepting weak and flawed airplane parts for commercial and military equipment (procured as far back as the 1990's) and slipped into the construction and repair segments of our economy to create an incident to get WW3 started by blaming another nation.

General Kelly led a task force that discovered that the White House and Air Force One had been compromised.

That is why there was an overhaul of the White House and all commercial and military aircraft in 2017.

Unfortunately some planes slipped through and crashes since then have been occurring.

The snake at the top of this is Mr. Rosenstein who is in the cross hairs of congressional committees.

Hilton Hotels have been laundering money for the cabal. (which is ending)

Paris Hilton's rise to fame after contributing nothing of value to the country was no accident. (same as the Kardashians)

The corrupted New York Times is in the cross hairs of the alliance.

Rockefeller thanked NY Times (and other media) for not divulging the cabal's plans of conquest of America.

General Alexander Haig wrote the 911 attack plan.

The Rothschilds hired SERCO to kill and wager false flag events.

Lockheed Martin and Ace Elevator were involved in the explosions of 911.

Bill Clinton had General John Shalikashvili transfer all of America's weapons programs to China in 1997.

The DOD stated that it will not allow a civil war in america.

Galactics have neutralized all nukes on earth. (years ago)

Arrests of high cabal is averaging 1000 + per week.

The Rothschilds are hiding underground at their Switzerland castle. (the Chinese want their stolen gold back or else)

Sealed indictments at 40,000 growing to 81,000 later this year.

IRS will be forced to return monies taken from Americans through their phony tax system and paid to the queen and Fed officials.

Lloyds of London makes $5M on your death. (via your "Birth Certificate") (the hospital gets $1M of that)

Doctors get $500,000 per Chemo Patient. (remember cancer is man made)

Big Pharma also cashes in on individual deaths. (They hold a $1M insurance policy on every American)

The Fires in Arizona are from underground bases being taken out.

Stay away from Dust Devils as the ones with 'large bases' are Portals. (you could wind up in another world)

Many Pleiadians are now coming to earth.

Jacob Rothschild...David Rockefeller...George Soros...Zig Brzezinski and Bill Gates are dead. (so are Hillary and Bill but they are cloned)

The FBI, CIA and DOJ are now thoroughly cleansed.

Mueller has actually been working for the good guys. (his father was a 3rd Reich Nazi under Hitler)

NATO will be disbanded and replaced by a 'World Protection Force' composed of U.S. / EU / Russia / China / North Korea.

Planetary extinction of over 2000 species and types will be halted along with the deforestation, mining and pollution of our planet.

The aquatic extraterrestrials have been cleaning up our oceans for us.

The Main Stream Media (MSM) will be purified.

The 'drug cartels' in Mexico are being ended.

Alphabet Agencies to be terminated:


It has taken 39 years to identify and correct the Cabal problem in America. (Europe is next)

International Bounty Hunters will work the rest of the planet and earn millions hunting down rogue and corrupted individuals.

Currently there are 230,000 nationwide arrest warrants, 35,000 sealed Indictments, and 25,000 asset freezes and seizures.

Future bank interest rates will be at zero or possibly 1%.

The IRS funneled $780 Billion to the Rothschilds last year who are now admitting that they have lost control of the world financial system.

The main CIA Headquarters is in Switzerland and not Langley Virginia.

All 'Off World Trade' has been stopped.

Oil will be worthless in a few years because of coming new technologies. (it is not a fossil fuel)

The deserts and Grand Canyon were created by weapons of the past which were very sophisticated.

This relates to the 13,000 year 'Cycle' that are planned by the Dracos whereby civilizations evolve and get destroyed.

We are at the end of the 6th 'Cycle' (and were to be destroyed) by that will not happen this time. (the loop system has lasted 78,000 years)

Nancy Pelosis' Dad was a Baltimore mob boss and Hillarys' dad took over after Al Capone was dethroned.

'Tranny' Valerie Jarrett was assistant chief of staff for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley years ago, and Obama and Michele were under her and ran human trafficking.

Neil Diamond was arrested for pedophilia and the making of porn and snuff films. (just one example of why we have sealed indictments)

24 de junio de 2018

FRIGHTENING! The new RULERS over humanity?

Everyone Must Know This 
Before it is Deleted! (2018-2019)

Jun 23, 2018

12 de abril de 2018

Spanish MPs complain that citizens promueveun coup in Venezuela

Solidarity with Venezuela

United We Can, Esquerra Republicana de Catalonia and the Basque party EH Bildu, demanding respect election results in Venezuela and expressed their full support for managing mediation of former Spanish President Zapatero
(Special / Madrid) Given the continued attack by the Spanish right against Venezuela in the Spanish Congress, on Tuesday, did not wait the reaction of members of leftist parties, who exigieronrespeto the sovereignty of the Bolivarian people, the legitimate decision It will take in the elections next May 20 and accused the party Citizens to promote conditions to favor a coup against Venezuelan democracy.
The issue of Venezuela returned to the Spanish parliament, this time by an initiative of the rightist party Citizens ask the Popular Party government to lead the pressure on the European Union to which it applies more illegitimate unilateral actions against the Venezuelan people and not known in advance results of the coming elections.
The first to respond to this motion was the Basque deputy Oskar Matute, Euskal Herria Bildu party, who considered the citizens' initiative as interference in the political life of Venezuela "that instead of contributing to a democratic dialogue seeks to hinder it."
He charged that the policies implemented by the Bolivarian government to move forward and solve the economic problems of the whole society, "are being hampered very clearly" and warned that Spain "to Venezuela is used as a smokescreen to cover up scandals corruption and accusations of drug trafficking to finance parties in this state. "
Then intervened Joan Tarda, Catalan deputy party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya who accused Citizens of "torpedoing Venezuelan democracy, contributing to the worsening conditions of Venezuelans" to request further sanctions against this nation.
"Cynically they call to ignore the elections of May 20, when a demanding year and clamored ago. Urge more blocking, more violence to create the conditions for a coup, for which aim to bury the culture of dialogue ".
For his part diputadoPablo Bustinduy spokesman Unidos Podemos Parliamentary Group in the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Congress, called the motion input by citizens as "an affront to the most basic principles of international relations".
About the application to ignore the upcoming Venezuelan elections, Bustinduy said to be left in the hands of technicians international observation denouncing any irregularities if any. "And if they conclude that the elections were not clean, can be reported and up not recognized. Something is happening in Hungary, right here in the European Union where Viktor Orbán, xenophobic and anti-Semitic leader, known for persecuting journalists, refugees and opponents, just bulldoze in an election amid allegations of serious irregularities, but have heard a word until the Citizens date and of course the Popular Party parliamentary group shares with Mr. Orbán in Brussels. "
He recalled that the last 24 elections in Venezuela have had international support, "and even the Spanish parliament itself sent a delegation in 2013 that endorsed the outcome in a declaration signed by the PP, the PSOE, among others. And President Rodriguez Zapatero was as an international observer in the elections of 2015 when he won the opposition.. "
"Why citizens do not want these elections are recognized months before they happen ?, why in the negotiation process between the government and the opposition in Santo Domingo Venezuelan opposition ended up divided, and some decided at the last minute not sign the agreement and boycott the elections and another part itself signed and presented against Maduro? "he asked.
"Citizens has decided to support the hardest fraction of the Venezuelan opposition and today asked the government and the Congress to do the same. Citizens never supported the dialogue process and a year ago at a meeting of control in this Congress, asked the government to withdraw its support for the mediation of Zapatero. And they never mentioned the words dialogue, mediation or agreement. "
"No democratic elections or dialogue without proposing nothing but exacerbate the economic strangulation the Venezuelan people, which guarantees ultimately is that a coup in Venezuela, and openly call for the sectors of the Venezuelan opposition that you support is given, as demanded by the most extremist government Trump hawks, as he tried to do military who hijacked a helicopter and bombing the Supreme Court. I have not found a single statement of Citizens condemned these acts. "
"Why ask for more sanctions to stifle further the Venezuelan people, but do not ask for sanctions against the government of Israel, that exemplary democracy that has cold-bloodedly murdered 30 people in the last ten days, including a journalist, who imprisons children without trial and has been built according to the United Nations an apartheid regime. "
He reminded citizens and especially the PP that the positions that defend against Venezuela are not new. "They are the same who supported the coup in Venezuela in 2002 and after the coup in Honduras and Paraguay are the same that support today coup continued in Brazil without that you have said anything about it, "he said after expressing overwhelming support for President Lula Da Silva." we say here today Lula, that their struggle is the struggle of any democrat in the world and that democracy in Brazil will open the way because it's over time coups in Latin America. "
Finally he expressed pride and gratitude of the coalition of United We Can "for the mediation effort of President Rodriguez Zapatero and that any solution to the crisis in Venezuela must be peaceful and will for dialogue, agreement and democracy. It is a pity that Mr. Trump, Mr. Aznar and Mr. Rivera, do not think the same. Hopefully Spain's foreign policy never fall into their hands. " 

Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere

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